#search #crates #command-line #tiny #utility #cargo #version

app scrutch

小巧的工具,可以直接从命令行搜索 Rust 包

6 个版本

使用旧的 Rust 2015

0.0.6 2018年4月8日
0.0.5 2018年4月7日
0.0.4 2015年9月7日


MIT 许可证



小巧的工具,可以直接从命令行搜索 Rust 包。输出显示所有必要的信息,并使用颜色区分,使其更清晰。

就像输入 scrutch -h 一样简单

Scrutch - Crates Search

  scrutch [--info] <query>
  scrutch (-h | --help)
  scrutch --version

  -h --help     Show this screen.
  --version     Show version.
  --info        Show complete details of the crates.

这个软件是一个快速制作的黑客工具,但我正在使用它,并计划使用 rustbox 实现一个合适的界面。信息直接从 crates.io 获取。


编译 libcurl 需要。

然后克隆仓库并使用 cargo 编译就足够了

$ git clone https://github.com/mseri/scrutch
$ cd scrutch
$ cargo build --release

Scrutch 可以通过 cargo 本身运行,或者将其复制到本地路径并作为独立应用程序运行。


$ scrutch serialize
scrutch: 10 crates found with query: "serialize"

rustc-serialize      = "0.3.16" (downloads: 292822)
serde                = "0.6.0"  (downloads: 22667)
serde_json           = "0.6.0"  (downloads: 5302)
rmp                  = "0.7.0"  (downloads: 461)
serial               = "0.2.0"  (downloads: 385)
dbus-serialize       = "0.1.1"  (downloads: 210)
serial-win           = "0.1.1"  (downloads: 148)
rmp-serde            = "0.7.0"  (downloads: 27)
rmp-serialize        = "0.7.0"  (downloads: 19)
scrutch              = "0.0.3"  (downloads: 1)
$ scrutch serialize --info
scrutch: 10 crates found with query: "serialize"

rustc-serialize = "0.3.16"  (downloads: 292822)
 -> Generic serialization/deserialization support corresponding to the
`derive(RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable)` mode in the compiler. Also includes
support for hex, base64, and json encoding and decoding.
    docs: https://doc.rust-lang.net.cn/rustc-serialize
    home: https://github.com/rust-lang/rustc-serialize

serde = "0.6.0" (downloads: 22667)
 -> A generic serialization/deserialization framework
    docs: https://serde-rs.github.io/serde/serde/serde/index.html

serde_json = "0.6.0"  (downloads: 5302)
 -> A JSON serialization file format
    docs: https://serde-rs.github.io/json/serde_json/

rmp = "0.7.0" (downloads: 461)
 -> Pure Rust MessagePack serialization implementation
    docs: https://3hren.github.io/msgpack-rust/rmp/index.html

serial = "0.2.0"  (downloads: 385)
 -> Rust library for accessing serial ports.
    docs: https://dcuddeback.github.io/serial-rs/serial/
    home: https://github.com/dcuddeback/serial-rs

dbus-serialize = "0.1.1"  (downloads: 210)
 -> Encoder / Decoder for D-Bus Types
    docs: http://srwalter.github.io/dbus-serialize/doc/dbus_serialize/types/index.html

serial-win = "0.1.1"  (downloads: 148)
 -> Serial communications in Windows
    docs: http://bryal.github.io/serial-win-rs/serial_win/

rmp-serde = "0.7.0" (downloads: 27)
 -> Serde bindings for RMP
    docs: https://3hren.github.io/msgpack-rust/rmp/index.html

rmp-serialize = "0.7.0" (downloads: 19)
 -> Rust Serialize bindings for RMP
    docs: https://3hren.github.io/msgpack-rust/rmp/index.html

scrutch = "0.0.3" (downloads: 1)
 -> Tiny utility to search rust crates directly from the command line
    docs: https://github.com/mseri/scrutch
    home: https://github.com/mseri/scrutch


这个工具从未更新,因为它仍然工作正常。很愿意找时间更新代码,使其更加现代化和符合 Rust 的惯例。


~504K SLoC