#monorepo #publishing #cargo-workspace #cargo #unleash #workspace

app cargo-unleash

用于管理大规模工作空间/单体仓库中 crates 发布的工具

14 个版本


#342Cargo 插件

每月41次 下载

GPL-3.0 许可

2.5K SLoC

cargo unleash em 🐉

cargo release 自动化工具,用于 大规模单体仓库。主要用于 Parity Substrate


查看 Changelog.md


使用 cargo install 进行安装

cargo install cargo-unleash --version 1.0.0-alpha.13



cargo unleash em-dragons --dry-run

CLI 中还有更多选项,只需运行 --help 即可

Release the crates of this massiv monorepo

    cargo-unleash [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help
            Prints help information

    -V, --version
            Prints version information

    -v, --verbose
            Show verbose cargo output

    -l, --log <log>
            Specify the log levels [default: warn]

    -m, --manifest-path <manifest-path>
            The path to workspace manifest

            Can either be the folder if the file is named `Cargo.toml` or the path to the specific `.toml`-manifest to
            load as the cargo workspace. [default: ./]

    add-owner      Add owners for a lot of crates
    check          Check whether crates can be packaged
    clean-deps     Check the package(s) for unused dependencies
    de-dev-deps    Deactivate the `[dev-dependencies]`
    em-dragons     Unleash 'em dragons
    help           Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    rename         Rename a package
    set            Set a field in all manifests
    to-release     Calculate the packages and the order in which to release
    version        Messing with versioning


主要命令是 cargo unleash em-dragons,以下是它的帮助信息。所有子命令都有详细的 --help 帮助信息。

$ cargo-unleash em-dragons --help
Unleash 'em dragons

Package all selected crates, check them and attempt to publish them.

    cargo-unleash em-dragons [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

            Actually build the package in check

            By default, this only runs `cargo check` against the package build. Set this flag to have it run an actual
            `build` instead.
            Generate & verify whether the Readme file has changed.

            When enabled, this will generate a Readme file from the crate's doc comments (using cargo-readme), and check
            whether the existing Readme (if any) matches.
            dry run

            Consider no package matching the criteria an error

    -h, --help
            Prints help information

            Ignore whether `publish` is set.

            If nothing else is specified, `publish = true` is assumed for every package. If publish is set to false or
            any registry, it is ignored by default. If you want to include it regardless, set this flag.
            Do not disable dev-dependencies

            By default we disable dev-dependencies before the run.
            Even if not selected by default, also include depedencies with a pre (cascading)

            dry run

    -V, --version
            Prints version information

        --owner <add-owner>
            Ensure we have the owner set as well

    -c, --changed-since <changed-since>
            Automatically detect the packages, which changed compared to the given git commit.

            Compares the current git `head` to the reference given, identifies which files changed and attempts to
            identify the packages and its dependents through that mechanism. You can use any `tag`, `branch` or
            `commit`, but you must be sure it is available (and up to date) locally.
    -i, --ignore-pre-version <ignore-pre-version>...
            Ignore version pre-releases

            Skip if the SemVer pre-release field is any of the listed. Mutually exclusive with `--package`
    -p, --packages <packages>...
            Only use the specfic set of packages

            Apply only to the packages named as defined. This is mutually exclusive with skip and ignore-version-pre.
    -s, --skip <skip>...
            Skip the package names matching ...

            Provide one or many regular expression that, if the package name matches, means we skip that package.
            Mutually exclusive with `--package`
        --token <token>
            the crates.io token to use for uploading

            If this is nor the environment variable are set, this falls back to the default value provided in the user
            directory [env: CRATES_TOKEN]


发布所有没有设置 -dev-pre 版本的 crates

cargo-unleash em-dragons --ignore-pre-version dev

检查 PR 是否可以发布(仅检查 PR 与 main 之间的更改)

cargo-unleash check --changed-since=main

发布所有没有 test 在名称中的 crates

cargo-unleash em-dragons --skip test

将预版本设置为 -dev

cargo-unleash version set-pre dev

提升预版本,例如从 alpha.1 提升到 alpha.2 或从 beta.3 提升到 beta.4

cargo-unleash version bump-pre


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许可协议 & 致谢

本软件遵循 GNU 通用公共许可证 (GPL) 3.0 发布。

与其他软件一样,本软件也是在巨人的肩膀上构建的。特别是,它内部使用 cargo,并大量借鉴了 cargo publish-allcargo hack 建立的知识。


~1M SLoC