1 个不稳定版本
0.1.0 | 2019年11月1日 |
#72 in #genetic
276 行
包含 (WOFF字体,190KB) doc/FiraSans-Medium.woff,(WOFF字体,185KB) doc/FiraSans-Regular.woff,(WOFF字体,94KB) doc/SourceSerifPro-Bold.ttf.woff,(WOFF字体,89KB) doc/SourceSerifPro-Regular.ttf.woff,(WOFF字体,56KB) doc/SourceCodePro-Regular.woff,(WOFF字体,56KB) doc/SourceCodePro-Semibold.woff 和更多.
bbte_optim_tzim1773_genetic = "0.1.0"
(我们尝试最大化函数:5 - x^2)
use rand::prelude::*;
use bbte_optim_tzim1773_genetic::Genetic;
fn main() {
let agent = || {
let mut rng = thread_rng();
rng.gen_range(-5.0, 5.0)
let fit = |a: &f64| 5.0 - a * a;
let muta = |a: &f64| {
let mut rng = thread_rng();
*a + rng.gen_range(-0.01, 0.01)
let off = |a: &f64, b: &f64| (*a + *b) / 2.0;
let test: Genetic<f64> = Genetic {
population: 100,
max_generation: 20,
pc: 0.5,
pm: 0.4,
get_random_agent: &agent,
f_fitness: &fit,
f_mutate: &muta,
f_offspring: &off,
let simul = test.run();
let best = test.get_best(&simul);
println!("{}", simul[best]); // should be a number close to 0
pub struct Genetic<'a, T> {
/// Population size: with increased size comes increased accuracy but decreased speed
pub population: usize,
/// Max generation: with increased generation comes increased accuracy but decreased speed
/// Depends on the complexity of the task. Bigger tasks require more generations.
pub max_generation: usize,
/// Probability of crossover ((never) 0.0 <= pc <= 1.0 (always))
pub pc: f64,
/// Probability of mutation ((never) 0.0 <= pm <= 1.0 (always))
pub pm: f64,
/// Function that returns one agent which is used in the 0th generation
/// You can start from a given point, or use a random generator like the rand crate
pub get_random_agent: &'a dyn Fn()->T,
/// Function that evaluates an agent and returns it's fitness (this algorithm maximises this function)
pub f_fitness: &'a dyn Fn(&T) -> f64,
/// Function that mutates an agent and returns the mutated version of it
pub f_mutate: &'a dyn Fn(&T) -> T,
/// Function that crossovers two agents and creates an offspring
pub f_offspring: &'a dyn Fn(&T, &T) -> T,