1 个不稳定版本
0.1.0 | 2024年7月4日 |
#346 in 文本处理
311 行
$ jlu
Command-line utilities for on-the-fly investigation of JSON Lines
Usage: jlu <COMMAND>
count Read JSON objects from stdin and count the occurrences of the values associated with the specified top-level member names
flatten Read JSON values from stdin and convert each value into a flattened JSON object
names Read JSON objects from stdin and output the unique member names for all top-level objects
rename Read JSON objects from stdin and rename top-level member names that match a regular expression with a replacement string
table Read JSON objects from stdin and create a markdown table
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
$ cargo install jlu
此外,Linux 和 MacOS 的预构建二进制文件可在 发行页面 获取。
$jlu flatten
$ jlu flatten --help
Read JSON values from stdin and convert each value into a flattened JSON object
Usage: jlu flatten
-h, --help Print help
$ jq . example0.json
"aaa": 1,
"bbb": [
"ccc": {
"x": 10,
"y": 20
$ cat example0.json | jlu flatten | jq .
"aaa": 1,
"bbb[0]": "a",
"bbb[1]": "b",
"bbb[2]": "c",
"ccc.x": 10,
"ccc.y": 20
请注意,以下命令假定输入的 JSON 值是扁平的 JSON 对象。
$jlu names
$ jlu names --help
Read JSON objects from stdin and output the unique member names for all top-level objects
Usage: jlu names
-h, --help Print help
$ cat example0.json | jlu flatten | jlu names
$jlu rename
$ jlu rename --help
Read JSON objects from stdin and rename top-level member names that match a regular expression with a replacement string.
For details about regular expressions and replacement strings, please refer to the documentation of the regex crate: https://docs.rs/regex/latest/regex/struct.Regex.html#method.replace_all
Usage: jlu rename <REGEX> <REPLACEMENT>
Regular expression to match top-level member names
String to replace the matched segment of the member names
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
$ cat example0.json | jlu flatten | jlu rename '(.+)\.' '' | jq .
"aaa": 1,
"bbb[0]": "a",
"bbb[1]": "b",
"bbb[2]": "c",
"x": 10,
"y": 20
$jlu count
$ jlu count --help
Read JSON objects from stdin and count the occurrences of the values associated with the specified top-level member names
Usage: jlu count [NAMES]...
[NAMES]... Names of the top-level members to count
-h, --help Print help
$ cat example1.json
{"level":"info","msg":"Hello World!"}
{"level":"error","msg":"Hello Rust!"}
{"level":"info","msg":"Hello JSON!"}
$ cat example1.json | jlu count level | jq .
"error": 1,
"info": 2
$ cat example1.json | jlu count level msg | jq .info
"Hello JSON!": 1,
"Hello World!": 1
$jlu table
$ jlu table --help
Read JSON objects from stdin and create a markdown table
Usage: jlu table [OPTIONS] [COLUMN_NAMES]...
[COLUMN_NAMES]... Names of object members to be included in the table
-s, --sort <SORT>
If specified, the table rows are sorted based on the member value associated with this name
-m, --max-column-chars <MAX_COLUMN_CHARS>
Maximum number of characters to display in a column [default: 50]
-h, --help
Print help
$ cat example1.json | jlu table level msg --sort level
| level | msg |
| error | Hello Rust! |
| info | Hello World! |
| info | Hello JSON! |
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