#format-string #fmt #no-std #binary-size

no-std bin+lib hifmt

在不包含 Rust 代码段的二进制文件中格式化输出,以减少最终二进制文件大小

2 个版本

0.1.4 2024年5月17日
0.1.3 2023年11月14日

#180 in 嵌入式开发

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hifmt - 在不包含 Rust 代码段的二进制文件中格式化输出,以减少最终二进制文件大小

orion_cfmt 重命名为 hifmt

在嵌入式系统中受限,hifmt 的目标是减少最终二进制文件大小。使用 hifmt,可以将 Rust 格式化打印函数转换为 C 的格式化打印,从而避免使用 Rust 格式化打印函数。



format-spec = {:d|u|x|p|e|cs|rs|rb|cc|rc}
d: print int as digits, see %lld
u: print int as hexdecimals, see %llu
x: print int as hexdecimals a/b/c/d/e/f, see %llx
p: print pointer,see %p
e: print floating point numbers, see %e
cs: print C string pointers, see %s
rs: print Rust string &str, see %.*s
rb: print Rust slice &[u8], see %.*s
cc: print ASCII char into int type in C, see %c
rc: print Rust char into unicode scalar value, see %s

转换后的 C 函数定义为 dprintf(int fd, const char* format, ...),需要在用户的代码中实现。第一个参数是 fd。值 1 表示 stdout,值 2 表示 stderr。或者 snprintf(char* buf, int len, const char* format, . . . ) ;

宏的返回值与 'dprintf' 和 'snprintf' 的返回值相同。

hifmt 提供以下宏

// print to stdout, converted into dprintf(1, format, ...)
cprint!(format: &'static str, ...);
print!(format: &'static str, ...);

// append \n to cprint!, converted into dprintf(1, format "\n", ...)
cprintln!(format: &'static str, ...);
println!(format: &'static str, ...);

// print to stderr, converted into dprintf(2, format, ...)
ceprint!(format: &'static str, ...);
eprint!(format: &'static str, ...);

// append \n to ceprint!, converted into dprintf(2, format "\n", ...)
ceprintln!(format: &'static str, ...);
eprintln!(format: &'static str, ...);

//write to buf, converted into snprintf(buf.as_byte().as_ptr(), buf.len(), format, ...)
csprint!(buf: &mut str, format: &'static str, ...)
sprint!(buf: &mut str, format: &'static str, ...)

//write to buf, converted into snprintf(buf.as_ptr(), buf.len(), format, ...)
cbprint!(buf: &mut [u8], format: &'static str, ...)
bprint!(buf: &mut [u8], format: &'static str, ...)

Rust 中的用法如下所示

#[link(name = "c")]
extern "C" {
	fn dprintf(fd: i32, format: *const u8, ...) -> i32;
	fn snprintf(buf: *mut u8, len: usize, format: *const u8, ...) -> i32;
fn main() {
    let s = vec![b'\0'; 100];
    let s = &mut String::from_utf8(s).unwrap();
    hifmt::sprint!(s, "sprint({:rs})", "hello snprintf");

    let b = &mut [0_u8; 100];
    hifmt::bprint!(b, "bprint({:rs})", "hello snprintf");

    hifmt::println!("d = {:d} u = {:u} x = {:x} e = {:e} p = {:p} cstr = {:cs} str = {:rs} bytes = {:rb}",
        100, 200, 300, 400.0, b, b, s, b);

cargo expand 之后,上述代码变为

#[link(name = "c")]
extern "C" {
    fn dprintf(fd: i32, format: *const u8, ...) -> i32;
    fn snprintf(buf: *mut u8, len: usize, format: *const u8, ...) -> i32;
fn main() {
    let s = ::alloc::vec::from_elem(b'\0', 100);
    let s = &mut String::from_utf8(s).unwrap();
            let _hifmt_1: &str = "hello snprintf";
        let _hifmt_0: &mut str = s;
        let _hifmt_1: &str = "hello snprintf";
        unsafe {
                _hifmt_0.len() as usize,
                _hifmt_1.len() as i32,
    let b = &mut [0_u8; 100];
            let _hifmt_1: &str = "hello snprintf";
        let _hifmt_0: &mut [u8] = b;
        let _hifmt_1: &str = "hello snprintf";
        unsafe {
                _hifmt_0.len() as usize,
                _hifmt_1.len() as i32,
            let _hifmt_1 = (100) as i64;
            let _hifmt_2 = (200) as i64;
            let _hifmt_3 = (300) as i64;
            let _hifmt_4 = (400.0) as f64;
            let _hifmt_5 = (b) as *const _ as *const u8;
            let _hifmt_6 = (b) as *const _ as *const u8;
            let _hifmt_7: &str = s;
            let _hifmt_8: &[u8] = b;
        let _hifmt_1 = (100) as i64;
        let _hifmt_2 = (200) as i64;
        let _hifmt_3 = (300) as i64;
        let _hifmt_4 = (400.0) as f64;
        let _hifmt_5 = (b) as *const _ as *const u8;
        let _hifmt_6 = (b) as *const _ as *const u8;
        let _hifmt_7: &str = s;
        let _hifmt_8: &[u8] = b;
        unsafe {
                "d = %lld u = %llu x = %llx e = %e p = %p cstr = %s str = %.*s bytes = %.*s\n\0"
                _hifmt_7.len() as i32,
                _hifmt_8.len() as i32,


在 Rust/C 混合时,无条件地将 Rust 的格式化打印转换为 C 的 API 可以完全消除对 Display/Debug 特性的依赖,从而消除 Rust 格式化打印的开销,实现最优的大小。

理想情况下,格式化打印应遵循 Rust 中的规范如下

fn main() {
	let str = "sample";
	cprintln!("cprintln hex = {:x} digital = {} str = {}", 100_i32, 99_i64, str);

使用进程宏 cprintln! 展开,变为

#[link(name = "c")]
extern "C" {
	fn printf(format: *const u8, ...) -> i32

fn main() {
	let str = "sample";
	unsafe {
		printf("cprintln hex = %x digital = %lld str = %.*s\n\0".as_bytes().as_ptr(), 100_i32, 99_i64, str.len() as i32, str.as_bytes().as_ptr());


  1. RUST 字符串需要在 C 中以 \0 结尾;
  2. RUST参数的大小需要被proc宏识别,以确定使用哪种C格式,例如,是%d还是%lld;
  3. RUST参数的类型需要被proc宏识别:如果它是一个字符串,格式需要指定长度,并且单独处理具有长度信息的*const u8指针。


type my_i32 = i32;
let i: my_i32 = 100;
cprintln!("i32 = {}", i);





fn main() {
	cprintln!("cprintln hex = {:x} digital = {:lld} str = {:s}", 100_i32, 99_i64, str);

这使得依靠proc宏成为可能。然而,上述方法存在问题,即格式字符串也限制了参数的大小。例如,{:x}int,而{:lld}是C中的long long int。它要求程序员保证格式字符串和参数大小之间的一致性。否则,无效的地址访问可能会降低代码的安全性。在这方面,我们需要提供一种简化,即格式字符串仅定义数据类型,不指定数据大小,从而将数据类型统一为C中的long long intdouble

fn main() {
	cprintln!("cprintln hex = {:x} digital = {:d} str = {:s}", 100_i32, 99_i64, str);


fn main() {
	unsafe {
		printf("cprintln hex = %llx digital = %lld str = %.*s\n\0".as_bytes().as_ptr(), 100_i32 as i64, 99_i64 as i64, str.len() as i32, str.as_bytes().as_ptr());




cprintln!("str = {:s}", get_str());


unsafe {
	printf("str = %.*s\n\0".as_bytes().as_ptr(), get_str().len(), get_str().as_bytes().as_ptr());



最佳选择是判断参数是否为函数调用。如果是,则生成一个临时变量。或者,无条件地将每个字符串参数定义为临时变量,并在字符串参数不是 &str 时显式报告错误。


Rust字符以unicode编码,其格式输出需要根据 char::encode_utf8 转换为字符串;然而,使用 char::encode_utf8 会自动引入 core::fmt 的符号,导致二进制文件大小膨胀。

为了避免引入 core::fmt 包,我们需要实现Rust char 的转换。以下是实现的第一版本

pub fn encode_utf8(c: char, buf: &mut [u8]) -> &[u8] {
    let mut u = c as u32;
    let bits: &[u32] = &[0x7F, 0x1F, 0xF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x00, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0xF0];
    for i in 0..buf.len() {
        let pos = buf.len() - i - 1;
        if u <= bits[i] {
            buf[pos] = (u | bits[i + 4]) as u8;
            unsafe { return core::slice::from_raw_parts(&buf[pos] as *const u8, i + 1); }
        buf[pos] = (u as u8 & 0x3F) | 0x80;
        u >>= 6;
    return &buf[0..0];

虽然没有显式执行操作,但二进制仍然包含 core::fmt 中的相关符号

h00339793@DESKTOP-MOPEH6E:~/working/rust/orion/main$ nm target/debug/orion | grep fmt
0000000000002450 T _ZN4core3fmt3num3imp52_$LT$impl$u20$core..fmt..Display$u20$for$u20$u64$GT$3fmt17h7afd8f52b570e595E
0000000000002450 T _ZN4core3fmt3num3imp54_$LT$impl$u20$core..fmt..Display$u20$for$u20$usize$GT$3fmt17h95817e498b69c414E
0000000000001d70 t _ZN4core3fmt9Formatter12pad_integral12write_prefix17h9921eded510830d2E
00000000000018f0 T _ZN4core3fmt9Formatter12pad_integral17hd85ab5f2d47ca89bE
0000000000001020 T _ZN4core9panicking9panic_fmt17h940cb25cf018faefE


pub fn encode_utf8(c: char, buf: &mut [u8; 5]) -> *const u8 {
    let mut u = c as u32;
    if u <= 0x7F {
        buf[0] = u as u8;
        return buf as *const u8;
    buf[3] = (u as u8 & 0x3F) | 0x80;
    u >>= 6;
    if u <= 0x1F {
        buf[2] = (u | 0xC0) as u8;
        return &buf[2] as *const u8;
    buf[2] = (u as u8 & 0x3F) | 0x80;
    u >>= 6;
    if u <= 0xF {
        buf[1] = (u | 0xE0) as u8;
        return &buf[1] as *const u8;
    buf[1] = (u as u8 & 0x3F) | 0x80;
    u >>= 6;
    buf[0] = (u | 0xF0) as u8;
    return buf as *const u8;

这提醒我们,使用代码需要 避免使用数组索引的动态检查,以避免引入 core::fmt 依赖。


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