#wayland-compositor #window-manager #layout #space #binary #river #tiling

bin+lib river-bsp-layout

为拼贴式 Wayland 合成器 River 提供的二进制空间划分布局

5 个稳定版本

2.1.0 2024 年 8 月 15 日
2.0.0 2024 年 4 月 23 日
1.1.2 2024 年 2 月 17 日
1.1.1 2023 年 8 月 29 日


Download history 16/week @ 2024-04-26 1/week @ 2024-05-03 6/week @ 2024-07-26 2/week @ 2024-08-02 61/week @ 2024-08-09

每月 69 次下载

GPL-3.0 许可证



Documentation Crate

river-bsp-layout demo

使用 river-layout-toolkit 创建二进制空间划分 / 网格布局的自定义 River 布局管理器

3 窗口示例

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4 窗口示例

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dnf copr enable areif-dev/river-bsp-layout
dnf install river-bsp-layout

其他 - Cargo

cargo install river-bsp-layout --locked


git clone https://github.com/areif-dev/river-bsp-layout
  • 进入克隆的目录
cd river-bsp-layout
  • 运行
cargo build --release
  • 将编译的二进制文件从 target/release/river-bsp-layout 移动到您的 $PATH 中的任何目录
    • 如果您已安装 cargo,一种选择是将二进制文件移动到 $HOME/.cargo/bin

从 River init 开始

假设您正在使用默认的 bash init 脚本,将文件末尾的以下行替换为

riverctl default-layout rivertile
rivertile -view-padding 6 -outer-padding 6 &


riverctl default-layout bsp-layout
river-bsp-layout --inner-gap 5 --outer-gap 10 --split-perc 0.5 &

CLI 帮助

Usage: river-bsp-layout [OPTIONS]

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version

Inner Gap Options:
  -i, --inner-gap <DEFAULT_INNER_GAP>  The number of pixels to pad each inner edge of a window by default [default: 0]
  -l, --ig-left <IG_LEFT>              The number of pixels to pad the left inner edge of each window. This Overrides `default_inner_gap`. Optional
  -r, --ig-right <IG_RIGHT>            The number of pixels to pad the right inner edge of each window. This Overrides `default_inner_gap`. Optional
  -b, --ig-bottom <IG_BOTTOM>          The number of pixels to pad the bottom inner edge of each window. This Overrides `default_inner_gap`. Optional
  -t, --ig-top <IG_TOP>                The number of pixels to pad the top inner edge of each window. This Overrides `default_inner_gap`. Optional

Outer Gap Options:
  -o, --outer-gap <DEFAULT_OUTER_GAP>  The default size of the gap between windows and the edge of the screen [default: 0]
  -L, --og-left <OG_LEFT>              The number of pixels to place between the left screen edge and any windows. Overrides `default_outer_gap` for the left side. Optional
  -R, --og-right <OG_RIGHT>            The number of pixels to place between the right screen edge and any windows. Overrides `default_outer_gap` for the right side. Optional
  -B, --og-bottom <OG_BOTTOM>          The number of pixels to place between the bottom screen edge and any windows. Overrides `default_outer_gap` for the bottom side. Optional
  -T, --og-top <OG_TOP>                The number of pixels to place between the top screen edge and any windows. Overrides `default_outer_gap` for the top side. Optional

Split Options:
  -s, --split-perc <DEFAULT_SPLIT_PERC>  The default percentage of available area that the primary window should occupy after any split takes place [default: 0.5]
  -H, --hsplit-perc <HSPLIT_PERC>        The percentage of available area that the primary window should occupy after a horizontal split. This will override the value of `default_split_perc` only for
                                         horizontal splits
  -v, --vsplit-perc <VSPLIT_PERC>        The percentage of available area that the primary window should occupy after a vertical split. This will override the value of `default_split_perc` only for vertical
      --start-hsplit                     Whether the first split that's made should divide the screen horizontally. If this is not set, then the first split will be vertical

Other Options:
      --reverse  Reverse the order of the views as well as the order they are added

CLI 示例

river-bsp-layout with 0 top gap

在此配置中,所有内部间隙均设置为 5 像素,所有外部间隙均设置为 10,除顶部间隙外,其值为 0,因此顶部窗口与栏对齐。


river-bsp-layout --inner-gap 5 --outer-gap 10 --og-top 0

river-bsp-layout with uniform gaps

此配置具有均匀的外部间隙为 10 像素,每个边缘的内部间隙为 5 像素。

river-bsp-layout --inner-gap 5 --outer-gap 10

river-bsp-layout with chaotic gaps


river-bsp-layout --ig-top 1 --og-bottom 5 --ig-right 10 --og-left 15 --og-top 20 --ig-bottom 25 --og-right 30 --ig-left 35

river-bsp-layout with 0.61 hsplit-perc


river-bsp-layout --inner-gap 5 --outer-gap 10 --split-perc 0.61803

Riverctl 用户命令

大部分情况下,您可以将与启动时发送给 bsp-layout 相同的选项传递给 riverctl send-layout-cmd。然而,一些额外的 riverctl 选项存在,例如 --start-vsplit,这将设置垂直分割为主分割。

此外,还有选项 --(inc|dec)-(h|v)split,这允许您从当前分割百分比中添加或减去指定数量。此命令可以用来暂时将更多注意力集中在特定窗口上,并且当与快捷键绑定时非常方便。

最后,--reverse 选项——虽然不是新的——与同名 cli 选项的行为略有不同。cli 的行为是在屏幕的右侧和底部渲染新视图,而用户 cmd 选项将在每次调用时将堆栈反转到现有状态的反面。

与之前版本的 bsp-layout 中每次只能解析一个命令不同,2.1.0 版本及以后的版本能够解析几乎同时传递的任何选项组合。唯一例外是 --start-vsplit--start-hsplit,这两个选项是互斥的。

Usage: riverctl send-layout-cmd bsp-layout [OPTIONS]

Inner Gap Options:
  -i, --inner-gap <DEFAULT_INNER_GAP>
          The number of pixels to pad each inner edge of a window by default

  -l, --ig-left <IG_LEFT>
          The number of pixels to pad the left inner edge of each window. This Overrides `default_inner_gap`. Optional

  -r, --ig-right <IG_RIGHT>
          The number of pixels to pad the right inner edge of each window. This Overrides `default_inner_gap`. Optional

  -b, --ig-bottom <IG_BOTTOM>
          The number of pixels to pad the bottom inner edge of each window. This Overrides `default_inner_gap`. Optional

  -t, --ig-top <IG_TOP>
          The number of pixels to pad the top inner edge of each window. This Overrides `default_inner_gap`. Optional

Outer Gap Options:
  -o, --outer-gap <DEFAULT_OUTER_GAP>
          The default size of the gap between windows and the edge of the screen

  -L, --og-left <OG_LEFT>
          The number of pixels to place between the left screen edge and any windows. Overrides `default_outer_gap` for the left side. Optional

  -R, --og-right <OG_RIGHT>
          The number of pixels to place between the right screen edge and any windows. Overrides `default_outer_gap` for the right side. Optional

  -B, --og-bottom <OG_BOTTOM>
          The number of pixels to place between the bottom screen edge and any windows. Overrides `default_outer_gap` for the bottom side. Optional

  -T, --og-top <OG_TOP>
          The number of pixels to place between the top screen edge and any windows. Overrides `default_outer_gap` for the top side. Optional

Split Options:
  -s, --split-perc <DEFAULT_SPLIT_PERC>
          The default percentage of available area that the primary window should occupy after any split takes place

  -H, --hsplit-perc <HSPLIT_PERC>
          The percentage of available area that the primary window should occupy after a horizontal split. This will override the value of `default_split_perc` only for horizontal splits

  -v, --vsplit-perc <VSPLIT_PERC>
          The percentage of available area that the primary window should occupy after a vertical split. This will override the value of `default_split_perc` only for vertical splits

          Set the first split to horizontal. Mutually exclusive with `--start-vsplit`

          Set the first split to vertical. Mutually exclusive with `--start-hsplit`

      --inc-hsplit <INC_HSPLIT>
          Increase the hsplit percentage by a certain amount

      --inc-vsplit <INC_VSPLIT>
          Increase the vsplit percentage by a certain amount

      --dec-vsplit <DEC_VSPLIT>
          Decrease the vsplit percentage by a certain amount

      --dec-hsplit <DEC_HSPLIT>
          Decrease the hsplit percentage by a certain amount

Other Options:
          Reverse the order of the views as well as the order they are added


  • 翻转堆栈的朝向,并将所有内部间距设置为 5 像素宽
riverctl send-layout-cmd bsp-layout "--reverse -i 5"
  • 将快捷键绑定到增加垂直分割百分比的少量操作
riverctl map normal $MOD+Shift L send-layout-cmd bsp-layout "--inc-vsplit .005"
  • 将堆栈的第一个分割设置为水平
riverctl send-layout-cmd bsp-layout "--start-hsplit"


~251K SLoC