0.4.5 | 2024年1月26日 |
0.4.4 | 2024年1月26日 |
0.3.2 | 2023年10月31日 |
0.2.6 | 2023年10月24日 |
#844 在 数据结构
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implies:用于逻辑公式的Pybound Rust包
implies 是一个 Rust 包,用于将逻辑公式存储为解析树并在其上进行复杂操作,如替换、旋转、转换为合取范式等。命题逻辑已预先实现,但此包在通用的 struct Formula<B,U,A>
上运行,该 struct 可以轻松地与您自己的 B
inary 和 U
nary 操作符以及 Atom
ic 公式类型一起使用:如果您可以为您的首选逻辑(模态、时态、谓词等)实现这些类型,则可以为此语言使用此包的完整功能。有关此包的更多信息,请参阅文档。
存在命题逻辑的Python绑定,但使用Python API提供的控制性和灵活性要小得多。如果需要,可以通过在编译时启用"python"功能来使用Rust的Python API,这将添加"pyo3"作为依赖项。
use crate::formula::*;
use crate::parser::Match;
use crate::prop::*;
use crate::symbol::{Atom, Symbolic};
/// The usual unary operators for modal logic: negation,
/// box and diamond. Most of the traits you need to get your
/// symbol types to work with implies are derivable.
/// Pro tip:
/// Write operator enums like this in the ascending precedence order
/// want for your operators, so that deriving Ord freely gives you the
/// precedence you expect. In the case of unary operators like these,
/// it doesn't matter, but it's useful for binary operators.
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Ord, PartialOrd, Copy, Clone, Default, Hash)]
enum ModalUnary {
// Give any value as the default, it just allows
// fast swap operations under the hood without
// unsafe Rust.
/// Specify how your type should be pretty-printed.
impl std::fmt::Display for ModalUnary {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
ModalUnary::Box => write!(f, "◻"),
ModalUnary::Diamond => write!(f, "◊"),
ModalUnary::Not => write!(f, "¬"),
/// This marker trait shows you've covered all the bases.
impl Symbolic for ModalUnary {}
/// Implement this simple trait (whose methods are partial inverses)
/// for immediate access to parsing formulae from strings.
impl Match for ModalUnary {
fn match_str(s: &str) -> Option<Self> {
match s {
"◻" => Some(ModalUnary::Box),
"◊" => Some(ModalUnary::Diamond),
"¬" | "not" | "~" => Some(ModalUnary::Not),
_ => None,
fn get_matches(&self) -> Vec<String> {
match self {
ModalUnary::Box => vec!["◻".to_owned()],
ModalUnary::Diamond => vec!["◊".to_owned()],
ModalUnary::Not => vec!["¬".to_owned(), "not".to_owned(), "~".to_owned()],
/// The binary operators for modal logic are the same as those for propositional.
type ModalBinary = PropBinary;
/// Just write a type alias and that's it, all of implies' functionality for free.
type ModalFormula = Formula<ModalBinary, ModalUnary, Atom>;
一旦设置了类似 ModalFormula
的类型,就可以免费使用Formula struct中提供的所有方法。要初始化公式,您可以从原子开始
let mut f = ModalFormula::new(Atom("p")) // p
let mut f = cascade! {
let f = ModalFormula::new(Atom("p")) // p
..unify(ModalUnary::Box) // ◻p
..left_combine(PropBinary::Implies, ModalFormula::new(Atom("q"))) // q -> ◻p
或如果您的类型实现了 Match
use implies::parser::build_formula;
let mut f: ModalFormula = build_formula("q -> ◻p")?;
~30K SLoC