61 个版本 (23 个重大更新)
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0.24.11 | 2019年9月25日 |
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2013 在 命令行实用工具
每月下载量 78
ff — 查找文件
ff:只是我自己的 fd 分支,进行了许多不兼容的更改。(不稳定)
cargo install ff-find
ff 允许您使用 glob 模式 搜索文件和目录。
ff $HOME '*.txt'
使用 --regex 开关可以使用 正则表达式模式,这将带来更多功能和风险。
ff --regex $HOME '\.txt$'
Unicode 支持
ff . '?' # doesn't match filename π
ff --unicode . '?' # matches filename π
ff --regex . '^.$' # doesn't match filename π
ff --regex --unicode . '^.$' # matches filename π
如果您有一个用于备份服务的磁盘或分区,请使用 --mount 标志以防止删除该分区上的文件
# skip any directory or files on another disk or partition
ff $HOME .DS_Store --all --no-ignore --mount --exec rm -v --
# could be faster by working in parallel with xargs
ff $HOME .DS_Store --all --no-ignore --mount -0 | xargs -0 rm -v --
# exclamation marks "!" must be escaped for the bash shell
ff / name c++ type directory,symlink \
\!path '/usr/include/**' \!path '/usr/bin/**'
# ditto
ff / name c++ and type directory,symlink \
and not path '/usr/include/**' and not path '/usr/bin/**'
# more efficient
ff / name c++ and type directory,symlink \
--exclude /usr/include --exclude /usr/bin
# likewise, "iname" means to case-insensitively match file names
ff $HOME iname '*.chm' or iname '*.pdf' or iname '*.epub'
# simpler
ff $HOME iname '*.{chm,pdf,epub}'
- glob 语法: https://docs.rs/ff-find/latest/globset/#syntax
- 注意:ff 使用 globset 的一个变体,其在 "反斜杠转义" 方面行为略有不同,即
- 注意:ff 使用 globset 的一个变体,其在 "反斜杠转义" 方面行为略有不同,即
- 正则表达式语法: https://docs.rs/regex/1.1.2/regex/#syntax
-D, --include <path>...
Search one more directory or file.
This option can be specified multiple times. Duplicated paths
produce duplicated results.
-E, --exclude <path>...
Skip the file or do not descend into the directory.
This option can be specified multiple times. File paths are compared
without resorting to absolute paths nor real paths.
-g, --glob
Match file paths with a glob pattern.
This is the default behavior.
-r, --regex
Match file paths with a regex pattern.
-u, --unicode
Turn on Unicode support for search patterns.
Character classes are not limited to ASCII. Only valid UTF-8 byte
sequences can be matched by the search pattern.
-i, --ignore-case
Perform a case-insensitive search.
-s, --case-sensitive
Perform a case-sensitive search.
This is the default behavior.
-p, --full-path
Match the absolute path instead of only the file name or directory
-L, --follow
Follow symlinks and traverse the symlinked directories.
-M, --mount
Do not descend into directories on another disk or partition, as a
symlink or normal directory may lead to a file on another file
-0, --print0
Each search result is terminated with a NUL character instead of a
newline (LF) when printed.
This option does not affect --exec.
-A, --absolute-path
Relative paths for output are transformed into absolute paths.
An absolute path may not be the real path due to symlinks.
-S, --sort-path
The search results are sorted by pathname before output.
Sort by lexicographically comparing the byte strings of path
components. The search depth is also taken into comsideration.
This option also forces --exec to use a single thread for
-a, --all
All files and directories are searched.
By default, files and directories of which the names start with a
dot "." are ignored in the search.
Files ignored by patterns in .(git)ignore files are still excluded.
-I, --no-ignore
Show search results from files and directories that would otherwise
be ignored by .(git)ignore files.
-m, --multiplex
Multiplex stdin of this program so that every executed command
shares the same input.
Interactive input is disabled by caching, even if the commands run
-t, --type <file type>
Filter the search by type (case-insensitive): [default: any]
directory or d: directories
file or f: regular files
symlink or l: symbolic links
executable or x: executable files
Multiple file types are specified by separating them with a comma
",". Files of any of those types are matched.
Executable files are regular files with execute permission bits set
or are symlinks pointing to the former, which means they are likely
programs that can be loaded and run on the operating system.
-d, --max-depth <number>
Limit the directory traversal to a given depth.
-c, --color <when>
Declare when to use color for the pattern match output:
auto: use colors for interactive console [default]
never: do not use colorized output
always: always use colorized output
-j, --threads <number>
The number of threads to use for searching and command execution.
0 means [default: number of available CPU cores]
--max-buffer-time <milliseconds>
The amount of time (in milliseconds) for the search results to be
buffered and sorted before streaming.
This option is mostly a stub for testing purpose.
-x, --exec <program [argument]... [;]>
Run the given command for each search result.
The search result can be represented by a pair of braces {} in the
command. If the command does not contain any {}, then a {} is
appended as an argument to the program. A single semicolon ;
terminates the argument list.
With --threads=1 commands are run sequentially. If multi-threading
is enabled and multiplexing is not enabled, commands do not receive
input from an interactive console.
If not running with a single thread, each output of the command is
buffered, reordered (printed to stdout before stderr) and
synchronized to avoid overlap.
-v, --verbose
Show warnings about file permissions, loops caused by symlinks, I/O
errors, invalid file content, etc.
-h, --help
Print help information.
Use --help to show details and full list of options.
-V, --version
Print version information.
The root directory for the search. [optional]
If omitted, search the current working directory.
A regex or glob pattern for matching files. [optional]
The default patterns for regex and glob are ^ and * respectively.
The expression can also be a chain of filters with syntax as
Ordered in order of decreasing precedence:
* Grouped expression:
"(" expr ")"
* Negated expression:
"NOT" expr
"!" expr
* Both expr1 and expr2 are true:
expr1 "AND" expr2
expr1 expr2
expr2 is not evaluated if expr1 is false.
* One and only one of expr1 and expr2 is true:
expr1 "XOR" expr2
Both expressions are evaluated.
* At least one of expr1 and expr2 is true:
expr1 "OR" expr2
expr2 is not evaluated if expr1 is true.
* Only return the value of expr2:
expr1 "," expr2
Both expressions are evaluated.
Operator names are case-insensitive.
Expressions (unchained):
* Perform a case-sensitive match on file names.
name <glob pattern>
This action is not affected by --full-path.
* Perform a case-insensitive match on file names.
iname <glob pattern>
This action is not affected by --full-path.
* Perform a case-sensitive match on file paths.
path <glob pattern>
regex <regex pattern>
Relative paths always start with "./" or "../".
* Perform a case-insensitive match on file paths.
ipath <glob pattern>
iregex <regex pattern>
Relative paths always start with "./" or "../".
* Match specified file types.
type <file type[,file type]...>
* Always true.
* Always false.
* Always true; print the result followed by a newline.
* Always true; print the result followed by a NUL character.
* Always true; do not descend into a directory.
This does not cancel other applied actions.
* Always true; quit searching after applying other actions.
More results can be produced while this action is accepted.
The head of a predicate is case-insensitive.
These predicates are also "actions" due to their side effects:
print, print0, prune, quit.
If no action is specified in the filter chain, all matched results
are printed on the standard output with the line terminator
determined by the option --print0.
--exec is forbidden while using a filter chain. New actions
"fprint", "fdprint" and the likes are TODOs for cooperation with
other commandline utils like "xargs".
Please view the man page for example usage. (TODO)
NOTE: If the value of environment variable PWD is the path of a symlink pointing
to the current working directory, it is used for resolving the absolute path of
a relative path.
版权(c)2017 ff 开发者
版权(c)2017 fd 开发者
项目中的所有文件均受 Apache 许可证 版本 2.0 或 MIT 许可证 的许可,由您选择。
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