0.1.2 |
0.1.0 |
#64 在 #ioc
147 行
用于各种 IoC 的扫描器
sudo apt install libyara-dev
cargo install dionysos
功能 | 详细信息 |
扫描器 | 文件名(通过正则表达式),相似文件名(Levenshtein),yara,哈希值 |
输出格式 | 可读文本(txt),逗号分隔值(csv,符合 RFC4180),JavaScript 对象表示法(json),可以使用 --format <txt|csv|json> 选择 |
压缩文件扫描 | 支持 zip、xz、gz 和 bz2 压缩文件的 yara-scan;请参阅 -C 开关。请注意,文件将被解压缩到解压缩缓冲区,并且每个线程都有自己的解压缩缓冲区。您应确保有足够的内存。如果您需要更大的缓冲区,可以使用 --threads 限制线程数 |
特殊功能 | 使用 --evtx 和 --reg 在 Windows evtx 文件和 Windows 注册表分片中执行 yara-scan |
Usage: dionysos [OPTIONS]
-v, --verbose...
Increase logging verbosity
-q, --quiet...
Decrease logging verbosity
-P, --path <PATH>
path which must be scanned
-f, --format <OUTPUT_FORMAT>
output format [default: txt] [possible values: csv, txt, json]
-O, --output-file <OUTPUT_FILE>
path of the file to write results to. Specify '-' write to STDOUT,
which is the default
-Y, --yara <YARA>
use yara scanner with the specified ruleset. This can be a single
file, a zip file or a directory containing lots of yara files. Yara
files must end with 'yar' or 'yara', and zip files must end with 'zip'
--yara-timeout <YARA_TIMEOUT>
timeout for the yara scanner, in seconds [default: 240]
-s, --print-strings
print matching strings (only used by yara currently)
also do YARA scan in Windows EVTX records (exported as JSON)
also do YARA scan in Windows registry hive files
-C, --scan-compressed
allow yara to scan compressed files. Currently, xz, bz2 and gz are
--decompression-buffer <DECOMPRESSION_BUFFER_SIZE>
maximum size (in MiB) of decompression buffer (per thread), which is
used to scan compressed files [default: 128]
--exclude-pattern <EXCLUDE_PATTERN>
do not scan files whose names match the specified regular expression
(case sensitive match)
-H, --file-hash <FILE_HASH>
Hash of file to match against. Use any of MD5, SHA1 or SHA256. This
parameter can be specified multiple times
-F, --filename <FILENAMES>
regular expression to match against the basename of files. This
parameter can be specified multiple times
run the Levenshtein scanner
-p, --threads <THREADS>
use the specified NUMBER of threads [default: 24]
display a progress bar (requires counting the number of files to be
scanned before a progress bar can be displayed)
-L, --log-file <LOG_FILE>
path of the file to write error logs to. Error logs will always be
appended Be aware that this are not the results (e.g. matching yara
rules) of this program
-h, --help
Print help
-V, --version
Print version
1. 实现扫描器的特殊结果类型
struct FilenameFinding {
filename: String,
pattern: regex::Regex,
每个发现类型都需要实现 Display
和 ScannerFinding
impl ScannerFinding for FilenameFinding {
fn format_readable(&self, file: &str, _show_details: bool) -> Vec<String> {
format!("the name of '{}' matches the pattern /{}/", file, self.pattern)
fn format_csv<'a, 'b>(&'b self, file: &'a str) -> HashSet<crate::scanner_result::CsvLine> {
hashset![CsvLine::new("Filename", &self.filename, file, String::new())]
fn to_json(&self, file: &str) -> serde_json::Value {
"01_scanner": "filename",
"02_suspicious_file": file,
"03_pattern": format!("{}", self.pattern)
2. 扫描器的实现
以 FilenameScanner
pub struct FilenameScanner {
patterns: Vec<regex::Regex>,
impl FilenameScanner {
pub fn new(patterns: Vec<regex::Regex>) -> Self {
Self {
impl Display for FilenameScanner {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", "FilenameScanner")
impl FileScanner for FilenameScanner
fn scan_file(&self, file: &DirEntry) -> Vec<anyhow::Result<Box<dyn ScannerFinding>>> {
let file = file.path();
let filename = file.to_str().unwrap();
let mut results = Vec::new();
for pattern in self.patterns.iter() {
if pattern.is_match(&filename) {
filename: filename.to_owned(),
pattern: pattern.clone()
) as Box<dyn ScannerFinding>
3. 将您的扫描器添加到扫描器链中
它目前硬编码在 Dionysos::run()
(在 src/dionysos.rs)中
~35K SLoC