2 个不稳定版本

1.1.1 2022 年 9 月 12 日
1.0.1 2022 年 9 月 7 日
0.3.0 2023 年 1 月 14 日
0.2.4 2022 年 9 月 24 日

#1025Rust 模式

MIT 许可证

1.5K SLoC

Dioxus Shareables

dioxus-shareablesdioxus 组件之间共享结构添加了钩子。0.2.x 版本提供了三个接口

  1. shareable!() 宏创建一个单个共享值。

    use dioxus::prelude::*;
    use dioxus_shareables::shareable;
    shareable!(Var: usize = 900);
    pub fn Reader(cx: Scope) -> Element {
        let r = *Var.use_rw(&cx).read(); // this component will update when Var changes.
        // ...
    pub fn Writer(cx: Scope) -> Element {
        let w1 = Var.use_w(&cx); // this component writes to Var, but does not get updated when Var
                                 // changes
        // ...
  2. List 提供共享值数组。使用 List<T> 而不是 Vec<T> 允许仅使用一个或两个列表项的组件在它们使用的特定列表项更改时才进行更新。

    use dioxus::prelude::*;
    use dioxus_shareables::{shareable, List, ListEntry};
    shareable!(Numbers: List<usize> = [3, 5, 7].into_iter().collect());
    fn IterateOverNumbers(cx: Scope) -> Element {
        let nums = Numbers.use_rw(&cx); // This component is updated when new items are added to or
                                        // removed from the list, but not when the individual list
                                        // items change.
        let w = nums.clone();
        cx.render(rsx! {
            ul {
                nums.read().iter().map(|n| rsx! { ReadANumber { num: n } })
    fn ReadANumber(cx: Scope, num: ListEntry<usize>) -> Element {
        let num = num.use_rw(&cx); // This component is updated when this specific entry in the
                                   // list is modified, but not when the others are.

    List 内部是一个 Vec,因此它实现的方法名称和行为来自 Vec

  3. shareable_struct!{} 宏提供具有封装不同行为的接口的共享 struct。想法是每个结构字段将存储在单独的全局中,并且仅在请求时加载。动作块描述了使用结构的方式,即它们需要哪种类型的访问(WRW)到结构的字段。然后可以使用“动作”初始化结构,该动作描述了我们需要哪种类型的访问权限的字段。

    use dioxus::prelude::*;
    dioxus_shareables::shareable_struct! {
        pub struct Fuzzy {
            wuzzy: u8 = 17,
            was_a: u16 = 59,
            was_he: &'static str = "bear?",
        action WAS impl pub WasTrait = W[was_a, was_he]; // declares a WAS action constant, as well an
                                                         // equivalent trait.
        action INIT = W[wuzzy, was_a] RW[was_he]; // declares the INIT constant, but no
                                                  // equivalent trait.
    impl<A: FuzzyActions> Fuzzy<A> {
        pub fn method(&self) where A: WasTrait {
           let me = self.with_actions(WAS); // Pending updates to the rust trait system, we
                                            // have to typecast here to get a Fuzzy<WAS>.
           *me.was_he().write() = "bare!"; // We have access to was_he
           // self.wuzzy(); // but this would fail because we don't have access to wuzzy.
           // ...
    // ...
    fn component(cx: Scope) -> Element {
         let fuzzy = Fuzzy::use_(&cx, INIT); // This creates the hooks for the struct and initializes it
                                             // from the necessary globals.
         // ...
         fuzzy.method(); // This is ok, since the INIT action includes everything the WAS action does.
         // ...




~52K SLoC