21 个版本

0.5.0 2023年10月1日
0.4.8 2023年5月26日
0.4.7 2022年11月30日
0.4.2 2022年5月23日
0.2.0 2021年12月26日

#840 in 网络编程

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一个安全、稳定且高性能的 NAT 穿越反向代理,用 Rust 编写

rathole,类似于 frpngrok,可以通过具有公网 IP 的服务器,将 NAT 背后的设备上的服务暴露到互联网上。


  • 高性能 比 frp 实现更高的吞吐量,处理大量连接时更稳定。见 基准测试
  • 低资源消耗 比类似工具消耗更少的内存。见 基准测试。二进制文件可以 小至 ~500KiB 以适应如路由器等嵌入式设备的限制。
  • 安全性 服务的令牌是强制性的,且服务级别的。服务器和客户端各自负责自己的配置。可选的 Noise 协议允许轻松配置加密。无需创建自签名证书!也支持 TLS。
  • 热重载 可以通过热重载配置文件动态添加或删除服务。HTTP API 处于开发中。






  1. 在具有公网IP的服务器上


# server.toml
bind_addr = "" # `2333` specifies the port that rathole listens for clients

token = "use_a_secret_that_only_you_know" # Token that is used to authenticate the client for the service. Change to a arbitrary value.
bind_addr = "" # `5202` specifies the port that exposes `my_nas_ssh` to the Internet


./rathole server.toml
  1. 在位于NAT后面(您的NAS)的主机上


# client.toml
remote_addr = "myserver.com:2333" # The address of the server. The port must be the same with the port in `server.bind_addr`

token = "use_a_secret_that_only_you_know" # Must be the same with the server to pass the validation
local_addr = "" # The address of the service that needs to be forwarded


./rathole client.toml
  1. 现在客户端将尝试连接到服务器的myserver.com端口2333,并且任何发送到myserver.com:5202的流量都将转发到客户端的端口22

因此,您可以通过ssh myserver.com:5202来SSH连接到您的NAS。




但是,[client][server]块也可以放在一个文件中。然后在服务器端,运行rathole --server config.toml,在客户端,运行rathole --client config.toml以显式告诉rathole运行模式。




remote_addr = "example.com:2333" # Necessary. The address of the server
default_token = "default_token_if_not_specify" # Optional. The default token of services, if they don't define their own ones
heartbeat_timeout = 40 # Optional. Set to 0 to disable the application-layer heartbeat test. The value must be greater than `server.heartbeat_interval`. Default: 40 seconds
retry_interval = 1 # Optional. The interval between retry to connect to the server. Default: 1 second

[client.transport] # The whole block is optional. Specify which transport to use
type = "tcp" # Optional. Possible values: ["tcp", "tls", "noise"]. Default: "tcp"

[client.transport.tcp] # Optional. Also affects `noise` and `tls`
proxy = "socks5://user:passwd@" # Optional. The proxy used to connect to the server. `http` and `socks5` is supported.
nodelay = true # Optional. Determine whether to enable TCP_NODELAY, if applicable, to improve the latency but decrease the bandwidth. Default: true
keepalive_secs = 20 # Optional. Specify `tcp_keepalive_time` in `tcp(7)`, if applicable. Default: 20 seconds
keepalive_interval = 8 # Optional. Specify `tcp_keepalive_intvl` in `tcp(7)`, if applicable. Default: 8 seconds

[client.transport.tls] # Necessary if `type` is "tls"
trusted_root = "ca.pem" # Necessary. The certificate of CA that signed the server's certificate
hostname = "example.com" # Optional. The hostname that the client uses to validate the certificate. If not set, fallback to `client.remote_addr`

[client.transport.noise] # Noise protocol. See `docs/transport.md` for further explanation
pattern = "Noise_NK_25519_ChaChaPoly_BLAKE2s" # Optional. Default value as shown
local_private_key = "key_encoded_in_base64" # Optional
remote_public_key = "key_encoded_in_base64" # Optional

[client.transport.websocket] # Necessary if `type` is "websocket"
tls = true # If `true` then it will use settings in `client.transport.tls`

[client.services.service1] # A service that needs forwarding. The name `service1` can change arbitrarily, as long as identical to the name in the server's configuration
type = "tcp" # Optional. The protocol that needs forwarding. Possible values: ["tcp", "udp"]. Default: "tcp"
token = "whatever" # Necessary if `client.default_token` not set
local_addr = "" # Necessary. The address of the service that needs to be forwarded
nodelay = true # Optional. Override the `client.transport.nodelay` per service
retry_interval = 1 # Optional. The interval between retry to connect to the server. Default: inherits the global config

[client.services.service2] # Multiple services can be defined
local_addr = ""

bind_addr = "" # Necessary. The address that the server listens for clients. Generally only the port needs to be change.
default_token = "default_token_if_not_specify" # Optional
heartbeat_interval = 30 # Optional. The interval between two application-layer heartbeat. Set to 0 to disable sending heartbeat. Default: 30 seconds

[server.transport] # Same as `[client.transport]`
type = "tcp"

[server.transport.tcp] # Same as the client
nodelay = true
keepalive_secs = 20
keepalive_interval = 8

[server.transport.tls] # Necessary if `type` is "tls"
pkcs12 = "identify.pfx" # Necessary. pkcs12 file of server's certificate and private key
pkcs12_password = "password" # Necessary. Password of the pkcs12 file

[server.transport.noise] # Same as `[client.transport.noise]`
pattern = "Noise_NK_25519_ChaChaPoly_BLAKE2s"
local_private_key = "key_encoded_in_base64"
remote_public_key = "key_encoded_in_base64"

[server.transport.websocket] # Necessary if `type` is "websocket"
tls = true # If `true` then it will use settings in `server.transport.tls`

[server.services.service1] # The service name must be identical to the client side
type = "tcp" # Optional. Same as the client `[client.services.X.type]
token = "whatever" # Necessary if `server.default_token` not set
bind_addr = "" # Necessary. The address of the service is exposed at. Generally only the port needs to be change.
nodelay = true # Optional. Same as the client

bind_addr = ""



RUST_LOG=error ./rathole config.toml

将以错误级别日志运行 rathole

如果不存在 RUST_LOG,则默认日志级别为 info


从 v0.4.7 版本开始,rathole 默认启用 TCP_NODELAY,这应该有助于降低延迟并提高 rdp、Minecraft 服务器等交互式应用程序的性能。然而,这会略微降低带宽。

如果带宽更重要,可以使用 nodelay = false 来禁用 TCP_NODELAY。


rathole 的延迟与 frp 类似,但可以处理更多的连接,提供更大的带宽,同时内存使用更少。

有关更多详细信息,请参阅单独的页面 Benchmark

但是,不要以为 rathole 可以神奇地将您的转发服务速度提高几倍。 该基准是在本地回环中进行的,表示任务为 CPU 限制时的性能。如果网络不是瓶颈,则可以获得相当大的改进。遗憾的是,对许多用户来说并非如此。在这种情况下,主要的好处是资源消耗更低,而带宽和延迟可能不会有显著提高。

http_throughput tcp_bitrate udp_bitrate mem


  • 配置的 HTTP API

Out of Scope 列出了未计划实现的功能及其原因。


~419K SLoC