11 个版本 (3 个稳定版)
1.0.2 | 2022年11月30日 |
1.0.0-gamma | 2022年7月6日 |
1.0.0-alpha | 2022年2月1日 |
0.1.10 | 2021年9月30日 |
0.1.7 | 2021年3月25日 |
#1257 in 密码学
每月 133 次下载
用于 5 个crate (4 个直接使用)
65K SLoC
Concrete Core
此crate包含用于 concrete
库中同态运算的低级实现 (GitHub 仓库)。
⚠ 警告 ⚠
此crate假定用户熟悉 FHE 的理论。如果您希望使用更简单的 API,该 API 将为您执行检查,则应使用更高级的 concrete
以下是如何使用 concrete-core
// This examples shows how to multiply a secret value by a public one homomorphically.
// First we import the proper symbols
use concrete_core::prelude::Variance;
use concrete_core::prelude::LweDimension;
use concrete_core::prelude::*;
use std::error::Error;
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
// DISCLAIMER: the parameters used here are only for test purpose, and cannot be considered secure.
let lwe_dimension = LweDimension(750);
let noise = Variance(2_f64.powf(-104.));
// Here a hard-set encoding is applied on the input (shift by 59 bits) which corresponds here
// to a precision of 4 bits with an additional bit of padding (won't be used but required for
// PBS)
let raw_input = 3_u64 << 59;
// We will multiply by 4
let raw_input_cleatext = 4_u64;
// Unix seeder must be given a secret input.
// Here we just give it 0, which is totally unsafe.
const UNSAFE_SECRET: u128 = 0;
let mut engine = DefaultEngine::new(Box::new(UnixSeeder::new(UNSAFE_SECRET)))?;
// We create a cleartext from the raw cleartext
let cleartext: Cleartext64 = engine.create_cleartext_from(&raw_input_cleatext)?;
let key: LweSecretKey64 = engine.generate_new_lwe_secret_key(lwe_dimension)?;
// We crate the input plaintext from the raw input
let input_plaintext = engine.create_plaintext_from(&raw_input)?;
let input_ciphertext = engine.encrypt_lwe_ciphertext(&key, &input_plaintext, noise)?;
// Create a container for the output, whose content will be discarded during the operation
let mut output_ciphertext =
engine.trivially_encrypt_lwe_ciphertext(lwe_dimension.to_lwe_size(), &input_plaintext)?;
// Perform the multiplication, overwriting (discarding) the output ciphertext content
&mut output_ciphertext,
// Get the decrypted result as a plaintext and then a raw value
let decrypted_plaintext = engine.decrypt_lwe_ciphertext(&key, &output_ciphertext)?;
let raw_decrypted_plaintext = engine.retrieve_plaintext(&decrypted_plaintext)?;
// Round the output for our 4 bits of precision
let output = raw_decrypted_plaintext >> 58;
let carry = output % 2;
let output = ((output >> 1) + carry) % (1 << 5);
// Check the high bits have the result we expect
assert_eq!(output, 12);
- 用户文档
- Concrete-core V1.0.0-alpha 版本发布
- Concrete-core V1.0.0-beta 版本发布
- Concrete-core V1.0.0-gamma 版本发布
本软件根据 BSD-3-Clause-Clear 许可证分发。如有任何疑问,请联系我们 hello@zama.ai