2 个稳定版本

1.0.1 2023 年 8 月 8 日

#169 in FFI





此仓库包含一个Rust包和一个名为 jitrun 的实用程序。

它受到以下帖子的启发: Hello, JIT World: The Joy of Simple JITs.

这是将 jit 从 Go 迁移到 Rust 的一个例子。

在 x86_64 上的示例用法

返回数字 42

cargo run -p jitrun -- examples/42.mc

42.mc 的内容

// This program moves 42 into eax and returns

b8 2a 00 00 00  // mov 0x2a000000 into the eax register. b8 is the "mov eax" part. 2a is 42.
c3              // return to the caller (the return value is held in eax)

计算 1024 的平方根

cargo run -p jitrun -- examples/sqrt.mc

sqrt.mc 的内容

// This program takes the square root of 1024 and returns the answer (in eax), which is 32

b8 00 04 00 00  // mov 1024 (0x0400) into eax (0x00 comes first and then 0x04, because it is little-endian)
f3 0f 2a c0     // mov eax into the xmm0 register
f3 0f 51 c0     // take the square root of the xmm0 register and place it into xmm0
f3 0f 2c c0     // move xmm0 back into eax
c3              // return to the caller (the return value is held in eax)


  • 版本:0.1.0
  • 许可证:BSD-3

