#byte #immutability #endian #pread #pwrite

无 std scroll


15 个版本 (重大更改)

0.12.0 2024 年 1 月 1 日
0.11.0 2022 年 1 月 2 日
0.10.2 2020 年 10 月 9 日
0.10.1 2019 年 11 月 3 日
0.1.0 2016 年 11 月 23 日

#18 in 数据结构

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Actions crates.io version

Scroll - 施放一些魔法

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添加到您的 Cargo.toml

scroll = "0.11"


Scroll 为读/写泛型容器(目前默认实现为字节缓冲区)实现了多个特质。最熟悉的可能就是 Pread 特质,它基本接受对 self 的不可变引用、读取的不可变偏移量(以及一个解析上下文,稍后会详细介绍),然后返回反序列化的值。

由于 self 是不可变的,所有读取都可以并行执行,因此可以很容易地并行化。


use scroll::{ctx, Pread, LE};

fn main() -> Result<(), scroll::Error> {
    let bytes: [u8; 4] = [0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef];

    // reads a u32 out of `b` with the endianness of the host machine, at offset 0, turbofish-style
    let number: u32 = bytes.pread::<u32>(0)?;
    // ...or a byte, with type ascription on the binding.
    let byte: u8 = bytes.pread(0)?;

    //If the type is known another way by the compiler, say reading into a struct field, we can omit the turbofish, and type ascription altogether!

    // If we want, we can explicitly add a endianness to read with by calling `pread_with`.
    // The following reads a u32 out of `b` with Big Endian byte order, at offset 0
    let be_number: u32 = bytes.pread_with(0, scroll::BE)?;
    // or a u16 - specify the type either on the variable or with the beloved turbofish
    let be_number2 = bytes.pread_with::<u16>(2, scroll::BE)?;

    // Scroll has core friendly errors (no allocation). This will have the type `scroll::Error::BadOffset` because it tried to read beyond the bound
    let byte: scroll::Result<i64> = bytes.pread(0);

    // Scroll is extensible: as long as the type implements `TryWithCtx`, then you can read your type out of the byte array!

    // We can parse out custom datatypes, or types with lifetimes
    // if they implement the conversion trait `TryFromCtx`; here we parse a C-style \0 delimited &str (safely)
    let hello: &[u8] = b"hello_world\0more words";
    let hello_world: &str = hello.pread(0)?;
    assert_eq!("hello_world", hello_world);

    // ... and this parses the string if its space separated!
    use scroll::ctx::*;
    let spaces: &[u8] = b"hello world some junk";
    let world: &str = spaces.pread_with(6, StrCtx::Delimiter(SPACE))?;
    assert_eq!("world", world);

推导 PreadPwrite

Scroll 实现了一个自定义 derive,可以为您的结构体提供 PreadPwrite 实现。

use scroll::{Pread, Pwrite, BE};

#[derive(Pread, Pwrite)]
struct Data {
    one: u32,
    two: u16,
    three: u8,

fn main() -> Result<(), scroll::Error> {
    let bytes: [u8; 7] = [0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef, 0xfa, 0xce, 0xff];
    // Read a single `Data` at offset zero in big-endian byte order.
    let data: Data = bytes.pread_with(0, BE)?;
    assert_eq!(data.one, 0xdeadbeef);
    assert_eq!(data.two, 0xface);
    assert_eq!(data.three, 0xff);

    // Write it back to a buffer
    let mut out: [u8; 7] = [0; 7];
    out.pwrite_with(data, 0, BE)?;
    assert_eq!(bytes, out);

此功能默认是禁用的,您必须启用 Cargo.toml 中的 derive 功能才能使用它

scroll = { version = "0.10", features = ["derive"] }

std::io API

Scroll 还可以从实现 std::io::Readstd::io::Write 的任何内容中读取/写入简单类型。内置的数值类型由您负责。如果您想读取自定义类型,您需要实现 FromCtx(《如何解析》)和 SizeWith(《解析后的东西有多大》)特质。您必须使用默认功能进行编译。例如

use std::io::Cursor;
use scroll::IOread;

fn main() -> Result<(), scroll::Error> {
    let bytes_ = [0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0xef,0xbe,0x00,0x00,];
    let mut bytes = Cursor::new(bytes_);

    // this will bump the cursor's Seek
    let foo = bytes.ioread::<usize>()?;
    // ..ditto
    let bar = bytes.ioread::<u32>()?;

类似地,我们可以将内容写入任何实现 std::io::Write 的内容,相当自然

use scroll::{IOwrite, LE, BE};
use std::io::{Write, Cursor};

fn main() -> Result<(), scroll::Error> {
    let mut bytes = [0x0u8; 10];
    let mut cursor = Cursor::new(&mut bytes[..]);
    cursor.iowrite_with(0xdeadbeef as u32, BE)?;
    assert_eq!(cursor.into_inner(), [0x68, 0x65, 0x6c, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef, 0x0]);


滚动设计为高度可配置 - 它允许您实现各种上下文(Ctx)敏感的特性,从而使得实现者可以获得Pread和/或Pwrite特性的自动使用。


特别是,如果我们使用[u8]目标,遵循(usize, YourCtx)约定,您将自动获得调用pread_with::<YourDatatype>在字节数组上的权限。

use scroll::{ctx, Pread, BE, Endian};

struct Data<'a> {
  name: &'a str,
  id: u32,

// note the lifetime specified here
impl<'a> ctx::TryFromCtx<'a, Endian> for Data<'a> {
  type Error = scroll::Error;
  // and the lifetime annotation on `&'a [u8]` here
  fn try_from_ctx (src: &'a [u8], endian: Endian)
    -> Result<(Self, usize), Self::Error> {
    let offset = &mut 0;
    let name = src.gread::<&str>(offset)?;
    let id = src.gread_with(offset, endian)?;
    Ok((Data { name: name, id: id }, *offset))

fn main() -> Result<(), scroll::Error> {
    let bytes = b"UserName\x00\x01\x02\x03\x04";
    let data = bytes.pread_with::<Data>(0, BE)?;
    assert_eq!(data.id, 0x01020304);
    assert_eq!(data.name.to_string(), "UserName".to_string());




