
0.1.6 2023年4月17日
0.1.5 2023年4月16日

#490 in 异步

Download history 34/week @ 2024-03-11 30/week @ 2024-03-18 13/week @ 2024-03-25 53/week @ 2024-04-01 16/week @ 2024-04-08 23/week @ 2024-04-15 26/week @ 2024-04-22 16/week @ 2024-04-29 18/week @ 2024-05-06 23/week @ 2024-05-13 33/week @ 2024-05-20 24/week @ 2024-05-27 19/week @ 2024-06-03 13/week @ 2024-06-10 26/week @ 2024-06-17 21/week @ 2024-06-24

85 每月下载量

EPL-2.0 许可证



又一个用于实现https://github.com/jepsen-io/maelstrom节点并解决https://fly.io/dist-sys/挑战的Rust crate。




  • 异步(tokio)
  • 多线程
  • 简单的API - 单个trait fn实现
  • 自动推导响应类型,通过Value()获取额外数据
  • 处理未知消息类型
  • 支持a/sync RPC() + 超时/上下文
  • lin/seq/lww kv存储
  • 透明错误处理
  • 待办事项:thiserror + 错误解析/序列化原因



$ cargo build --examples
$ maelstrom test -w echo --bin ./target/debug/examples/echo --node-count 1 --time-limit 10 --log-stderr


use async_trait::async_trait;
use maelstrom::protocol::Message;
use maelstrom::{Node, Result, Runtime};
use std::sync::Arc;

pub(crate) fn main() -> Result<()> {

async fn try_main() -> Result<()> {
    let handler = Arc::new(Handler::default());

#[derive(Clone, Default)]
struct Handler {}

impl Node for Handler {
    async fn process(&self, runtime: Runtime, req: Message) -> Result<()> {
        if req.get_type() == "echo" {
            let echo = req.body.clone().with_type("echo_ok");
            return runtime.reply(req, echo).await;

        done(runtime, message)



  "src": "c1",
  "dest": "n1",
  "body": {
    "type": "echo",
    "msg_id": 1,
    "echo": "Please echo 35"

发送相同的消息,body.type == echo_ok。

  "src": "n1",
  "dest": "c1",
  "body": {
    "type": "echo_ok",
    "msg_id": 1,
    "in_reply_to": 1,
    "echo": "Please echo 35"


$ cargo build --examples
$ RUST_LOG=debug maelstrom test -w broadcast --bin ./target/debug/examples/broadcast --node-count 2 --time-limit 20 --rate 10 --log-stderr


impl Node for Handler {
    async fn process(&self, runtime: Runtime, req: Message) -> Result<()> {
        let msg: Result<Request> = req.body.as_obj();
        match msg {
            Ok(Request::Read {}) => {
                let data = self.snapshot();
                let msg = Request::ReadOk { messages: data };
                return runtime.reply(req, msg).await;
            Ok(Request::Broadcast { message: element }) => {
                if self.try_add(element) {
                    info!("messages now {}", element);
                    for node in runtime.neighbours() {
                        runtime.call_async(node, Request::Broadcast { message: element });

                return runtime.reply_ok(req).await;
            Ok(Request::Topology { topology }) => {
                let neighbours = topology.get(runtime.node_id()).unwrap();
                self.inner.lock().unwrap().t = neighbours.clone();
                info!("My neighbors are {:?}", neighbours);
                return runtime.reply_ok(req).await;
            _ => done(runtime, req),


$ cargo build --examples
$ RUST_LOG=debug ~/Projects/maelstrom/maelstrom test -w lin-kv --bin ./target/debug/examples/lin_kv --node-count 4 --concurrency 2n --time-limit 10 --rate 100 --log-stderr


impl Node for Handler {
    async fn process(&self, runtime: Runtime, req: Message) -> Result<()> {
        let (ctx, _handler) = Context::new();
        let msg: Result<Request> = req.body.as_obj();
        match msg {
            Ok(Request::Read { key }) => {
                let value = self.s.get(ctx, key.to_string()).await?;
                return runtime.reply(req, Request::ReadOk { value }).await;
            Ok(Request::Write { key, value }) => {
                self.s.put(ctx, key.to_string(), value).await?;
                return runtime.reply(req, Request::WriteOk {}).await;
            Ok(Request::Cas { key, from, to, put }) => {
                self.s.cas(ctx, key.to_string(), from, to, put).await?;
                return runtime.reply(req, Request::CasOk {}).await;
            _ => done(runtime, req),

fn handler(runtime: Runtime) -> Handler {
    Handler { s: lin_kv(runtime) }


$ cargo build --examples
$ RUST_LOG=debug ~/Projects/maelstrom/maelstrom test -w g-set --bin ./target/debug/examples/g_set --node-count 2 --concurrency 2n --time-limit 20 --rate 10 --log-stderr


impl Node for Handler {
    async fn process(&self, runtime: Runtime, req: Message) -> Result<()> {
        let msg: Result<Request> = req.body.as_obj();
        match msg {
            Ok(Request::Read {}) => {
                let data = to_seq(&self.s.lock().unwrap());
                return runtime.reply(req, Request::ReadOk { value: data }).await;
            Ok(Request::Add { element }) => {
                return runtime.reply(req, Request::AddOk {}).await;
            Ok(Request::ReplicateOne { element }) => {
                return Ok(());
            Ok(Request::ReplicateFull { value }) => {
                let mut s = self.s.lock().unwrap();
                for v in value {
                return Ok(());
            Ok(Request::Init {}) => {
                // spawn into tokio (instead of runtime) to not to wait
                // until it is completed, as it will never be.
                let (r0, h0) = (runtime.clone(), self.clone());
                tokio::spawn(async move {
                    loop {
                        debug!("emit replication signal");
                        let s = h0.s.lock().unwrap();
                        for n in r0.neighbours() {
                            let msg = Request::ReplicateFull { value: to_seq(&s) };
                            drop(r0.send_async(n.to_string(), msg));
                return Ok(());
            _ => done(runtime, req),



use async_trait::async_trait;
use maelstrom::kv::{lin_kv, Storage, KV};
use maelstrom::protocol::Message;
use maelstrom::{done, Node, Result, Runtime};
use tokio_context::context::Context;

struct Handler {
    s: Storage,

impl Node for Handler {
    async fn process(&self, runtime: Runtime, req: Message) -> Result<()> {
        let (ctx, _handler) = Context::new();
        let msg: Result<Request> = req.body.as_obj();
        match msg {
            Ok(Request::Read { key }) => {
                let value = self.s.get(ctx, key.to_string()).await?;
                return runtime.reply(req, Request::ReadOk { value }).await;
            Ok(Request::Write { key, value }) => {
                self.s.put(ctx, key.to_string(), value).await?;
                return runtime.reply(req, Request::WriteOk {}).await;
            Ok(Request::Cas { key, from, to, put }) => {
                self.s.cas(ctx, key.to_string(), from, to, put).await?;
                return runtime.reply(req, Request::CasOk {}).await;
            _ => done(runtime, req),

fn handler(runtime: Runtime) -> Handler {
    Handler { s: lin_kv(runtime) }


use async_trait::async_trait;
use maelstrom::protocol::Message;
use maelstrom::{Node, Result, Runtime};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};

#[derive(Clone, Default)]
struct Handler {}

impl Node for Handler {
    async fn process(&self, runtime: Runtime, req: Message) -> Result<()> {
        let (mut ctx, _handler) = Context::with_timeout(Duration::from_secs(1));
        // 1.
        runtime.call_async(node, msg.clone());
        // 2. put it into runtime.spawn(async move { ... }) if needed
        let res: RPCResult = runtime.rpc(node, msg.clone()).await?;
        let msg: Result<Message> = res.await;
        // 3. put it into runtime.spawn(async move { ... }) if needed
        let mut res: RPCResult = runtime.rpc(node, msg.clone()).await?;
        let msg: Message = res.done_with(ctx).await?;

        // 4. put it into runtime.spawn(async move { ... }) if needed
        let msg = runtime.call(ctx, node, msg.clone()).await?;
        // 5. async send variant
        //    spawn into tokio (instead of runtime) to not to wait
        //    until it is completed, as it will never be.
        let (r0, h0) = (runtime.clone(), self.clone());
        tokio::spawn(async move {
            loop {
                debug!("emit replication signal");
                let s = h0.s.lock().unwrap();
                for n in r0.neighbours() {
                    let msg = Request::ReplicateFull { value: to_seq(&s) };
                    drop(r0.send_async(n, msg));
        return runtime.reply_ok(req).await;


use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

struct TopologyRequest {
    topology: HashMap<String, Vec<String>>,

// or

#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "snake_case", tag = "type")]
pub enum Message {
    Topology {
        topology: HashMap<String, Vec<String>>,
    Broadcast {
        message: u64,
    ReadOk {
        messages: Vec<u64>,


use async_trait::async_trait;
use log::info;
use maelstrom::protocol::Message;
use maelstrom::{done, Node, Result, Runtime};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use serde_json::Value;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};

#[derive(Clone, Default)]
struct Handler { /* ... */ }

impl Node for Handler {
    async fn process(&self, runtime: Runtime, req: Message) -> Result<()> {
        if req.get_type() == "echo" {
            let echo = req.body.clone().with_type("echo_ok");
            return runtime.reply(req, echo).await;

        if req.get_type() == "echo" {
            let echo = format!("Another echo {}", message.body.msg_id);
            let msg = Value::Object(Map::from_iter([("echo".to_string(), Value::String(echo))]));
            return runtime.reply(message, msg).await;

        if req.get_type() == "echo" {
            let err = maelstrom::Error::TemporarilyUnavailable {};
            let body = ErrorMessageBody::from_error(err);
            return runtime.reply(message, body).await;

        if req.get_type() == "echo" {
            let body = MessageBody::default().with_type("echo_ok").with_reply_to(req.body.msg_id);
            // send: no response type auto-deduction and no reply_to
            return runtime.send(message, body).await;

        if req.get_type() == "echo" {
            return runtime.reply(message, EchoResponse { echo: "blah".to_string() }).await;

        if req.get_type() == "read" {
            let data = self.inner.lock().unwrap().clone();
            let msg = ReadResponse { messages: data };
            return runtime.reply(req, msg).await;

        if req.get_type() == "broadcast" {
            let raw = Value::Object(req.body.extra.clone());

            let mut msg = serde_json::from_value::<BroadcastRequest>(raw)?;
            msg.typ = req.body.typ.clone();

            return runtime.reply(req, msg).await;

        if req.get_type() == "broadcast" {
            let mut msg = serde_json::from_value::<BroadcastRequest>(req.body.raw())?;
            msg.typ = req.body.typ.clone();

            return runtime.reply(req, msg).await;

        if req.get_type() == "broadcast" {
            let mut msg = req.body.as_obj::<BroadcastRequest>()?;
            msg.typ = req.body.typ.clone();

            return runtime.reply(req, msg).await;

        if req.get_type() == "topology" {
            info!("new topology {:?}", req.body.extra.get("topology").unwrap());
            return runtime.reply_ok(req).await;

        done(runtime, message)







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