#events #command-line #logging #timestamped

bin+lib chronicle

在命令行中编写您的 chronicle

1 个不稳定版本

0.1.0 2022年7月18日
0.0.0 2022年7月6日

#614 in #events


396 代码行


在命令行中编写您的 chronicle


# from cargo
cargo install chronicle


chron help [SUBCOMMAND]

小贴士:如果这些命令看起来太长,请考虑使用 shell 别名。

# create new chronicle named "code"
# set the file for persisting the chronicle
chron new code /Users/eagr/logs/code.md

# set vim as default editor
chron config --editor "$(which vim)"
# set VS Code as default editor
chron config --editor "$(which code)"

# events willed be inked in reverse chronological order,
# which is the default
chron config --reverse
# in chronological order
chron config --reverse f

# set timestamp formats for date and hms, which adheres to
# https://docs.rs/chrono/0.4/chrono/format/strftime/index.html
chron config --date "%b %e, %Y"
chron config --time "%I:%M %p"

# recommended workflow: draft -> reword -> ink
chron draft code "[Implemented X](...)"
chron reword code
chron ink code

# wipe off draft buffer of "code"
# erased content can be found in $HOME/.chronicle/backup~/
chron erase code



  • Unix: $HOME/.chronicle/config.toml
  • Windows: %USERPROFILE%\.chronicle\config.toml
# ===== global configuration =====

# editor for rewording
editor = "/usr/bin/vim"

# whether to list events in reverse chronological order,
# which defaults to
reverse = true

# timestamp date format, which defaults to
date = "%Y-%m-%d"

# timestamp hms format, which defaults to
time = "%H:%M"

# ===== per-chronicle configurations =====

# config options specific to chronicle "code",
# which override their global counterpart

# === required fields ===

# path of file for persisting chronicle "code"
store = "/Users/eagr/logs/code.md"

# === optional fields ===

# options below will inherit from their global counterpart
# if you leave them out
reverse = true  # or false
date = "..."
time = "..."


除非另有说明,否则本项目根据 MITApache 许可证 2.0 分发。


~194K SLoC