#stdin #input #read #parse #parser


此软件包提供了一些宏,用于快速从文本中解析值。简而言之,它执行了 print!/format! 宏的相反操作;换句话说,与 C 中的 scanf 宏有类似的功能。

8 个版本

使用旧 Rust 2015

0.2.0 2016 年 11 月 7 日
0.1.3 2016 年 4 月 23 日
0.1.1 2016 年 2 月 5 日
0.0.4 2016 年 1 月 22 日

1251Rust 模式

Download history 68/week @ 2024-03-11 75/week @ 2024-03-18 84/week @ 2024-03-25 121/week @ 2024-04-01 97/week @ 2024-04-08 86/week @ 2024-04-15 77/week @ 2024-04-22 111/week @ 2024-04-29 222/week @ 2024-05-06 90/week @ 2024-05-13 72/week @ 2024-05-20 73/week @ 2024-05-27 54/week @ 2024-06-03 51/week @ 2024-06-10 87/week @ 2024-06-17 133/week @ 2024-06-24

339 每月下载量
8 crates 中使用




此软件包提供了一些宏,用于快速从文本中解析值。简而言之,它执行了 print!/format! 宏的相反操作;换句话说,与 C 中的 scanf 宏有类似的功能。


  • readln! - 从标准输入读取并扫描一行。
  • try_readln! - 与 readln! 类似,但它返回一个 Result 而不是引发恐慌。
  • scan! - 扫描提供的字符串。


  • let_scan! - 扫描字符串并将捕获的值直接绑定到局部变量。仅支持 一个 模式,如果不匹配则引发恐慌。
  • let_scanln! - 读取并扫描一行从标准输入,并将捕获的值直接绑定到局部变量。仅支持 一个 模式,如果不匹配则引发恐慌。

如果您想实现对您自己的类型的支持,请参阅 ScanFromStr 特性。

可用的抽象扫描器可以在 scanner 模块中找到。



scan-rulesrustc 版本 1.6.0 及更高版本兼容。

  • 由于破坏性更改,scan-rulesregex 版本 0.1.66 及更高版本不兼容。

  • rustc < 1.10 不会有 let_scanln! 宏。

  • rustc < 1.7 只会为 EverythingIdentLineNonSpaceNumberWordWordish 扫描器提供针对 &strString 输出类型的具体实现。1.7 及更高版本将为所有输出类型提供泛型实现,例如 &str: Into<Output>

  • rustc < 1.6 明确不支持,因为 Rust 本身有破坏性更改。


以下是一个简单的 CLI 程序,它会询问用户的姓名和年龄。您可以使用以下命令运行此程序:cargo run --example ask_age

#[macro_use] extern crate scan_rules;

use scan_rules::scanner::Word;

fn main() {
    print!("What's your name? ");
    let name: String = readln! { (let name: Word<String>) => name };
    //                           ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ rule
    //                                                       ^~~^ body
    //                           ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ pattern
    //                            ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ variable binding

    print!("Hi, {}.  How old are you? ", name);
    readln! {
        (let age) => {
    //   ^~~~~~^ implicitly typed variable binding
            let age: i32 = age;
            println!("{} years old, huh?  Neat.", age);
        (..other) => println!("`{}` doesn't *look* like a number...", other),
    //   ^~~~~~^ bind to any input "left over"

    print!("Ok.  What... is your favourite colour? (R, G, B): ");
    let_scanln!(let r: f32, ",", let g: f32, ",", let b: f32);
    //          ^~~~^            ^~~~^            ^~~~^
    // Scans and binds three variables without nesting scope.
    // Panics if *anything* goes wrong.
    if !(g < r && g < b && b >= r * 0.25 && b <= r * 0.75) {
        println!("Purple's better.");
    } else {
        println!("Good choice!");

此示例展示了如何解析几种不同的语法之一。您可以使用以下命令运行此程序:cargo run --example scan_data

#[macro_use] extern crate scan_rules;

use std::collections::BTreeSet;

// `Word` is an "abstract" scanner; rather than scanning itself, it scans some
// *other* type using custom rules.  In this case, it scans a word into a
// string slice.  You can use `Word<String>` to get an owned string.
use scan_rules::scanner::Word;

enum Data {
    Vector(i32, i32, i32),

fn main() {
    print!("Enter some data: ");
    let data = readln! {
        ("<", let x, ",", let y, ",", let z, ">") => Data::Vector(x, y, z),
    //      ^ pattern terms are comma-separated
    //   ^~^ literal text match

        // Rules are tried top-to-bottom, stopping as soon as one matches.
        (let b) => Data::Truthy(b),
        ("yes") => Data::Truthy(true),
        ("no") => Data::Truthy(false),

        ("words:", [ let words: Word<String> ],+) => Data::Words(words),
    //             ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ repetition pattern
    //                                         ^ one or more matches
    //                                        ^ matches must be comma-separated

        ("lucky numbers:", [ let ns: i32 ]*: BTreeSet<_>) => Data::Lucky(ns),
    //          collect into specific type ^~~~~~~~~~~~^
    //                                    ^ zero or more (you might be unlucky!)
    //                                      (no separator this time)

        // Rather than scanning a sequence of values and collecting them into
        // a `BTreeSet`, we can instead scan the `BTreeSet` *directly*.  This
        // scans the syntax `BTreeSet` uses when printed using `{:?}`:
        // `{1, 5, 13, ...}`.
        ("lucky numbers:", let ns) => Data::Lucky(ns),

        (..other) => Data::Other(String::from(other))
    println!("data: {:?}", data);

此示例演示了使用运行时扫描器和 let_scan! 便利宏。您可以使用以下命令运行此程序:cargo run --example runtime_scanners

//! **NOTE**: requires the `regex` feature.
#[macro_use] extern crate scan_rules;

fn main() {
    use scan_rules::scanner::{
        NonSpace, Number, Word,             // static scanners
        max_width_a, exact_width_a, re_str, // runtime scanners

    // Adapted example from <https://cppreference.cn/w/cpp/io/c/fscanf>.
    let inp = "25 54.32E-1 Thompson 56789 0123 56ß水";

    // `let_scan!` avoids the need for indentation and braces, but only supports
    // a single pattern, and panics if anything goes wrong.
    let_scan!(inp; (
        let i: i32, let x: f32, let str1 <| max_width_a::<NonSpace>(9),
    //               use runtime scanner ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^
    //          limit maximum width of a... ^~~~~~~~~~^
    //                      ...static NonSpace scanner... ^~~~~~~^
    //                                                      9 bytes ^
        let j <| exact_width_a::<i32>(2), let y: f32, let _: Number,
    //        ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ scan an i32 with exactly 2 digits
        let str2 <| re_str(r"^[0-9]{1,3}"), let warr: Word
    //           ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^ scan using a regular expression

        "Converted fields:\n\
            i = {i:?}\n\
            x = {x:?}\n\
            str1 = {str1:?}\n\
            j = {j:?}\n\
            y = {y:?}\n\
            str2 = {str2:?}\n\
            warr = {warr:?}",
        i=i, j=j, x=x, y=y,
        str1=str1, str2=str2, warr=warr);






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