24个版本 (13个稳定版)

1.2.1 2024年3月18日
1.1.5 2024年2月28日
1.1.1 2023年12月7日
1.1.0 2023年11月12日
0.3.2 2022年12月31日

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FLUTE - 单向传输文件





RFC 标题 链接
RFC 6726 FLUTE - 单向传输文件 https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6726.html
RFC 5775 异步分层编码 (ALC) 协议实例化 https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5775.html
RFC 5661 分层编码传输 (LCT) 构建块 https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5651
RFC 5052 前向错误纠正 (FEC) 构建块 https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5052
RFC 5510 里德-所罗门前向错误纠正 (FEC) 方案 https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5510.html
3GPP TS 26.346 扩展FLUTE FDT模式 (7.2.10) https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_ts/126300_126399/126346/17.03.00_60/ts_126346v170300p.pdf



use flute::sender::Sender;
use flute::sender::ObjectDesc;
use flute::sender::Cenc;
use flute::core::UDPEndpoint;
use std::net::UdpSocket;
use std::time::SystemTime;

// Create UDP Socket
let udp_socket = UdpSocket::bind("").unwrap();
udp_socket.connect("").expect("Connection failed");

// Create FLUTE Sender
let tsi = 1;
let oti = Default::default();
let config = Default::default();
let endpoint = UDPEndpoint::new(None, "".to_string(), 3400);
let mut sender = Sender::new(endpoint, tsi, &oti, &config);

// Add object(s) (files) to the FLUTE sender (priority queue 0)
let obj = ObjectDesc::create_from_buffer(b"hello world", "text/plain",
&url::Url::parse("file:///hello.txt").unwrap(), 1, None, None, None, Cenc::Null, true, None, true).unwrap();
sender.add_object(0, obj);

// Always call publish after adding objects

// Send FLUTE packets over UDP/IP
while let Some(pkt) = sender.read(SystemTime::now()) {



use flute::receiver::{writer, MultiReceiver};
use flute::core::UDPEndpoint;
use std::net::UdpSocket;
use std::time::SystemTime;
use std::rc::Rc;

// Create UDP/IP socket to receive FLUTE pkt
let endpoint = UDPEndpoint::new(None, "".to_string(), 3400);
let udp_socket = UdpSocket::bind(format!("{}:{}", endpoint.destination_group_address, endpoint.port)).expect("Fail to bind");

// Create a writer able to write received files to the filesystem
let writer = Rc::new(writer::ObjectWriterFSBuilder::new(&std::path::Path::new("./flute_dir"))
    .unwrap_or_else(|_| std::process::exit(0)));

// Create a multi-receiver capable of de-multiplexing several FLUTE sessions
let mut receiver = MultiReceiver::new(writer, None, false);

// Receive pkt from UDP/IP socket and push it to the FLUTE receiver
let mut buf = [0; 2048];
loop {
    let (n, _src) = udp_socket.recv_from(&mut buf).expect("Failed to receive data");
    let now = SystemTime::now();
    receiver.push(&endpoint, &buf[..n], now).unwrap();

应用层前向纠错 (AL-FEC)


  • 无码
  • 里德-所罗门 GF 2^8
  • 里德-所罗门 GF 2^8 限定
  • 里德-所罗门 GF 2^16
  • 里德-所罗门 GF 2^m
  • RaptorQ
  • Raptor

Oti 模块提供了FLUTE协议中用于配置前向错误纠正 (FEC) 编码的对象传输信息 (OTI) 的实现。

use flute::sender::Oti;
use flute::sender::Sender;
use flute::core::UDPEndpoint;

// Reed Solomon 2^8 with encoding blocks composed of
// 60 source symbols and 4 repair symbols of 1424 bytes per symbol
let endpoint = UDPEndpoint::new(None, "".to_string(), 3400);
let oti = Oti::new_reed_solomon_rs28(1424, 60, 4).unwrap();
let mut sender = Sender::new(endpoint, 1, &oti, &Default::default());

内容编码 (CENC)


  • 空(无压缩)
  • Deflate
  • Zlib
  • Gzip



文件1的数据包 -> 文件2的数据包 -> 文件3的数据包 -> 文件1的数据包 -> 文件2的数据包 -> 文件3的数据包 ...


(B 1,ES 1)->(B 2,ES 1)->(B 3,ES 1)->**(B 1,ES 2)**->(B 2,ES 2)...


use flute::sender::Sender;
use flute::sender::Config;
use flute::sender::PriorityQueue;
use flute::core::UDPEndpoint;

let mut config = Config {
    // Interleave a maximum of 3 blocks within each file
    interleave_blocks: 3,

// Interleave a maximum of 3 files in priority queue '0'
config.set_priority_queue(PriorityQueue::HIGHEST, PriorityQueue::new(3));

let endpoint = UDPEndpoint::new(None, "".to_string(), 3400);
let mut sender = Sender::new(endpoint, 1, &Default::default(), &config);



use flute::sender::Sender;
use flute::sender::Config;
use flute::sender::PriorityQueue;
use flute::core::UDPEndpoint;
use flute::sender::ObjectDesc;
use flute::sender::Cenc;

// Create a default configuration
let mut config: flute::sender::Config = Default::default();

// Configure the HIGHEST priority queue with a capacity of 3 simultaneous file transfer
config.set_priority_queue(PriorityQueue::HIGHEST, PriorityQueue::new(3));

// Configure the LOW priority queue with a capacity of 1 file transfer at a time
config.set_priority_queue(PriorityQueue::LOW, PriorityQueue::new(1));

let endpoint = UDPEndpoint::new(None, "".to_string(), 3400);
let mut sender = Sender::new(endpoint, 1, &Default::default(), &config);

// Create an ObjectDesc for a low priority file
let low_priority_obj = ObjectDesc::create_from_buffer(b"low priority", "text/plain",
&url::Url::parse("file:///low_priority.txt").unwrap(), 1, None, None, None, Cenc::Null, true, None, true).unwrap();

// Create an ObjectDesc for a high priority file
let high_priority_obj = ObjectDesc::create_from_buffer(b"high priority", "text/plain",
&url::Url::parse("file:///high_priority.txt").unwrap(), 1, None, None, None, Cenc::Null, true, None, true).unwrap();

// Put Object to the low priority queue
sender.add_object(PriorityQueue::LOW, low_priority_obj);

// Put Object to the high priority queue
sender.add_object(PriorityQueue::HIGHEST, high_priority_obj);


PyPI version


pip install flute-alc



    from flute import sender

    # Flute Sender config parameters
    sender_config = sender.Config()

    # Object transmission parameters (no_code => no FEC)
    # encoding symbol size : 1400 bytes
    # Max source block length : 64 encoding symbols
    oti = sender.Oti.new_no_code(1400, 64)

    # Create FLUTE Sender
    flute_sender = sender.Sender(1, oti, sender_config)

    # Transfer a file 
    flute_sender.add_file("/path/to/file", 0, "application/octet-stream", None, None)

    while True:
        alc_pkt = flute_sender.read()
        if alc_pkt == None:

        #TODO Send alc_pkt over UDP/IP


    from flute import receiver

    # Write received objects to a destination folder
    receiver_writer = receiver.ObjectWriterBuilder("/path/to/dest")

    # FLUTE Receiver configuration parameters
    receiver_config = receiver.Config()

    tsi = 1

    # Create a FLUTE receiver with the specified endpoint, tsi, writer, and configuration
    udp_endpoint = receiver.UDPEndpoint("", 1234)
    flute_receiver = receiver.Receiver(udp_endpoint, tsi, receiver_writer, receiver_config)

    while True:
        # Receive LCT/ALC packet from UDP/IP multicast (Implement your own receive_from_udp_socket() function)
        # Note: FLUTE does not handle the UDP/IP layer, you need to implement the socket reception mechanism yourself
        pkt = receive_from_udp_socket()

        # Push the received packet to the FLUTE receiver


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