6 个版本
0.8.3 | 2024 年 8 月 5 日 |
0.8.2 | 2024 年 7 月 14 日 |
0.7.0 | 2023 年 8 月 14 日 |
0.6.0 | 2022 年 4 月 24 日 |
279 在 嵌入式开发 中
每月 312 次下载
在 2 个 crate 中使用 (通过 cpclib-bndbuild)
30K SLoC
Benediction ASseMbler 是一个针对 Amstrad CPC 平台的现代 z80 汇编器。它主要开发和用于演示 CRTC。
尚未编写真正的文档... 但可以在 这里 找到一些小部分。可以保留的是
- 它的解析器肯定比 rasm 的慢,但速度仍然具有竞争力
- 它包含所有标准汇编指令(文件包含、条件汇编、变量、宏定义、循环、局部标签)
- 以及不常见的指令(函数定义、列表和矩阵处理、汇编器嵌入文件)
<tests/asm> 文件夹中提供了大量示例。
basm.exe --help`
Profile debug compiled: Fri, 18 Aug 2023 14:05:52 +0000
Benediction ASM -- z80 assembler that mainly targets Amstrad CPC
Usage: basm.exe [OPTIONS] [INPUT]
[INPUT] Input file to read.
--inline <INLINE> Z80 code is provided inline
-o, --output <OUTPUT> Filename of the output.
--db Write a db list on screen (usefull to get the value of an opcode)
--lst <LISTING_OUTPUT> Filename of the listing output.
--sym <SYMBOLS_OUTPUT> Filename of the output symbols file.
--sym_kind <SYMBOLS_KIND> Format of the output symbols file [default: basm] [possible values: winape, basm]
--basic Request a Basic header (the very first instruction has to be the LOCOMOTIVE directive).
--binary Request a binary header
--snapshot Generate a snapshot
-i, --case-insensitive Configure the assembler to be case insensitive.
-d, --directives-prefixed-by-dot Expect directives to by prefixed with a dot
-I, --include <INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES> Provide additional directories used to search files
-D, --define <DEFINE_SYMBOL> Provide a symbol with its value (default set to 1)
--m4 <TO_M4> Provide the IP address of the M4
-l <LOAD_SYMBOLS> Load symbols from the given file
--Werror Warning are considered to be errors
--progress Show a progress bar.
--list-embedded List the embedded files
--view-embedded <VIEW_EMBEDDED> Display one specific embedded file [possible values: inner://crtc.asm, inner://deexo.asm, inner://dzx0_fast.asm, inner://dzx0_standard.asm, inner://firmware/amsdos.asm, inner://firmware/casmng.asm, inner://firmware/gfxvdu.asm, inner://firmware/highkern.asm, inner://firmware/indirect.asm, inner://firmware/kernel.asm, inner://firmware/keymng.asm, inner://firmware/lowkern.asm, inner://firmware/machine.asm, inner://firmware/math6128.asm, inner://firmware/mathnot464.asm, inner://firmware/mathnot6xx.asm, inner://firmware/not464.asm, inner://firmware/scrpack.asm, inner://firmware/sound.asm, inner://firmware/txtvdu.asm, inner://ga.asm, inner://lz48decrunch.asm, inner://lz49decrunch.asm, inner://lz4_docent.asm, inner://opcodes_first_byte.asm, inner://pixels-routs.asm, inner://unaplib.asm, inner://unaplib_fast.asm]
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version
Still a Work In Progress assembler
~533K SLoC