4 个版本 (2 个破坏性更新)
0.3.1 | 2024年2月28日 |
0.3.0 | 2024年2月16日 |
0.2.0 | 2020年12月4日 |
0.1.0 | 2020年8月13日 |
#251 in 异步
792 行
一个简单的用于与 Home Assistant WebSocket API 交互的异步 Rust 客户端库。
连接到您的 Home Assistant 服务器,或遵循 安装指南 中的说明。
为了开发,可以使用 docker 来轻松搭建测试环境。
- 克隆 hass_rs github 仓库
- 在 docker 容器中运行 homeassistant 服务器
docker run -d --name="home-assistant" -v /PATH_TO_YOUR_CONFIG:/config -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro --net=host homeassistant/home-assistant:stable
- 登录到 Home Assistant 网页界面:
- 转到
并创建一个用于 hass_rs 客户端的令牌 - 设置环境变量 export HASS_TOKEN=<YOUR_TOKEN_HERE>
- 运行示例脚本
cargorun --exampleget_cmds
cargorun --examplecall_service
cargorun --examplesubscribe_event
cargo run --example get_cmds_async_std --features use-async-std --no-default-features
- 使用 async-std 运行时的示例
查看 示例文件夹 以获取有关如何使用各种 hass-rs 函数的更多详细信息。
use hass_rs::client::HassClient;
use async_tungstenite::tungstenite::{Error, Message};
use futures_util::{
stream::{SplitSink, SplitStream},
SinkExt, StreamExt,
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use std::env::var;
use tokio::io::{AsyncRead, AsyncWrite};
use tokio::sync::{mpsc, mpsc::Receiver, mpsc::Sender};
use tokio_tungstenite::{connect_async, WebSocketStream};
lazy_static! {
static ref TOKEN: String =
var("HASS_TOKEN").expect("please set up the HASS_TOKEN env variable before running this");
async fn ws_incoming_messages(
mut stream: SplitStream<WebSocketStream<impl AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin>>,
to_user: Sender<Result<Message, Error>>,
) {
loop {
while let Some(message) = stream.next().await {
let _ = to_user.send(message).await;
async fn ws_outgoing_messages(
mut sink: SplitSink<WebSocketStream<impl AsyncRead + AsyncWrite + Unpin>, Message>,
mut from_user: Receiver<Message>,
) {
loop {
match from_user.recv().await {
Some(msg) => sink.send(msg).await.expect("Failed to send message"),
None => continue,
async fn main() {
let url = "ws://";
println!("Connecting to - {}", url);
let (wsclient, _) = connect_async(url).await.expect("Failed to connect");
let (sink, stream) = wsclient.split();
//Channels to recieve the Client Command and send it over to Websocket server
let (to_gateway, from_user) = mpsc::channel::<Message>(20);
//Channels to receive the Response from the Websocket server and send it over to Client
let (to_user, from_gateway) = mpsc::channel::<Result<Message, Error>>(20);
// Handle incoming messages in a separate task
let read_handle = tokio::spawn(ws_incoming_messages(stream, to_user));
// Read from command line and send messages
let write_handle = tokio::spawn(ws_outgoing_messages(sink, from_user));
let mut client = HassClient::new(to_gateway, from_gateway);
.expect("Not able to autheticate");
println!("WebSocket connection and authethication works\n");
println!("Getting the Config:\n");
let cmd2 = client
.expect("Unable to retrieve the Config");
println!("config: {}\n", cmd2);
// Await both tasks (optional, depending on your use case)
let _ = tokio::try_join!(read_handle, write_handle);
- 创建客户端
- 自动重连(待定)
- 使用长期活动访问令牌进行认证
- 使用 OAuth2 进行认证(待定)
- 调用服务
- 订阅
- 事件
- 配置(需要吗?提出问题)
- 服务(需要吗?提出问题)
- 取消订阅
- 获取命令
- 获取状态
- 获取配置
- 获取服务
- 获取面板
- 获取媒体播放器缩略图(您需要这个吗?请提交一个问题)
- ping - pong
~176K SLoC