#story #file #points #stories #plot #narrative #refactoring

bin+lib gatherbrained

gatherbrained 是一系列故事编写工具

1 个不稳定版本

0.1.0 2024年2月25日

#200 in 可视化




gatherbrained 是一个帮助组织文字作品的工具。它提供了一个命令行界面来维护和重构故事。一般想法是,一个文件,即 "gatherbrained" 文件捕获要包含在故事中的单个情节点,而另一个文件,即 "narrative" 则将 gatherbrained 思想组织成连贯的故事。

gatherbrained 文件的格式是一系列由只包含 '-' 字符的行分隔的短文本片段。例如,以下是一个有效的 gatherbrained 文件

This would be the first entry.  #first
This would be the second entry.  #second #gatherbrained

相应的 narrative 文件可能看起来像这样

#second #gatherbrained.

这样一个人可以连续几天、几个月甚至几年地脑力激荡,随着故事的进行添加情节点和细节。narrative 将自动适应包括匹配搜索词的新 gatherbrained 条目。这样,可以编写和重构整个故事,而不会丢失情节点,也不需要编辑实际文本。

交互式外壳自带 "帮助命令",可以自我文档化

gatherbrained> help

gatherbrained is a tool for telling stories.

Invoke gatherbrained with the name of a gatherbrained file.

First, use the add, edit, and search functions to gather ideas in a file.  This
file should contain one concrete thought---approximately a paragraph worth---per
entry.  Once equipped with the components of a story, create the narrative in a
second file that corresponds to searches in the first file.  Each line in this
second file constitutes a story arc or a chapter; a set of related ideas.

The general idea is to enable progressive refinement of a story by adding
entries to the gatherbrained, and searching for them by key word in the
narrative.  The whole story can be reworked quickly and efficiently by shuffling
entries in the narrative file or by editing entries that match a search in the
gatherbrained file.  Together these two mechanisms allow refactoring of stories.

help .... display this help menu
add ..... add an entry to the gatherbrained file.
edit .... perform a search and edit the retrieved entries in $EDITOR
search .. search the story by hash tag
narrate . output the story according to a narrative file
missing . output the gatherbrained entries missing from the narrative


gatherbrained> help add

Add an entry to the gatherbrained.

gatherbrained will spawn an editor in which to construct a new entry.  Upon exit
of the editor, it will parse the entry and add it to the gatherbrained file.

A typical entry will look something like:

    Under heaven all can see beauty as beauty only because there is ugliness.
    All can know good as good only because there is evil.

    Therefore having and not having arise together;
    Difficult and easy complement each other;
    Long and short contrast each other;
    High and low rest upon each other;
    Voice and sound harmonize each other;
    Front and back follow each other.

    #taoteching #taoism

This entry will appear in searches and narratives for taoteching or taoism.


维护中。gatherbrained 正在使用中,但可能不会再进行重大更新。


最新文档始终可在 docs.rs 获取。


~63K SLoC