0.1.1 | 2024年8月14日 |
0.0.5 | 2024年7月15日 |
0.0.4 | 2022年7月8日 |
0.0.3 | 2021年11月21日 |
0.0.2 | 2021年8月29日 |
#232 在 嵌入式开发
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德州仪器LP5009和LP5012 LED驱动器的嵌入式驱动程序
LP50xx设备是一种9或12通道恒流LED驱动器。LP50xx设备包含集成颜色混合和亮度控制,预先配置简化了软件开发过程。每个通道集成的12位、29-kHz PWM发生器为LED提供平滑、生动的颜色,并消除可听噪声。
// Initialize I2C pins, SCL, SDA
let scl = scl
let sda = sda
// Initialize the Enable line
let en = en.into_push_pull_output();
// Initialize
let i2c: stm32h7xx_hal::i2c::I2c<I2C1> =
i2c.i2c((scl, sda), 100.khz(), prec, clocks);
// Initialize with blocking I2C
let interface = LP50xx::init_with_i2c(Model::LP5012, i2c, en);
// Use the LP50xx in monochromatic mode
let mut monochromatic_controller = interface.into_monochromatic_mode();
// Enable it, this requires a delay provider
// Set LED 5 to 255
monochromatic_controller.set(5, 0xFF).ok();
// The continuous addressing feature is enabled by default, allowing you to address
// multiple LP50xx devices on the same bus in an intuitive way.
// There are 12 LEDs available per LP5012, therefore the following command
// will illuminate the 1st LED on the on the second LP5012:
monochromatic_controller.set(13, 0xFF).ok();
// You can turn this feature off and set the active address manually also:
// Set the active address to be the second device
// And then turn off the same 1st LED on the second device
monochromatic_controller.set(1, 0x00).ok();
// Alternatively, if you are using RGB LEDs you can use the LP50xx in color mode
let mut color_controller = monochromatic_controller.into_color_mode();
// Set channel 1 brightness and RGB values
color_controller.set(1, (1, [255, 100, 95])).ok();
// Release the blocking i2c example to regain access to its underyling resources
let (_i2c, en) = color_controller.release();
// Additionally, if you need to integrate this driver with platform specific DMA controllers then
// a flexible callback can be used rather than blocking i2c
static mut DMA_BUFFER: [u8; 256] = [0; 256];
let interface = LP50xx::init_with_callback(Model::LP5012, en, |addr, data| unsafe {
// Copy the data from the LP50xx into the DMA buffer for processing