0.1.10 | 2021年7月12日 |
0.1.9 | 2021年1月12日 |
#267 in 数学
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7.5K SLoC
控制GH-CJDS66 60MHz信号发生器
版权所有 © 2020-2021 Jeremy Carter jeremy@jeremycarter.ca
这是一个非官方项目,完全实现了“酷冷tron升级版60MHz DDS信号发生器计数器,高精度双通道任意波形函数发生器频率计200MSa/s(60MHz)型号:GH-CJDS66-FU”的官方通信规范(除了一些规范错误,您可以在以下提交消息中了解: 713b026a4e10807d23f7436d26649dcc4c584019)
Linux lsusb
ID 1a86:7523 QinHeng Electronics CH340 serial converter
此库作为crates.io上的Rust crate发布,以便您可以在自己的项目中轻松使用它
https://crates.io/crates/signal-gen-cjds66-lib -
https://docs.rs/signal-gen-cjds66-lib -
signal-gen-cjds66文档(开发版本) -
signal-gen-cjds66-lib = { version = "0.1" }
- 重要:请注意,此crate使用三部分版本号,例如
代码示例 - 打印设备的型号和序列号
/*! A basic usage example for the library.
Control one signal generator device on
Linux or Windows. Print the device's
model number and serial number.
extern crate signal_gen_cjds66_lib;
extern crate clap;
use signal_gen_cjds66_lib::command::*;
use signal_gen_cjds66_lib::error;
use signal_gen_cjds66_lib::error::From;
use signal_gen_cjds66_lib::serial::*;
use clap::ErrorKind;
/// The main entrypoint.
fn main() {
/* Call the main logic function, and save the
result, which will either be Ok(0) on success,
or some type of error.
let res = real_main();
/* Exit the program, returning an appropriate
exit code to the parent shell or execution
environment. This is important so whoever
ran this program (a bash or batch script maybe)
can check if anything went wrong while the
program was running, and react accordingly.
/* If there was an error, get the proper
exit code for it, to return on exit.
|e| e.code, // Get the numeric error exit code (non-zero).
|code| code, // Or, get the success exit code (0).
/** The main logic area. Rust is a bit weird so it's
better in this case to have this function separate
from main().
fn real_main() -> Result<i32, error::Error> {
// An error variable, to specify if an error happened.
let mut err: Option<error::Error> = None;
/* Choose the serial device location depending
on which operating system you're using.
HINT: You can put more than one device location
in each of these arrays if you'd like to control
multiple devices in sequence.
NOTE: The values listed below are the default values
used by the first connected serial device on my
Linux and Windows systems. If you get a connection
error when you run this code, make sure your signal
generator is plugged into your computer and powered
If you still have a connection error, you'll probably
need to find the correct path for your system and
change the values below so they are pointing at the
correct device.
let devices =
if cfg!(unix) { // If running on Linux (or UNIX).
} else if cfg!(windows) { // If running on Windows.
} else { // If unsure of the operating system.
/* Iterate over each device path you configured above,
and perform operations on each device sequentially.
This example is only connecting to one device, but you
can add more above if you want.
for device in &devices {
/* A new error varialbe (an alias really), borrowing a mutable
reference to our error variable from above, and storing it in
an immutable binding.
let err = &mut err;
/* Establish a serial connection to the signal generator device,
with all the correct communication options configured. The
second parameter to the `SerialPortType::new()` function should
always be false unless we are making a fake connection for
testing purposes, which is currently only useful for the crate's
automated test suite.
println!("\nOpening communication link with device: {}\n", device);
let opened = SerialPortType::new(device, false).map_or_else(
// If opening the device failed, return an error.
|e| {
Err(error::Error::with_description(&format!("(device: {}): {}: make sure the device is connected and turned on, or try specifying a different device path with -d /path/to/device", device, e), clap::ErrorKind::Io))
/* If the device was opened successfully, go on to run some
commands which operate on the device.
|mut port| {
// A new error variable, just for this inner scope.
let mut err: Option<error::Error> = None;
/* Get the model and serial numbers from the device
(verbose version). The second parameter on the
`get_model_and_serial()` function enables
"verbose output mode" when you pass in a number
higher than 0.
Note that this function, and all the other ones
which communicate with the signal generator, are
defined in the `command` module, and are imported
into the global scope in this file by this line
near the top of the file:
`use signal_gen_cjds66_lib::command::*;`
println!("\nGetting the device's model number and serial number, with verbose output mode enabled...\n");
get_model_and_serial(&mut port, 1)
|e| {
// If there was a problem, report the error.
err = Some(error::Error::from_clap_error(e));
println!("{}", err.as_ref().unwrap());
/* Get model and serial number from the device
(non verbose version). Notice the second
parameter to the `get_model_and_serial()`
function below is 0 this time, which turns off
"verbose output mode".
NOTE: Every function in the `command` module
accepts the same type of "verbose" parameter,
although it's not always the second parameter,
rather, it's usually the last one.
println!("\nGetting the device's model number and serial number, with verbose output mode disabled...\n");
get_model_and_serial(&mut port, 0)
|e| {
// If there was a problem, report the error.
err = Some(error::Error::from_clap_error(e));
println!("{}", err.as_ref().unwrap());
println!(""); // Line break for nicer output.
/* Return Ok(0) on success, or an error if there were
err.map_or_else(|| { Ok(0) }, |v| { Err(v) })
/* If we can't connect to a certain device, skip it and continue
with any remaining devices we haven't tried yet.
if opened.is_err() {
*err = opened.map_or_else(
|e| {
// If there was a problem, report the error.
if e.kind == ErrorKind::Io {
println!("{}", e);
|_val| None,
/* If there was a problem during any of the above operations,
return the error to the parent function.
if err.is_some() {
} else { // Otherwise, return Ok(0) to indicate success.
cargo run --release --example basic-usage
~65K SLoC