#字节序 #解析器 #网络



2 个版本

0.1.1 2023年2月21日
0.1.0 2023年2月21日

#2303 in Rust 模式




这使我们免于使用 T::from_xx_bytes 创建条件解析,而是允许我们懒惰地解析值。然后在需要时进行转换。这有点像端序的“叠加”。



让我们看看一个基本的使用场景。我们有一个文件,它可能是在大端或小端系统上创建的。文件规范的实现说明了文件中的第一个字节将指示文件其余部分是大端还是小端。假设 0x00 为小端,0x01 为大端。


use scalar_types::Endian;
use std::io::{BufReader, Result};
fn read_some_stuff() -> Result<()> {
    // Binary file contains 01 | 00 00 00 02 .. ..
    //      Big Endian Flag-^    ^-Big Endian 0x2
    // System endianness is little endian
    let file = std::fs::File::open("file.bin")?;
    let mut reader = BufReader::new(file);
    // File endianness changes based on system that made it
    // The first byte in the file determines the endianness; 
    // 0 = little, 1 = big
    let mut buffer = vec![0u8];
    reader.read_exact(&mut buffer)?;
    // We can then store the endianness as a variable
    // and use this to cast. Allowing us to dynamically
    // cast the data based on the content of the file
    let endianness = {
        if buffer[0] == 0 { 
        } else { 
    // Try and read the endian sensitive content normally from stream
    // Endian values are Endian::Native by default
    let endian_value = Endian::<u32>::from_stream(&mut reader);
    let parsed_value = match endian_value {
        Some(value) => value,
        None => panic!("Unable to parse value from stream!")
    // Then we convert the value only when we need it.
    // Saving us from having to cast u32::from_xx_bytes for every value
    let expanded_value = match parsed_value.cast(endianness) {
        Some(value) => value,
        None => 0u32
    assert_eq!(expanded_value, 2);

我们还可以反过来操作!让我们使用 Endian 创建我们刚刚解析的文件。我们可以很容易地使用 to_le_bytes 和 to_be_bytes;但是,这样做意味着我们需要根据我们针对的系统在两者之间交替。相反,我们可以只存储目标端序并使用相同的代码。通过存储的变量动态切换端序。这要干净得多。

而不是使用 to_le_bytes 或 to_be_bytes;我们将调用 to_ne_bytes,让 Endian 处理转换。

use scalar_types::Endian;
use std::io::{Result, Write};
use std::fs::File;
use std::path::Path;
fn write_some_stuff() -> Result<()> {
    // Open a file hand for our output
    let mut output = File::create(Path::new("file.bin"))?;
    // since we're a little endian system, writing a big endian file
    // we will assign this value explicitly.
    // let's store this for later to use it to cast
    let endianness = Endian::Big(());
    // Note that Endian::Native isn't actually aware of the system endianness,
    // it instead acts as an abstract container like a "superposition". 
    // If we wanted to get our native endianness "get_native_endianness()"
    // is a helper function that will return the correct endianness.
    // let endianness = get_native_endianness()?;
    // Moving forward:
    // Our spec says we need to write 0x01 for big endian, or 0x00 for little.
    if endianness.is_big() {
        write!(output, "\x01")?;
    } else {
        write!(output, "\x00")?;
    // Next we're going to create our native endian 0x02 value
    let endian_value = Endian::new(2u32);
    // Finally we write the output
    if let Some(value) = endian_value.cast(endian_value) {
        // We've already handled endianness, so we will use the built-in to_ne_bytes function

