#token-parser #parser-generator #educational #lr-parsing

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用于教育目的的 LR(1) 解析器生成器和可视化工具

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0.1.0 2024 年 8 月 7 日


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用于教育目的的 LR(1) 解析器生成器和可视化工具。

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什么是 LR(1) 解析器?

LR(1) 解析器 是一种 自底向上解析器,用于解析 上下文无关语言 的子集。

1 表示解析器在做出解析决策时将使用单个前瞻标记。

LR(1) 解析器功能强大,因为它们可以解析广泛的上下文无关语言,包括大多数编程语言!


为了学习和帮助他人学习!该项目允许你可视化 LR(1) 解析器,从构建到解析,这使理解它们的工作方式变得更容易。

我如何在 gif 中使用 CLI?

如果你想用 dotlr 来可视化解析器构建和不同语法的逐步解析,你可以使用 crate 的主可执行文件。


你可以从 crates.io 安装 dotlr CLI。

cargo install dotlr


将以下内容粘贴到名为 grammar.lr 的文件中

P -> E

E -> E '+' T
E -> T

T -> %id '(' E ')'
T -> %id

%id -> /[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]+/

使用语法文件和输入运行 dotlr CLI

dotlr grammar.lr "foo(bar + baz)"


|            Grammar             |
| P -> E                         |
| E -> E '+' T                   |
| E -> T                         |
| T -> %id '(' E ')'             |
| T -> %id                       |
|                                |
| %id -> /^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]+/ |
| Symbol | First Set |   Follow Set    |
| T      | { %id }   | { $, '+', ')' } |
| E      | { %id }   | { $, '+', ')' } |
| P      | { %id }   | { $ }           |
| State |         Items          |  Lookaheads  |  Transitions  |
| 0     |  P -> . E              | { $ }        |   E   ->  1   |
|       |  E -> . E '+' T        | { $, '+' }   |   T   ->  2   |
|       |  E -> . T              | { $, '+' }   |  %id  ->  3   |
|       |  T -> . %id '(' E ')'  | { $, '+' }   |               |
|       |  T -> . %id            | { $, '+' }   |               |
| 1     |  P -> E .              | { $ }        |  '+'  ->  14  |
|       |  E -> E . '+' T        | { $, '+' }   |               |
| 2     |  E -> T .              | { $, '+' }   |               |
| 3     |  T -> %id . '(' E ')'  | { $, '+' }   |  '('  ->  4   |
|       |  T -> %id .            | { $, '+' }   |               |
| 4     |  T -> %id '(' . E ')'  | { $, '+' }   |   E   ->  5   |
|       |  E -> . E '+' T        | { ')', '+' } |  %id  ->  6   |
|       |  E -> . T              | { ')', '+' } |   T   ->  9   |
|       |  T -> . %id '(' E ')'  | { ')', '+' } |               |
|       |  T -> . %id            | { ')', '+' } |               |
| 5     |  T -> %id '(' E . ')'  | { $, '+' }   |  '+'  ->  11  |
|       |  E -> E . '+' T        | { ')', '+' } |  ')'  ->  13  |
| 6     |  T -> %id . '(' E ')'  | { ')', '+' } |  '('  ->  7   |
|       |  T -> %id .            | { ')', '+' } |               |
| 7     |  T -> %id '(' . E ')'  | { ')', '+' } |  %id  ->  6   |
|       |  E -> . E '+' T        | { ')', '+' } |   E   ->  8   |
|       |  E -> . T              | { ')', '+' } |   T   ->  9   |
|       |  T -> . %id '(' E ')'  | { ')', '+' } |               |
|       |  T -> . %id            | { ')', '+' } |               |
| 8     |  T -> %id '(' E . ')'  | { ')', '+' } |  ')'  ->  10  |
|       |  E -> E . '+' T        | { ')', '+' } |  '+'  ->  11  |
| 9     |  E -> T .              | { ')', '+' } |               |
| 10    |  T -> %id '(' E ')' .  | { ')', '+' } |               |
| 11    |  E -> E '+' . T        | { ')', '+' } |  %id  ->  6   |
|       |  T -> . %id '(' E ')'  | { ')', '+' } |   T   ->  12  |
|       |  T -> . %id            | { ')', '+' } |               |
| 12    |  E -> E '+' T .        | { ')', '+' } |               |
| 13    |  T -> %id '(' E ')' .  | { $, '+' }   |               |
| 14    |  E -> E '+' . T        | { $, '+' }   |  %id  ->  3   |
|       |  T -> . %id '(' E ')'  | { $, '+' }   |   T   ->  15  |
|       |  T -> . %id            | { $, '+' }   |               |
| 15    |  E -> E '+' T .        | { $, '+' }   |               |
|       |                Action                 |         Goto         |
| State | ------------------------------------- | -------------------- |
|       |    '+'    '('    ')'    %id     $     |    P     E     T     |
| 0     |     -      -      -     s3      -     |    -     1     2     |
| 1     |    s14     -      -      -     a1     |    -     -     -     |
| 2     |    r3      -      -      -     r3     |    -     -     -     |
| 3     |    r5     s4      -      -     r5     |    -     -     -     |
| 4     |     -      -      -     s6      -     |    -     5     9     |
| 5     |    s11     -     s13     -      -     |    -     -     -     |
| 6     |    r5     s7     r5      -      -     |    -     -     -     |
| 7     |     -      -      -     s6      -     |    -     8     9     |
| 8     |    s11     -     s10     -      -     |    -     -     -     |
| 9     |    r3      -     r3      -      -     |    -     -     -     |
| 10    |    r4      -     r4      -      -     |    -     -     -     |
| 11    |     -      -      -     s6      -     |    -     -     12    |
| 12    |    r2      -     r2      -      -     |    -     -     -     |
| 13    |    r4      -      -      -     r4     |    -     -     -     |
| 14    |     -      -      -     s3      -     |    -     -     15    |
| 15    |    r2      -      -      -     r2     |    -     -     -     |

> foo(bar + baz)

└─ E
   └─ T
      ├─ foo
      ├─ (
      ├─ E
      │  ├─ E
      │  │  └─ T
      │  │     └─ bar
      │  ├─ +
      │  └─ T
      │     └─ baz
      └─ )

| Step |  State Stack  |   Symbol Stack    |      Remaining Input      |        Action Taken        |
| 0    | 0             |                   | %id '(' %id '+' %id ')' $ | Shift 3                    |
| 1    | 0 3           | %id               |     '(' %id '+' %id ')' $ | Shift 4                    |
| 2    | 0 3 4         | %id '('           |         %id '+' %id ')' $ | Shift 6                    |
| 3    | 0 3 4 6       | %id '(' %id       |             '+' %id ')' $ | Reduce4 T -> %id           |
| 4    | 0 3 4 9       | %id '(' T         |             '+' %id ')' $ | Reduce2 E -> T             |
| 5    | 0 3 4 5       | %id '(' E         |             '+' %id ')' $ | Shift 11                   |
| 6    | 0 3 4 5 11    | %id '(' E '+'     |                 %id ')' $ | Shift 6                    |
| 7    | 0 3 4 5 11 6  | %id '(' E '+' %id |                     ')' $ | Reduce4 T -> %id           |
| 8    | 0 3 4 5 11 12 | %id '(' E '+' T   |                     ')' $ | Reduce1 E -> E '+' T       |
| 9    | 0 3 4 5       | %id '(' E         |                     ')' $ | Shift 13                   |
| 10   | 0 3 4 5 13    | %id '(' E ')'     |                         $ | Reduce3 T -> %id '(' E ')' |
| 11   | 0 2           | T                 |                         $ | Reduce2 E -> T             |
| 12   | 0 1           | E                 |                         $ | Accept0 P -> E             |

如果你省略了输入,你还可以进入 REPL 模式

dotlr grammar.lr


是的,你可以从 crates.io 依赖 dotlr crate。


将以下内容粘贴到你的 dependencies 部分的 Cargo.toml

dotlr = { version = "0.1", default-features = false }


以下是一个基本示例,展示了 dotlr crate 的主要操作

use dotlr::{

const GRAMMAR: &str = r#"

P -> E

E -> E '+' T
E -> T

T -> %id '(' E ')'
T -> %id

%id -> /[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]+/


const INPUT: &str = r#"

foo(bar + baz)


fn main() {
  let grammar = match Grammar::parse(GRAMMAR.trim()) {
    Ok(grammar) => grammar,
    Err(error) => {
      eprintln!("grammar error: {}", error);
  let parser = match Parser::new(grammar) {
    Ok(parser) => parser,
    Err(error) => {
      eprintln!("parser error: {}", error);
      if let ParserError::Conflict { parser, .. } = error {
  let tokens = match parser.tokenize(INPUT.trim()) {
    Ok(tokens) => tokens,
    Err(error) => {
      eprintln!("tokenization error: {}", error);
  let (parse_trace, parse_tree) = match parser.trace(tokens) {
    Ok(result) => result,
    Err(error) => {
      eprintln!("tokenization error: {}", error);




E -> E '+' F
E -> F

F -> F '*' T
F -> T

T -> %b

%b -> /[0-1]/


1 + 0 * 1


  • $代表输入标记的结束
  • dotlr中,不支持可以扩展为空字符串的符号,这简化了下面的解释(即没有像S ->这样的规则)

1) 解析语法



  • 符号(HashSet)

    • 语法中的符号集合
      (例如,{ E, F, T }
  • 起始符号(Symbol)

    • 要解析的符号
  • 常量标记(HashSet)

    • 语法中的常量标记集合
      (例如,{ '+', '*' }
  • 正则表达式(HashMap

    • 正则表达式标记到相应编译后正则表达式的映射
      (例如,{ b -> /[0-1]/ }
  • 规则(Vec)

    • 语法中的规则列表
      (例如,[ E -> E '+' F, E -> F, ... ]


2) 计算FIRST集合


  • 对于每个token ∈ FIRST(Symbol),以下条件至少有一个必须成立
    • 符号->标记...∈ 语法.规则
    • Symbol -> 另一个符号 ... ∈ 语法.rules 并且
      标记 ∈FIRST(另一个符号)


# Start with FIRST(all_symbols) = {}
first_sets = {}

# Iterate until no more changes
while first_sets.has_changed():
    # Iterate over the rules of the grammar
    for rule in grammar:
        # If pattern of the rule starts with a token
        if rule.pattern[0].is_token:
            # S -> '+' ... <==> S can start with '+'
            # --------------------------------------
            # Add the matching token to the FIRST set of the symbol of the rule

        # If pattern of the rule starts with a symbol
        elif rule.pattern[0].is_symbol:
            # S -> E ... <==> S can start with anything E can start with
            # ----------------------------------------------------------
            # Add every token in the FIRST set of the matching symbol
            # to the FIRST set of the symbol of the rule



| Symbol | First Set |
| T      | { %b }    |
| F      | { %b }    |
| E      | { %b }    |

3) 计算FOLLOW集合


  • 对于每个token ∈ FOLLOW(Symbol),以下条件至少有一个必须成立
    • Symbol == 语法.start_symbol 并且
      标记== $

    • 任何内容-> ...符号标记...∈ 语法.规则

    • Anything -> ... 符号 另一个符号 ... ∈ 语法.rules
      标记 ∈FIRST(另一个符号)

    • 符号 -> ... 另一个符号 ∈ 语法.rules
      标记 ∈FOLLOW(另一个符号)


# Start with just FOLLOW(grammar.start_symbol) = { $ }
follow_sets = { grammar.start_symbol: { $ } }

# Iterate until no more changes
while follow_sets.has_changed():
    # Iterate over the rules of the grammar
    for rule in grammar:
        # Iterate over the 2-windows of the pattern of the rule
        for i in range(len(rule.pattern) - 1):
            # If the first atomic pattern is a symbol
            if rule.pattern[i].is_symbol:
                # And if the second atomic pattern is a token
                if rule.pattern[i + 1].is_token:
                    # S -> ... E '+' ... <==> E can follow '+'
                    # ----------------------------------------
                    # Add the matching token to the FOLLOW set of the matching symbol
                    follow_sets[rule.pattern[i]].add(rule.pattern[i + 1])

                # Or if the second atomic pattern is a symbol
                elif rule.pattern[i + 1].is_symbol:
                    # S -> ... E F ... <==> E can follow anything F can start with
                    # ------------------------------------------------------------
                    # Add every token in the FIRST set of the second symbol
                    # to the FOLLOW set of the first symbol
                    follow_sets[rule.pattern[i]].extend(first_sets[rule.pattern[i + 1]])

        # If pattern of ends with a symbol
        if rule.pattern[-1].is_symbol:
            # S -> ... E <==> S can follow anything E can follow
            # --------------------------------------------------
            # Add every token in the FOLLOW set of the matching symbol
            # to the FOLLOW set of the symbol of the rule



| Symbol |   Follow Set    |
| T      | { $, '+', '*' } |
| F      | { $, '+', '*' } |
| E      | { $, '+' }      |

4) 构建LR(1)自动机





  • id (usize)

    • 状态的标识符
  • items (Vec)

    • 状态LR(1)项的列表
      (例如,E -> E . '+' F | { $, '+' })
  • transitions (HashMap<AtomicPattern, usize>)

    • 将导致转到新状态的原子模式的映射
      (例如,{ '+' -> 7 }{ %b -> 4, T -> 6 })


  • rule (Rule)

    • 项的底层规则
      (例如,E -> E '+' FE -> E . '+' F | { $, '+' })
  • dot (usize)

    • 规则中点的位置
      (例如,1E -> E . '+' F | { $, '+' })
  • lookahead (HashSet)

    • 在应用规则后可能跟随的标记的集合。请注意,其中之一必须是跟随标记,规则才能应用。
      例如,在 { $, '+' }E -> E . '+' F | }

关于实现,这里提供了构建 LR(1) 自动机的类似 Python 的伪代码算法

# Setup the kernel of the first state
first_state = next_empty_state()
for rule in grammar.rules:
    if rule.symbol == grammar.start_symbol:
        first_state.add_item(Item(rule, dot=0, lookahead={$}))

# Initialize construction state
states_to_process = [first_state]
processed_states = []

# Iterate until there aren't any more states to process.
while len(states_to_process) > 0:
    # Get the state to process
    state_to_process = states_to_process.pop()

    # Computing closure of the state to process
    # Loop until no more items are added
    while True:
        new_items = []
        # Iterate current items to obtain new items
        for item in state_to_process.items:
            # If dot is not at the end of the pattern
            if item.dot != len(item.rule.pattern):
                # And if there is a symbol after dot
                if item.rule.pattern[item.dot].is_symbol:
                    # Compute the lookahead for the new item
                    if item.dot == len(item.rule.pattern) - 1:
                        # S -> ... . E <==> Tokens in the current lookahead can follow E
                        # --------------------------------------------------------------
                        lookahead = item.lookahead
                    elif item.rule.pattern[item.dot + 1].is_token:
                        # S -> ... . E '+' <==> '+' can follow E
                        # --------------------------------------
                        lookahead = {item.rule.pattern[item.dot + 1]}
                    elif item.rule.pattern[item.dot + 1].is_symbol:
                        # S -> ... . E F <==> Tokens in FIRST(F) can follow E
                        # ---------------------------------------------------
                        lookahead = first_sets[item.rule.pattern[item.dot + 1]]

                    # Iterate over the rules of the grammar
                    for rule in grammar.rules:
                        # If the rule is for the symbol after dot
                        if rule.symbol == item.rule.pattern[item.dot]:
                            # Create a new item from the rule, with dot at the beginning
                            new_item = Item(rule, dot=0, lookahead=lookahead)
                            # If the item is not already in items of the state
                            if new_item not in state_to_process.items:
                                # Add it the set of new items

        # Process new items
        for new_item in new_items:
            # If a similar item with the same rule and the same dot but a different lookahead exists
            if state_to_process.has_same_base_item(new_item):
                # Merge lookaheads

            # Otherwise
                # Add the new item directly

        # If state hasn't changed, break the loop
        if not state_to_process.items.has_changed():

    # Merge the states to process with an already existing state with the same closure.
    replaced = False
    for existing_state_with_same_items in processed_states:
        if existing_state_with_same_items.items == state_to_process.items:
            replaced = True
            for state in processed_states:
                # Replace transitions from existing states to point to the correct state.
                state.transitions.replace_value(state_to_process, existing_state_with_same_items)
    if replaced:
        # If it's merged with an existing state, there is nothing else to do

    # Compute transitions of from the state to process.
    for item in state_to_process.items:
        # If dot is not at the end
        if item.dot != len(item.rule.pattern):
            # S -> ... . E ... <==> Seeing E would cause a transition to another state
            # S -> ... . '+' ... <==> Seeing '+' would cause a transition to another state
            # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
            atomic_pattern_after_dot = item.rule.pattern[item.dot]

            # If state to transition is not created yet, create an empty state for it.
            if atomic_pattern_after_dot is not in transitions:
                # Create an empty state to transition to
                state_to_process.transitions[atomic_pattern_after_dot] = next_empty_state()

            # Setup the kernel of the state to transition
            state_to_transition = state_to_process.transitions[atomic_pattern_after_dot]

    # Add state to process to processed states, as we're done with it

这部分内容在 src/automaton.rs 中实现。

示例语法的 LR(1) 自动机

| State |      Items       |   Lookaheads    | Transitions  |
| 0     |  E -> . E '+' F  | { $, '+' }      |  E   ->  1   |
|       |  E -> . F        | { $, '+' }      |  F   ->  2   |
|       |  F -> . F '*' T  | { $, '+', '*' } |  T   ->  3   |
|       |  F -> . T        | { $, '+', '*' } |  %b  ->  4   |
|       |  T -> . %b       | { $, '+', '*' } |              |
| 1     |  E -> E . '+' F  | { $, '+' }      |  '+'  ->  7  |
| 2     |  E -> F .        | { $, '+' }      |  '*'  ->  5  |
|       |  F -> F . '*' T  | { $, '+', '*' } |              |
| 3     |  F -> T .        | { $, '+', '*' } |              |
| 4     |  T -> %b .       | { $, '+', '*' } |              |
| 5     |  F -> F '*' . T  | { $, '+', '*' } |  %b  ->  4   |
|       |  T -> . %b       | { $, '+', '*' } |  T   ->  6   |
| 6     |  F -> F '*' T .  | { $, '+', '*' } |              |
| 7     |  E -> E '+' . F  | { $, '+' }      |  T   ->  3   |
|       |  F -> . F '*' T  | { $, '+', '*' } |  %b  ->  4   |
|       |  F -> . T        | { $, '+', '*' } |  F   ->  8   |
|       |  T -> . %b       | { $, '+', '*' } |              |
| 8     |  E -> E '+' F .  | { $, '+' }      |  '*'  ->  5  |
|       |  F -> F . '*' T  | { $, '+', '*' } |              |


最后,我们可以根据以下约束计算解析器的 ACTION 和 GOTO 表

  • 对于每个 action ∈ ACTION(state, token),以下条件至少要满足其中一个

    • Anything -> ... . token ... | lookahead ∈ state.items

    • Anything -> ... . | lookahead ∈ state.items
      token ∈ lookahead
      token == $
      item.rule.symbol == grammar.start_symbol

    • Anything -> ... . | lookahead ∈ state.items
      token ∈ lookahead
      (token != $ item.rule.symbol != grammar.start_symbol)

  • 对于每个 goto ∈ GOTO(state, Symbol),以下条件至少要满足其中一个

    • Anything -> ... . Symbol ... | lookahead ∈ state.items

关于实现,下面是构建 ACTION 和 GOTO 表的类似 Python 的伪代码算法

# Initialize empty action tables
action_table = {}
goto_table = {}

# For each state in the automaton
for state in automaton.states:
    # Iterate over the items of the state
    for item in state.items:
        # If dot is at the end of the item
        if item.dot == len(item.rule.pattern):
            # S -> ... . <==> We can either reduce the rule or accept if S is a start symbol
            # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            # We can only perform actions for the tokens in the follow set of the symbol of the rule
            for following_token in follow_sets[item.rule.symbol]:
                # And only if the token is also in the lookahead of the item
                if following_token in item.lookahead:
                    # Finally, if the token is $ and matching rule is a start symbol
                    if following_token == $ and item.rule.symbol == grammar.start_symbol:
                        # We should accept
                        action_table[state, following_token].push(Accept(item.rule))
                    # Otherwise
                        # We should reduce the matching rule
                        action_table[state, following_token].push(Reduce(item.rule))
            # We get the last atomic pattern
            atomic_pattern_after_dot = item.rule.pattern[item.dot]

            # And the transition on the atomic pattern from the automaton
            transition = state.transitions[atomic_pattern_after_dot]

            if atomic_pattern_after_dot.is_token:
                # S -> ... . '+' ... <==> We should shift and transition to another state
                #                         if the dot precedes a token
                # -------------------------------------------------------------------
                action_table[state, atomic_pattern_after_dot].push(Shift(transition))

            elif atomic_pattern_after_dot.is_symbol:
                # S -> ... . E ... <==> We should update GOTO table if the dot precedes a symbol
                #                       This can only happen after a reduction, and the parser
                #                       would look to GOTO table to determine the next state
                # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                goto_table[state, atomic_pattern_after_dot] = transition


示例语法的 ACTION 和 GOTO 表

|       |            Action             |       Goto        |
| State | ----------------------------- | ----------------- |
|       |    '+'    '*'    %b     $     |    E    F    T    |
| 0     |     -      -     s4     -     |    1    2    3    |
| 1     |    s7      -     -      -     |    -    -    -    |
| 2     |    r2     s5     -     a2     |    -    -    -    |
| 3     |    r4     r4     -     r4     |    -    -    -    |
| 4     |    r5     r5     -     r5     |    -    -    -    |
| 5     |     -      -     s4     -     |    -    -    6    |
| 6     |    r3     r3     -     r3     |    -    -    -    |
| 7     |     -      -     s4     -     |    -    8    3    |
| 8     |    r1     s5     -     a1     |    -    -    -    |

6) 分词输入

dotlr 中的词法分析算法是最简单的词法分析算法。

以下是一个类似 Python 的伪代码来描述这个想法

# Initialize the result
tokens = []

# Loop until all of the input is consumed
remaining_input = input.trim();
while len(remaining_input) > 0:
    # Try to match regular expression tokens
    for (regex_token, regex) in grammar.regular_expressions:
        if match := regex.start_matches(remaining_input):
            # We have a match so add it to result
            # And shrink remaining input
            remaining_input = remaining_input[match.end:].trim()

    # No regular expression tokens matched
        # So try to match constant tokens
        for constant_token in grammar.constant_tokens:
          if remaining_input.startswith(constant_token):
              # We have a match so add it to result
              # And shrink remaining input
              remaining_input = remaining_input[len(constant_token):]

        # No tokens matched
              raise TokenizationError

# Lastly, add the end of input token so the parser eventually accepts.


%b '+' %b '*' %b $

7) 解析分词

最后,这是一个类似 Python 的伪代码来描述解析算法

# Initialize the parsing state
state_stack = [ 0 ]
tree_stack = []

# Get the first token
current_token = remaining_tokens.pop()

# Loop until algorithm either accepts or rejects
while True:
    # Get the current state
    current_state = state_stack[-1]

    # Get the action to take from ACTION table
    action_to_take = action_table[current_state, current_token]

    # If the action is to shift
    if action_to_take == Shift(next_state):
        # Create a terminal tree for the current token and push it to the tree stack
        # Pop the next token
        current_token = remaining_tokens.pop()
        # Transition to the next state according to ACTION table

    # If the action is to reduce
    elif action_to_take == Reduce(rule_index):
        # Get the length of the pattern of the rule, say N
        rule = grammar.rules[rule_index]
        pattern_length = len(rule.pattern)

        # Create a non-terminal tree with last N items in the tree stack
        tree = NonTerminalNode(rule.symbol, tree_stack[-pattern_length:])

        # Shrink state and tree stacks
        tree_stack = tree_stack[:-pattern_length]
        state_stack = state_stack[:-pattern_length]

        # Push the new tree to the tree stack
        # Transition to the next state according to GOTO table
        state_stack.push(goto_table[state_stack[-1], rule.symbol])

    # If the action is to accept
    elif action_to_take == Accept(rule_index):
        # Create a final non-terminal tree with everything in the tree stack and return it
        return NonTerminalNode(grammar.start_symbol, tree_stack)

    # No action can be taken, so input is not well-formed
        # So raise an error
        raise ParsingError


| Step | State Stack |  Symbol Stack  |  Remaining Input   |     Action Taken     |
| 0    | 0           |                | %b '+' %b '*' %b $ | Shift 4              |
| 1    | 0 4         | %b             |    '+' %b '*' %b $ | Reduce4 T -> %b      |
| 2    | 0 3         | T              |    '+' %b '*' %b $ | Reduce3 F -> T       |
| 3    | 0 2         | F              |    '+' %b '*' %b $ | Reduce1 E -> F       |
| 4    | 0 1         | E              |    '+' %b '*' %b $ | Shift 7              |
| 5    | 0 1 7       | E '+'          |        %b '*' %b $ | Shift 4              |
| 6    | 0 1 7 4     | E '+' %b       |           '*' %b $ | Reduce4 T -> %b      |
| 7    | 0 1 7 3     | E '+' T        |           '*' %b $ | Reduce3 F -> T       |
| 8    | 0 1 7 8     | E '+' F        |           '*' %b $ | Shift 5              |
| 9    | 0 1 7 8 5   | E '+' F '*'    |               %b $ | Shift 4              |
| 10   | 0 1 7 8 5 4 | E '+' F '*' %b |                  $ | Reduce4 T -> %b      |
| 11   | 0 1 7 8 5 6 | E '+' F '*' T  |                  $ | Reduce2 F -> F '*' T |
| 12   | 0 1 7 8     | E '+' F        |                  $ | Accept0 E -> E '+' F |


├─ E
│  └─ F
│     └─ T
│        └─ 1
├─ +
└─ F
   ├─ F
   │  └─ T
   │     └─ 0
   ├─ *
   └─ T
      └─ 1


是的,尽管 dotlr 不是一个性能导向的项目,但我认为有一个基准测试套件来查看更改对其性能的影响是很有趣的,所以我创建了一些 JSON 语法并进行了解析基准测试。


cargo bench

这个命令在我的计算机上打印了以下内容,它有一个 Intel i7-12700K CPU


Parsing JSON/Simple     time:   [262.04 ms 263.31 ms 264.60 ms]
                        thrpt:  [94.218 MiB/s 94.680 MiB/s 95.138 MiB/s]


Parsing JSON/Optimized  time:   [181.44 ms 181.63 ms 181.82 ms]
                        thrpt:  [137.11 MiB/s 137.26 MiB/s 137.40 MiB/s]














~189K SLoC