7 个版本
0.1.6 | 2022年5月16日 |
0.1.5 | 2022年5月16日 |
#21 在 #hybrid
225 行
HashVec 是一种哈希表/字典,其键值对以固定顺序存储(并可迭代),默认为它们被插入到表中的顺序。它本质上是一个可以按键插入/检索值的向量。
use hashvec::*;
// Create a new hashvec containing pairs of animal names and species
// The hashvec! macro acts like vec!, but with key-value tuple pairs
let mut hashvec: HashVec<&'static str, &'static str> = hashvec![
("Doug", "Kobold"),
("Skye", "Hyena"),
("Lee", "Shiba"),
("Sock", "Man"),
("Salad", "Wolf"),
("Finn", "Human")
// Insert a value into the hashvec (HashMap-style)
// Inserting overwrites existing keys' entries in-place
hashvec.insert("Jake", "Dog");
// Push a value onto the hashvec (Vector-style)
// Pushing overwrites existing keys' entries and moves them to the end
hashvec.push(("Susie", "Squid"));
// Access a value by key
match hashvec.get(&"Finn") {
Some(value) => {
assert_eq!(*value, "Human");
None => {}
// Access an entry by index
let lee_value = hashvec[2];
assert_eq!(lee_value, ("Lee", "Shiba"));
// Get the index of a key
let lee_index = hashvec.index(&"Lee").unwrap();
assert_eq!(lee_index, 2);
// Get the length of the hashvec
let hashvec_length = hashvec.len();
assert_eq!(hashvec_length, 8);
// Change an entry's key in-place
hashvec.rename(&"Salad", "Caesar");
assert_eq!(hashvec[4], ("Caesar", "Wolf"));
// Mutate a value
match hashvec.get_mut(&"Sock") {
Some(value) => {
*value = "Guinea Pig";
None => {}
assert_eq!(*hashvec.get(&"Sock").unwrap(), "Guinea Pig");
// Remove an entry
assert_eq!(hashvec.get(&"Doug"), None);
// Swap the locations of two entries by their keys
hashvec.swap_keys(&"Lee", &"Skye");
assert_eq!(hashvec.index(&"Lee").unwrap(), 0);
assert_eq!(hashvec.index(&"Skye").unwrap(), 1);
// Now swap them again, by their indices
hashvec.swap_indices(0, 1);
assert_eq!(hashvec[0], ("Skye", "Hyena"));
assert_eq!(hashvec[1], ("Lee", "Shiba"));
// Iterate over each of the key-value pairs in the hashvec
for (k, v) in hashvec.into_iter() {
println!("{} is a {}!", k, v);
// Remove an entry from the end of the hashvec
let last_entry = hashvec.pop();
assert_eq!(last_entry.unwrap(), ("Susie", "Squid"));
// Clear the hashvec