#命令行工具 #文件同步 #冲突 #解决 #Dropbox #版本 #Wuala

应用 confsolve

用于解决 Dropbox/Wuala 冲突的命令行工具

9 个版本

使用旧 Rust 2015

0.3.0 2016 年 7 月 16 日
0.2.1 2015 年 10 月 22 日
0.2.0 2015 年 5 月 14 日
0.1.5 2015 年 4 月 4 日
0.1.0 2014 年 11 月 25 日


每月 24 次下载


994 代码行

Build Status


解决 Dropbox 或 Wuala 运行时引入的文件同步冲突的命令行工具。

如果您喜欢 Haskell 版本: https://github.com/dan-t/confsolve.


$ cargo install confsolve

构建的二进制文件将位于 ~/.cargo/bin/confsolve


Usage: confsolve wuala <dir>
       confsolve dropbox <dir>
       confsolve --help

  -h, --help   Show this message.


(T)ake File (NUM) => By pressing 't' and a number (e.g 't1'), the conflicting file with the
                     number NUM is used as the new version. A copy of the
                     current file and the other conflicting files is put
                     into the trash directory '~/.cache/confsolve/trash'.

(M)ove to Trash   => By pressing 'm', all conflicting files are
                     moved into the trash directory '~/.cache/confsolve/trash'.

Show (D)iff (NUM) => By pressing 'd' and a number (e.g 'd1'), the difference between the
                     current file and the conflicting file NUM is shown.
                     If there's only one conflicting file, then only pressing
                     'd' is sufficient.
                     By pressing 'd' and two numbers (e.g 'd1 2'), the difference between
                     the two conflicting files is shown.
                     The diff tool can be specified by the user by setting the environment
                     variable 'CONFSOLVE_DIFF'. The default diff tool is 'gvimdiff -f'.

(S)kip            => By pressing 's', the current conflict is skipped
                     and the next one is shown.

(Q)uit            => By pressing 'q', the application is quit.

(H)elp            => By pressing 'h', this help is printed.
