5 个稳定版本
1.2.0 | 2024年6月7日 |
1.1.0 | 2024年3月7日 |
1.0.2 | 2024年3月7日 |
#1375 在 命令行工具
每月 352 下载
478 代码行
notiz(发音为 /noˈtiːts/
$ echo "Hello, World!" | notiz # Store "Hello, World!" in a new note
# -> Stored the data in the note 'jolly-reading'
$ notiz # Print the contents of the last created/accessed note
# -> Hello, World!
$ notiz -l # List all notes
# -> jolly-reading*
# ruddy-speaker
$ notiz -n ruddy-speaker # Access a note that is not the last used one
# -> Hello, Mars!
$ echo "Hello, Jupiter!" | notiz -n jupiter-greeting # The -n flag can also be used to specify the name for a new note, instead of generating one
# -> Stored the data in the note 'jupiter-greeting'
$ notiz -i # Print more information about a note
# -> Hello, Jupiter!
# Accessing note 'jupiter-greeting'
# Description: ''
# Created: 2024-03-08 07:41:21
# Last accessed: 2024-03-08 07:43:06.343292454 +01:00
$ notiz -d "A greeting for beings from other planets" # Set a description for a note
$ notiz -l # The description is shown on the list
# -> jolly-reading
# ruddy-speaker - A greeting for beings from other planets*
使用 cargo
$ cargo install notiz
~68K SLoC