3个版本 (稳定)

1.0.1 2024年8月15日
1.0.0 2024年8月14日
0.1.0 2024年5月13日

#135 in 数学

Download history 329/week @ 2024-05-11 218/week @ 2024-05-18 7/week @ 2024-05-25 7/week @ 2024-06-01 12/week @ 2024-06-08 24/week @ 2024-06-15 13/week @ 2024-06-22 4/week @ 2024-07-20 3/week @ 2024-08-03 199/week @ 2024-08-10

用于 bempp


18K SLoC


我们的Rust API简单,不需要用户创建临时元数据文件或设置辅助数据结构(如分层树),只需使用构建器模式对FMM进行参数化,并通过操作符链来调节运行时对象类型。在最简单的情况下,用户只需指定与源点和目标点坐标以及相关源密度关联的缓冲区。为FMM对象实现的特形接口允许用户访问关联的对象,如核和多重扩张数据。


use rand::{thread_rng, Rng};
use green_kernels::{laplace_3d::Laplace3dKernel, types::EvalType};
use kifmm::{BlasFieldTranslationSaRcmp, SingleNodeBuilder, FmmSvdMode};
use kifmm::traits::tree::{FmmTree, Tree};
use kifmm::traits::fmm::Fmm;

fn main() {
    // Generate some random source/target/charge data
    let dim = 3;
    let nsources = 1000000;
    let ntargets = 2000000;

    // The number of vectors of source densities, FMM is configured from data
    let n = 1;
    let mut rng = thread_rng();
    let mut sources = vec![0f32; nsources * dim * n];
    let mut targets = vec![0f32; ntargets * dim * n];
    let mut charges = vec![0f32; nsources * n];

    sources.iter_mut().for_each(|s| *s = rng.gen());
    targets.iter_mut().for_each(|t| *t = rng.gen());
    charges.iter_mut().for_each(|c| *c = rng.gen());

    // Set tree parameters
    // Library refines tree till fewer than 'n_crit' points per leaf box
    let n_crit = Some(150);
    // Alternatively, users can specify the tree depth they require
    let depth = None;
    // Choose to branches associated with empty leaves from constructed tree
    let prune_empty = true;

    // Set FMM Parameters
    // Can either set globally for whole tree, or level-by-level
    let expansion_order = &[6];
    // Parameters which control speed and accuracy of BLAS based field translation
    let singular_value_threshold = Some(1e-5);
    let check_surface_diff = Some(2);

    // Create an FMM
    let svd_mode = FmmSvdMode::Deterministic; // Choose SVD compression mode, random or deterministic

    let mut fmm = SingleNodeBuilder::new()
        .tree(&sources, &targets, n_crit, depth, prune_empty) // Create tree
            expansion_order, // Set expansion order, by tree level or globally
            Laplace3dKernel::new(), // Choose kernel,
            EvalType::Value, // Choose potential or potential + deriv evaluation
              svd_mode), // Choose field translation

    // Run FMM
    fmm.evaluate(true); // Optionally time the operators

    // Lookup potentials by leaf from target leaf boxes
    let leaf_idx = 0;
    let leaf = fmm.tree().target_tree().all_leaves().unwrap()[leaf_idx];
    let leaf_potential = fmm.potential(&leaf);



仅支持Python 3.10.*以启用MayaVi进行绘图

  1. 首先在新虚拟环境中安装Maturin(和pip)。
uv venv --python=3.10 && source .venv/bin/activate && uv pip install maturin pip
  1. 使用Maturin CLI将Python绑定安装到该虚拟环境。

注意,必须从kifmm crate根目录而不是工作区根目录运行Maturin。

maturin develop --release

我们在python/examples目录中提供了Python API的示例用法以及可视化。




~1M SLoC