18个版本 (10个破坏性更新)
0.13.1 | 2023年3月31日 |
0.10.0 | 2022年10月10日 |
0.8.1 | 2022年7月17日 |
0.5.1 | 2022年3月15日 |
#412 in Web编程
每月下载 78次
7.5K SLoC
cargo install fetcher
git clone -b main --single-branch https://github.com/SergeyKasmy/fetcher.git
cd fetcher
cargo build --release
fetcher 的主要执行单元是任务。一个任务由一个或多个每设定时间间隔或每天特定时间重新运行的任务组成。一个任务包含一个数据源(从哪里获取数据),(一个或多个)处理数据的行为(修改、过滤、删除已读的),以及一个数据目的地(数据最终被发送到的地方)。要创建一个任务,在 $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fetcher/jobs
或 /etc/xdg/fetcher/jobs
中创建一个名为 foo.yml
的文件,其中 foo
every: 30m
read_filter_type: newer_than_read
twitter: '<your_twitter_handle>'
- read_filter # leave out only entries newer than the last one read
- contains:
body: '[Hh]ello'
- set:
title: New tweet from somebody
- shorten:
body: 50
user: <your_user_id>
这个任务每30分钟运行一次,有一个名为 "news" 的单一任务。
- 此任务获取 @<你的推特用户名> 的 Twitter 时间线。
- 删除所有已读的推文(使用
策略) - 仅保留包含 "Hello" 或 "hello" 的推文
- 将标题设置为 "某人新推文"。
- 如果正文超过50个字符,则将其缩短到50个字符。
- 并将所有剩余的推文通过DM发送到 Discord 用户
使用 fetcher run
运行 fetcher。这将运行在所有配置位置中找到的所有任务。fetcher 首先在 $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fetcher/jobs
中搜索所有 .yml
任务,然后在 /etc/xdg/fetcher/jobs
您可以使用 JSON 在命令行中手动指定任务,当使用 fetcher run-manual
有关详细信息,请参阅 fetcher --help
要设置登录凭证,以保存模式运行 fetcher(fetcher save
注意:带有 X 的选项是互斥的,并且不打算同时运行,而是列出所有可用选项的用法。
注意:带有 O 的选项是可选的
disabled: true # O
read_filter_type: newer_than_read # XO. either:
# * keep only the last read entry and filter out all "older" than it
# * notify when the entry is updated
read_filter_type: not_present_in_read_list # XO. keep a list of all items read and filter out all that are present in it
tag: <string> # mark the message with a tag. That is usually a hashtag on top of the message or some kind of subscript in it. If a job has multiple tasks, it is automatically set to the task's name
string: <string> # X. set the body of an entry to set string
http: # X
- <url> # get the contents of a web page
- <url> # or several ones. Note: they have compatible contents and IDs to be able to work with the processing and read filtering logic. If they do not, just create a different task
- post: # send a POST request (instead of a GET request)
url: <url>
body: <string> # with its body set to <string>
twitter: # X
- <twitter_handle> # get the feed of a tweeter account
- <twitter_handle> # or several
file: # X
- <path> # get the contents of a file
- <path> # or several
reddit: # X
sort: <new|rising|hot> # X
sort: # X
top: <today|thisweek|thismonth|thisyear|alltime>
score_threshhold: <int> # O. Ignore posts with score lower than the threshhold
<subreddit_name>: # can be specified multiple times
exec: # X
- <cmd> # exec this command and use its output
- <cmd> # or several commands
email: # X
auth: <google_oauth2|password> # how to authenticate with the IMAP server. `password` is insecure. `google_oauth2` can only be used with Gmail
imap: <url> # URL of the IMAP server. Used only with `auth: password`. With `auth: google_oauth2` `imap.gmail.com` is used automatically
email: <address> # email address to authenticate with
filters: # O
sender: <email_address> # O. Ignore all email not sent from this address
subjects: # O
- <string> # ignore all emails not containing this string
- <string> # or several
exclude_subjects: # O
- <string> # ignore all emails containing this string
- <string> # or several
view_mode: <read_only|mark_as_read|delete> # how to view the inbox.
# * read_only: doesn't modify the inbox in any way (but will get the same emails over and over again with no way to check which are read. Should be used with a `read_filter`)
# * mark_as_read: mark read emails as read
# * delete: move the emails to the trash bin. Exact behavior depends on the email provider in question. Gmail archives the emails by default instead
process: # all actions are optional, so don't need to be marked with O
- read_filter # filter out already read entries using `read_filter_type` stradegy
- take: # take `num` entries from either the newest or the oldest and ignore the rest
<from_newest|from_oldest>: <int>
- contains: # filter out all entries that don't match
<field>: <regex> # regular expression to match the contents of the <field> against
<field>: <regex> # can be specified several times
- feed # parse the entries as an RSS/Atom feeds
- html: # parse the entries as HTML. All queries use the same format, except for `item_query`
item: # O. Item is a unit of information. For example, articles in a blog or goods in an online store search are items. If the entire page is the "item", then this should be ignored
# either of tag|class|attr can be used any number of times. They specify a narrowing down traversal of the HTML that specifies an item. Refer to [docs.rs of ElementDataQuery](https://docs.rs/fetcher-core/latest/fetcher_core/action/transform/entry/html/query/struct.ElementDataQuery.html) for more details
- tag: <string>
- class: <string>
- attr:
<attr>: <value> # look for match of `<html_attribute>` inside `<attr>`, i.e. `href: THIS` will match for the contents of <a href="THIS">foo</a>
ignore: # any of these can also include an `ignore` field that, in case several HTML tags matched the query, will ignore ones that match ~this~ ignore query
- tag: <string>
- class: <string>
- attr:
<attr>: <value>
title: # O. A query to get the title of the entry from. Seaches inside the item found in "item query" if it set, the entire page otherwise
optional: <bool> # defines what happens when this query doesn't match anything. if 'true', the title should be left empty, if 'false', the entire task will fail. `false` by default
... # the same as `item` above
data_location: text # X. Where to exact data from. `text` extracts the text of an HTML tag, i.e. `<a href="https://example.com">THIS</a>`
attr: <string> # X. While `attr` extracts the contents of the attribute, i.e. `attr: href` extracts `<a href="THIS">and not this!</a>`
regex: # O. match the resulting data got from this query against a regex
re: <regex> # the regex to match against
replace_with: <string> # replace the matched regex with this string. Supports referencing capture groups from `re`.
# Example
# regex:
# re: '/.*/.*'
# replace_with: `Hello, $1!`
# This regex extracts the data from `/HERE/not here/or here` and replaces the entire title with "Hello, HERE!"
text: # O. Query for the main content of the message.
- ... # Same as `title` but is an array. This makes it possible to extract text from several different places and concatenate it into a single message body.
- ...
id: # O. Query for the ID of the item.
... # same as `title`
link: # O. Query for the URL of the item. The entry
... # same as `title`
img: # O. "Query for the attached pictures of the item.
... # same as `title`
- http # fetch a page from the link field of the message. Allows recursive web parsing.
- json: # very similar to `html`
item: # O. "Item query". Item is a unit of information. For example, articles in a blog or goods in an online store search are items. If the entire JSON is the "item", then this should be ignored
query: # query that should be matched one by one to traverse the JSON and find the item
- <string> # matches a JSON key
- <int> # matches an item of an array or a map
title: # O. A query to get the title of the entry from. Seaches inside the item found in "item query" if it set, the entire JSON otherwise
optional: <bool> # defines what happens when this query doesn't match anything. if 'true', the title should be left empty, if 'false', the entire task will fail. `false` by default
... # the same as `itemq.query` above
regex: # O. match the resulting data got from this query against a regex
re: <regex> # the regex to match against
replace_with: <string> # replace the matched regex with this string. Supports referencing capture groups from `re`.
# Example
# regex:
# re: '/.*/.*'
# replace_with: `Hello, $1!`
# This regex extracts the data from `/HERE/not here/or here` and replaces the entire title with "Hello, HERE!"
text: # O. "Text query". Query for the main content of the message.
- ... # Same as `title` but is an array. This makes it possible to extract text from several different places and concatenate it into a single message body.
- ...
id: # O. "ID query". Query for the ID of the item.
... # same as `title`
link: # O. "Link query". Query for the URL of the item. The entry
... # same as `title`
img: # O. "Image query". Query for the attached pictures of the item.
... # same as `title`
- use: # copy the data of a field to a different field of a message
<field>: # the field to copy the data from
as: <field> # the field to copy the data to
<field>: # can be specified multiple times
as: <field>
# Example:
# use:
# title:
# as: body
# This will use the title of the message as the body of the message, i.e. they will be the same
- set: # set a field to a specified string
<field>: <string> # set <field> to <string>
<field>: <string> # can be specified multiple times
- <string> # or even as an array, in which case it will choose a random one each time
- <string>
- shorten: # limit the length of a field to a specified maximum amount of charachers
<field>: <int> # limit <field> to <int> max charachers
<field>: <int> # can be specified multiple times
- trim: <field> # remove leftover whitespace to the left and to the right of every line in the <field>
- replace: # replace the contents of a field
re: <regex> # replace the first regex match
field: <field> # in the field
with: <string> # with this string
- extract: # extract text using a regex
from_field: <field> # extract text from this field and replace the contents of the field with it
re: <regex> # the regex that specifies capture groups that will be concatenated and become the new contents of the field
passthrough_if_not_found: <bool> # what to do if the regex didn't match. If `true`, the value of the field `from_field` should remain the same, if `false`, the task will be aborted
- remove_html: # remove any HTML tags in <field> and trim any remaining whitespace
in: <field> # X. either in one field
in: # X. or in several at once
- <field>
- <field>
# debug related actions:
- caps # make the message title uppercase
- debug_print # debug print the entire contents of the entry
discord: # X. Send as a discord message
user: <user_id> # X. The user to DM to. This is not a handle (i.e. not User#1234) but rather the ID (see below).
channel: <channel_id> # X. The channel to send messages to
# The ID of a user or a channel can be gotten after enabling developer settings in Discord (under Settings -> Advanced) and rightclicking on a user/channel and selecting "Copy ID"
telegram: # X
chat_id: <chat_id> # Either the private chat (group/channel) ID that can be gotten using bots or the public handle of a chat. DM aren't supported yet.
link_location: <prefer_title|bottom> # O. Where to put the link. Either as try to put it in the title if it's present, or a separate "Link" button under the message
exec: <cmd> # X. Start a process and write the body of the message to its stdin
stdout # X. Just print to stdout. Isn't really useful but it is the default when run with --dry-run
~1M SLoC