#任务管理 #任务 #后台任务 #Shell #命令 #任务执行 #YAML 配置

bin+lib runtasktic


8 个版本 (1 个稳定版)

1.0.0 2023年10月16日
0.6.0 2023年10月11日
0.5.1 2023年10月5日
0.5.0 2021年5月29日
0.1.0 2020年7月19日

#2113 in 命令行工具

Download history 60/week @ 2024-07-29

60 每月下载量

MIT 许可证



Rust Crates.io version shield Crates.io license shield

Runtasktic 是一个 出色的 命令行任务管理工具,用于执行常规长序列或并行任务。


如何在 YAML 文件中描述您的任务,通过 runtasktic 在前台或后台执行所有任务。配置通知系统,并在每个任务结束时或所有任务完成后收到通知。目前仅支持 Slack,需要更多功能?请提交功能请求或拉取请求。

何时需要 runtasktic ?

  • 当您有一份冗长的重复运行的任务列表时
  • 当您需要在长时间任务完成后收到通知时
  • 当您需要一个 nohup 的替代品时
  • 当您需要一个 crontab 的替代品时

如何安装 runtasktic ?

您可以通过命令行或从 GitHub 下载预构建版本来安装 runtasktic。

mkdir ~/bin
curl -sSL https://github.com/Joxit/runtasktic/releases/download/$(curl -sSL https://api.github.com/repos/Joxit/runtasktic/releases/latest | jq -r '.tag_name')/runtasktic-linux-x86_64 > ~/bin/runtasktic
chmod +x ~/bin/runtasktic

如果您是 Rust 用户,可以使用 cargo 安装 runtasktic。

cargo install runtasktic

如果您已安装 runtasktic,您可以使用命令行更新它。

runtasktic update


Command-line task management tool for execution of regular long sequential or parallel tasks.

Usage: runtasktic <COMMAND>

  run         Run all tasks from your configuration in background or foreground
  dot         Export the configuration to a graph (needs graphviz/dot)
  exec        Execute a single command with notification in background or foreground
  completion  Generate completion script for your shell
  update      Self update of the binary
  help        Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version


Run all tasks from your configuration in background or foreground.

Set the notification, messages, output files, concurency, working directory and many more options in your configuration.

Usage: runtasktic run [OPTIONS] [CONFIG]...

          Configurations path (YAML)

  -s, --start <STARTS>
          Override the starting task if the job had already been started before. When using many configuration files, start states must be in the first configuration file. Can be many task ids with comma separated values

  -b, --background
          Run the task in background

      --cron <CRON>
          Schedule your tasks using cron expression

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

执行:简单的命令,就像 nohup 一样,并带有通知

Execute a single command with notification in background or foreground.

Inherit the notification from a configuration file and set your default one in your home: `~/.runtasktic.yml` or `~/.runtasktic.yaml`.

Usage: runtasktic exec [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]...

          Command to execute

  -c, --config <CONFIG>
          Configuration path (YAML). Will use config file located `~/.runtasktic.yml` or `~/.runtasktic.yaml` by default. If you want no config file execusion, use `--config -`

  -t, --task <TASK>
          Run a single task from the configuration file

  -b, --background
          Exec the command in background

      --cron <CRON>
          Schedule your tasks using cron expression

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')

点:使用 graphviz 创建配置文件的图

Export the configuration to a graph (needs graphviz/dot)

Usage: runtasktic dot <CONFIG> <IMAGE>

  <CONFIG>  Path of the configuration file to visualize
  <IMAGE>   Path for the image. `dot` command is required

  -h, --help  Print help

示例来自 tests/resources/concurrency.yml,由 dot 生成的图。

Dot Sample

完成:为您 shell 生成完成脚本

Generate completion script for your shell

Usage: runtasktic completion <COMMAND>

  bash    Generates a .bash completion file for the Bourne Again SHell (BASH). Save the output in `/etc/bash_completion.d/runtasktic` or `~/.local/share/bash-completion/completions/runtasktic`
  fish    Generates a .fish completion file for the Friendly Interactive SHell (fish)
  zsh     Generates a completion file for the Z SHell (ZSH)
  elvish  Generates a completion file for Elvish
  help    Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help  Print help


Self update of the binary

Usage: runtasktic update

  -h, --help  Print help


  a: # The id of the task
    commands: # Commands to execute, they must exist with a 0 exit code
      - echo Begin a
      - sleep 0.5
      - echo End a
    on_failure: exit # `continue` or `exit` when the tasks ends with a non 0 exit code
      - echo Begin b
      - sleep 0.25
      - echo End b
    depends_on: [a] # This task will be executed after a.
  slack: # send notification to slack
    url: https://hooks.slack.com/services/XXXXX/XXXXX/XXXXX # The slack server url
    channel: '#channel' # channel to send message
    emoji: ':rocket:' # emoji to use (optional)
    username: runtasktic # the username to use, default is runtasktic.
    output: stderr # print notification on `stdout`, `stedrr`, `none` or `/custom/path`
  when: always # `always`, `task-end`, `end` or `never` when should I send notification
    task_end: Task {task.id} ended with status code {task.status_code} # Availables templates are {task.id}, {task.short_cmd}, {task.full_cmd}, {task.status_code}, {hostname}, {env.*} for environment variables
    all_task_end: All tasks ended. Got {resume.success} success and {resume.failures} failure. # Availables templates are {resulme.success}, {resume.failures}, {hostname}, {env.*} for environment variables
    task_failed: Tasks ended prematurely. Got {resume.success} success and {resume.failures} failure. Contains one critical failure. # Availables templates are {resulme.success}, {resume.failures}, {hostname}, {env.*} for environment variables. Triggered when `on_failure: exit` is used.

concurrency: 2 # how many task can run simultaneously
working_dir: /custom/directory # Where is the workind directory, default is where your are using runtasktic
stdout: none # `none`, `/custom/path` where should I save standard logs
stderr: /var/log/runtasktic.err # `none`, `/custom/path` where should I save error logs
on_failure: continue # `continue` or `exit` default behaviour when a task fail, default is `continue`






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