0.1.2 | 2024年6月19日 |
0.1.1 | 2024年6月3日 |
0.1.0 | 2024年6月3日 |
#589 in 数据结构
219 行
是一个简单高效的Rust树结构库。它允许您创建和操作具有多个子节点和单个父节点的树结构。 easy-tree
在 crates.io 上可用,并且 API 文档在 docs.rs 上可用。
将以下内容添加到您的 Cargo.toml
easy-tree = "0.1"
要启用使用 rayon crate 的并行迭代,请添加以下内容
easy-tree = { version = "0.1", features = ["rayon"] }
use easy_tree::Tree;
fn main() {
let mut tree = Tree::new();
let root = tree.add_node(0); // Root node with data 0
let child1 = tree.add_child(root, 1); // Child node with data 1
let child2 = tree.add_child(root, 2); // Child node with data 2
let child3 = tree.add_child(child1, 3); // Child node with data 3
let mut result = vec![];
tree.traverse(|index, node, result| {
result.push(format!("Calling handler for node {}: {}", index, node))
}, |index, node, result| {
result.push(format!("Finished handling node {} and all it's children", index))
}, &mut result);
assert_eq!(result, vec![
"Calling handler for node 0: 0",
"Calling handler for node 1: 1",
"Calling handler for node 3: 3",
"Finished handling node 3 and all it's children",
"Finished handling node 1 and all it's children",
"Calling handler for node 2: 2",
"Finished handling node 2 and all it's children",
"Finished handling node 0 and all it's children",
use easy_tree::Tree;
fn main() {
// Create a new tree and add nodes
let mut tree = Tree::new();
let root = tree.add_node(0); // Root node with data 0
let child1 = tree.add_child(root, 1); // Child node with data 1
let child2 = tree.add_child(root, 2); // Child node with data 2
let child3 = tree.add_child(child1, 3); // Child node with data 3
// Access nodes and their relationships
assert_eq!(tree.get(root), Some(&0));
assert_eq!(tree.get(child1), Some(&1));
assert_eq!(tree.get(child2), Some(&2));
assert_eq!(tree.get(child3), Some(&3));
assert_eq!(tree.parent_index_unchecked(child1), Some(root));
assert_eq!(tree.parent_index_unchecked(child2), Some(root));
assert_eq!(tree.parent_index_unchecked(child3), Some(child1));
assert_eq!(tree.children(root), &[child1, child2]);
assert_eq!(tree.children(child1), &[child3]);
assert_eq!(tree.children(child2), &[]);
assert_eq!(tree.children(child3), &[]);
use easy_tree::Tree;
fn main() {
// Create a new tree and add nodes
let mut tree = Tree::new();
let root = tree.add_node(0); // Root node with data 0
let child1 = tree.add_child(root, 1); // Child node with data 1
let child2 = tree.add_child(root, 2); // Child node with data 2
let child3 = tree.add_child(child1, 3); // Child node with data 3
// Iterate over the nodes in the tree
for (index, data) in tree.iter() {
println!("Node {}: {}", index, data);
// Iterate over the nodes in the tree mutably
for (index, data) in tree.iter_mut() {
*data += 1;
// Check the modified values
assert_eq!(tree.get(root), Some(&1));
assert_eq!(tree.get(child1), Some(&2));
assert_eq!(tree.get(child2), Some(&3));
assert_eq!(tree.get(child3), Some(&4));
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