#同态 #加密 #离散傅里叶 #FHE

nightly he-ring



0.3.1 2024年6月6日
0.3.0 2024年6月6日
0.2.1 2024年5月13日
0.2.0 2024年4月10日
0.1.1 2024年4月3日

#396 in 密码学

MIT 许可证



基于 feanor-math,此库提供了同态加密(HE)中常用环的高效实现。我们的重点是提供第二代HE方案(如BGV或BFV)的构建块,然而,大多数构建块也被其他方案(如FHEW/TFHE)使用。特别是,核心组件是模整数n的整数域上的算术环 R_q = Z[X]/(Phi_n(X), q)。对于这两个 q,有两个相关的设置。

  • q 是一个相对较小的整数,在方案中用作“明文模数”,通常用 t 表示。对于大的 n,在这些环中进行算术的最快方法是使用复数上的离散傅里叶变换(DFT)(使用浮点数)。
  • q 是几个适度大的质数的乘积,在 R = Z[X]/(Phi_n(X)) 中完全分解。这意味着 R_q 可以分解为质数域,其中算术运算以分片方式进行,因此非常高效(这称为“双-RNS表示法”)。在这种情况下,环元素通常以双-RNS表示法存储,仅在必要时转换为标准系数表示法。这种转换需要数论变换(NTT)和中国剩余定理的实现。

此库实现了这两种设置,以及针对 n = 2^k 的情况的专用实现。在后一种情况下,DFT/NTT更便宜,这使得二进制循环特征环成为应用中最常见的选择。






use feanor_math::ring::*;
use feanor_math::rings::zn::*;
use feanor_math::rings::zn::zn_64::*;
use feanor_math::primitive_int::StaticRing;
use feanor_math::integer::*;
use feanor_math::rings::poly::dense_poly::DensePolyRing;
use feanor_math::rings::poly::*;
use feanor_math::algorithms::miller_rabin::is_prime;
use feanor_math::mempool::DefaultMemoryProvider;
use feanor_math::algorithms::fft::*;
use feanor_math::{default_memory_provider, assert_el_eq};
use feanor_math::homomorphism::Homomorphism;
use feanor_math::vector::VectorView;
use feanor_math::rings::extension::FreeAlgebraStore;
use feanor_math::vector::vec_fn::VectorFn;
use feanor_math::rings::float_complex::Complex64;

use he_ring::*;

use rand::thread_rng;
use rand::{Rng, CryptoRng};
use rand_distr::StandardNormal;

// in the spirit of feanor-math, all rings are highly generic and extensible using the type system.
// here we define the ring types we will use to implement the scheme. 
pub type PlaintextRing = complexfft::complex_fft_ring::ComplexFFTBasedRing<complexfft::pow2_cyclotomic::Pow2CyclotomicFFT<Zn, cooley_tuckey::FFTTableCooleyTuckey<Complex64>>, DefaultMemoryProvider, DefaultMemoryProvider>;
pub type FFTTable = doublerns::pow2_cyclotomic::Pow2CyclotomicFFT<cooley_tuckey::FFTTableCooleyTuckey<ZnFastmul>>;
pub type CiphertextRing = doublerns::double_rns_ring::DoubleRNSRing<Zn, FFTTable, DefaultMemoryProvider>;

pub type Ciphertext = (El<CiphertextRing>, El<CiphertextRing>);
pub type SecretKey = El<CiphertextRing>;
pub type GadgetProductOperand<'a> = doublerns::gadget_product::GadgetProductRhsOperand<'a, Zn, FFTTable, DefaultMemoryProvider>;
pub type KeySwitchKey<'a> = (GadgetProductOperand<'a>, GadgetProductOperand<'a>);
pub type RelinKey<'a> = (GadgetProductOperand<'a>, GadgetProductOperand<'a>);

// During BFV multiplication, we need a "rescaling operation" that computes `round(x * t / q)`. Doing
// this in a fast-RNS-conversion manner requires precomputing all kinds of data, encapsulated by `MulConversionData`.
pub struct MulConversionData {
    to_C_mul: rnsconv::approx_lift::AlmostExactBaseConversion<Zn, Zn, DefaultMemoryProvider, DefaultMemoryProvider>,
    scale_down_to_C: rnsconv::bfv_rescale::AlmostExactRescalingConvert<Zn, DefaultMemoryProvider, DefaultMemoryProvider>

const ZZbig: BigIntRing = BigIntRing::RING;
const ZZ: StaticRing<i64> = StaticRing::<i64>::RING;

pub fn sample_primes_in_arithmetic_progression(n: u64) -> impl Iterator<Item = u64> {
    (1..).map(move |i| i * n + 1).filter(|p| is_prime(&ZZ, &(*p as i64), 8))

// BFV requires arithmetic in two different "ciphertext rings":
//  - the standard ring `R_q` containing all ciphertexts
//  - an "extended" ciphertext ring `R_Q` used during multiplication (where `q` divides `Q` and `Q > q^2`)
// This function creates both of them
pub fn create_ciphertext_rings(log2_ring_degree: usize, ciphertext_moduli_count: usize) -> (CiphertextRing, CiphertextRing) {
    let mut primes = sample_primes_in_arithmetic_progression(2 << log2_ring_degree).map(|p| p as u64);

    let rns_base = zn_rns::Zn::new(primes.by_ref().take(ciphertext_moduli_count).map(Zn::new).collect(), ZZbig ,default_memory_provider!());
    let rns_base_mul = zn_rns::Zn::new(
        rns_base.get_ring().iter().map(|R| *R.modulus() as u64).chain(

    let C = <CiphertextRing as RingStore>::Type::new(rns_base.clone(), rns_base.get_ring().iter().cloned().map(ZnFastmul::new).collect(), log2_ring_degree,default_memory_provider!());
    let C_mul = <CiphertextRing as RingStore>::Type::new(rns_base_mul.clone(), rns_base_mul.get_ring().iter().cloned().map(ZnFastmul::new).collect(), log2_ring_degree,default_memory_provider!());
    return (C, C_mul);

pub fn create_plaintext_ring(log2_ring_degree: usize, plaintext_modulus: i64) -> PlaintextRing {
    return <PlaintextRing as RingStore>::Type::new(Zn::new(plaintext_modulus as u64), log2_ring_degree, default_memory_provider!(), default_memory_provider!());

// Creates the `MulConversionData` required to perform the rescaling during BFV multiplication in a
// fast-RNS-conversion manner.
pub fn create_multiplication_rescale(P: &PlaintextRing, C: &CiphertextRing, C_mul: &CiphertextRing) -> MulConversionData {
    MulConversionData {
        to_C_mul: rnsconv::approx_lift::AlmostExactBaseConversion::new(
            C.get_ring().rns_base().iter().map(|R| Zn::new(*R.modulus() as u64)).collect::<Vec<_>>(), 
            C_mul.get_ring().rns_base().iter().map(|R| Zn::new(*R.modulus() as u64)).collect::<Vec<_>>(), 
        scale_down_to_C: rnsconv::bfv_rescale::AlmostExactRescalingConvert::new(
            C_mul.get_ring().rns_base().iter().map(|R| Zn::new(*R.modulus() as u64)).collect::<Vec<_>>(), 
            Some(P.base_ring()).into_iter().map(|R| Zn::new(*R.modulus() as u64)).collect::<Vec<_>>(), 

pub fn gen_sk<R: Rng + CryptoRng>(C: &CiphertextRing, mut rng: R) -> SecretKey {
    // we sample uniform ternary secrets 
    let result = C.get_ring().sample_from_coefficient_distribution(|| (rng.next_u32() % 3) as i32 - 1);
    return result;

pub fn enc_sym_zero<R: Rng + CryptoRng>(C: &CiphertextRing, mut rng: R, sk: &SecretKey) -> Ciphertext {
    let a = C.get_ring().sample_uniform(|| rng.next_u64());
    let b = C.mul_ref(&a, &sk);
    let e = C.get_ring().sample_from_coefficient_distribution(|| (rng.sample::<f64, _>(StandardNormal) * 3.2).round() as i32);
    return (C.add(C.negate(b), e), a);

pub fn enc_sym<R: Rng + CryptoRng>(P: &PlaintextRing, C: &CiphertextRing, rng: R, m: &El<PlaintextRing>, sk: &SecretKey) -> Ciphertext {
    hom_add_plain(P, C, m, enc_sym_zero(C, rng, sk))

pub fn dec(P: &PlaintextRing, C: &CiphertextRing, ct: &Ciphertext, sk: &SecretKey) -> El<PlaintextRing> {
    let (c0, c1) = ct;
    let noisy_m = C.add_ref_fst(c0, C.mul_ref(c1, sk));
    let coefficients = C.wrt_canonical_basis(&noisy_m);
    let Delta = ZZbig.rounded_div(
        &int_cast(*P.base_ring().modulus() as i32, &ZZbig, &StaticRing::<i32>::RING)
    let modulo = P.base_ring().can_hom(&ZZbig).unwrap();
    return P.from_canonical_basis((0..coefficients.len()).map(|i| modulo.map(ZZbig.rounded_div(C.base_ring().smallest_lift(coefficients.at(i)), &Delta))));

pub fn hom_add(C: &CiphertextRing, lhs: &Ciphertext, rhs: &Ciphertext) -> Ciphertext {
    let (lhs0, lhs1) = lhs;
    let (rhs0, rhs1) = rhs;
    (C.add_ref(lhs0, rhs0), C.add_ref(lhs1, rhs1))

pub fn hom_add_plain(P: &PlaintextRing, C: &CiphertextRing, m: &El<PlaintextRing>, ct: Ciphertext) -> Ciphertext {
    let mut m = C.get_ring().do_fft(C.get_ring().exact_convert_from_cfft(P.get_ring(), m));
    let Delta = C.base_ring().coerce(&ZZbig, ZZbig.rounded_div(
        &int_cast(*P.base_ring().modulus() as i32, &ZZbig, &StaticRing::<i32>::RING)
    C.inclusion().mul_assign_map_ref(&mut m, &Delta);
    let (c0, c1) = ct;
    return (C.add(c0, m), c1);


pub fn hom_mul_plain(P: &PlaintextRing, C: &CiphertextRing, m: &El<PlaintextRing>, ct: Ciphertext) -> Ciphertext {
    let m = C.get_ring().do_fft(C.get_ring().exact_convert_from_cfft(P.get_ring(), m));
    let (c0, c1) = ct;
    return (C.mul_ref_snd(c0, &m), C.mul(c1, m));

pub fn gen_rk<'a, R: Rng + CryptoRng>(C: &'a CiphertextRing, rng: R, sk: &SecretKey) -> RelinKey<'a> {
    gen_switch_key(C, rng, &C.pow(C.clone_el(sk), 2), sk)

pub fn hom_mul(C: &CiphertextRing, C_mul: &CiphertextRing, lhs: &Ciphertext, rhs: &Ciphertext, rk: &RelinKey, conv_data: &MulConversionData) -> Ciphertext {
    let (c00, c01) = lhs;
    let (c10, c11) = rhs;
    let lift = |c: El<CiphertextRing>| C_mul.get_ring().do_fft(C_mul.get_ring().perform_rns_op_from(C.get_ring(), &C.get_ring().undo_fft(c), &conv_data.to_C_mul));

    let lifted0 = C_mul.mul(lift(C.clone_el(c00)), lift(C.clone_el(c10)));
    let lifted1 = C_mul.add(C_mul.mul(lift(C.clone_el(c00)), lift(C.clone_el(c11))), C_mul.mul(lift(C.clone_el(c01)), lift(C.clone_el(c10))));
    let lifted2 = C_mul.mul(lift(C.clone_el(c01)), lift(C.clone_el(c11)));

    let scale_down = |c: El<CiphertextRing>| C.get_ring().perform_rns_op_from(C_mul.get_ring(), &C_mul.get_ring().undo_fft(c), &conv_data.scale_down_to_C);

    let res0 = C.get_ring().do_fft(scale_down(lifted0));
    let res1 = C.get_ring().do_fft(scale_down(lifted1));
    let res2 = scale_down(lifted2);
    let op = C.get_ring().to_gadget_product_lhs(res2);
    let (s0, s1) = rk;
    return (
        C.add(res0, C.get_ring().gadget_product(&op, s0)), 
        C.add(res1, C.get_ring().gadget_product(&op, s1))

pub fn gen_switch_key<'a, R: Rng + CryptoRng>(C: &'a CiphertextRing, mut rng: R, old_sk: &SecretKey, new_sk: &SecretKey) -> KeySwitchKey<'a> {
    let mut res_0 = C.get_ring().gadget_product_rhs_zero();
    let mut res_1 = C.get_ring().gadget_product_rhs_zero();
    for i in 0..C.get_ring().rns_base().len() {
        let (c0, c1) = enc_sym_zero(C, &mut rng, new_sk);
        let factor = C.base_ring().get_ring().from_congruence((0..C.get_ring().rns_base().len()).map(|i2| {
            let Fp = C.get_ring().rns_base().at(i2);
            if i2 == i { Fp.one() } else { Fp.zero() } 
        let mut payload = C.clone_el(old_sk);
        C.inclusion().mul_assign_map_ref(&mut payload, &factor);
        res_0.set_rns_factor(i, C.add(payload, c0));
        res_1.set_rns_factor(i, c1);
    return (res_0, res_1);

pub fn key_switch(C: &CiphertextRing, ct: &Ciphertext, switch_key: &KeySwitchKey) -> Ciphertext {
    let (c0, c1) = ct;
    let (s0, s1) = switch_key;
    let op = C.get_ring().to_gadget_product_lhs(C.get_ring().undo_fft(C.clone_el(c1)));
    return (C.add_ref_fst(c0, C.get_ring().gadget_product(&op, s0)), C.get_ring().gadget_product(&op, s1));

let mut rng = thread_rng();

// not a secure choice of parameters
let log2_ring_degree = 7;
let plaintext_modulus = 3;
let ciphertext_moduli_count = 5;

let P = create_plaintext_ring(log2_ring_degree, plaintext_modulus);
let (C, C_mul) = create_ciphertext_rings(log2_ring_degree, ciphertext_moduli_count);

let sk = gen_sk(&C, &mut rng);

// for simplicity, we encrypt only a scalar
let m = P.int_hom().map(2);
let ct = enc_sym(&P, &C, &mut rng, &m, &sk);

let mul_rescale_data = create_multiplication_rescale(&P, &C, &C_mul);
let relin_key = gen_rk(&C, &mut rng, &sk);
let ct_sqr = hom_mul(&C, &C_mul, &ct, &ct, &relin_key, &mul_rescale_data);

let m_sqr = dec(&P, &C, &ct_sqr, &sk);
assert_el_eq!(&P, &P.int_hom().map(1), &m_sqr);


~34K SLoC