13 个版本
0.1.13 | 2024年3月17日 |
0.1.10 | 2022年5月1日 |
0.1.7 | 2022年2月6日 |
0.1.5 | 2021年12月3日 |
0.1.4 | 2021年7月3日 |
#189 在 命令行工具 中排名
每月 66 次下载
2.5K SLoC
为服务器设计的一款易于使用的备份工具 - 使用 Rust 编写。
bacup 服务作为守护进程运行并执行远程上的 服务 备份。
bacup 的目标是使配置简单明了:一个文件,其中以非常简单的方式定义一切。
3 步配置。
- 配置 远程。远程是一个云服务提供商、SSH 主机或 Git 服务器。
- 配置 服务。服务是一个知名软件(例如 PostgreSQL)及其自己的备份工具,或者是一个文件系统上的位置。
- 将服务(要备份什么)映射到远程(在哪里备份)。配置 备份。
"daily $hh:$mm
例如daily 15:30
weekly $day $hh:$mm
例如weekly mon 12:23
或weekly monday 12:23
。monthly $day $hh:$mm
例如monthly 1 00:30
- cron。如果您确实需要使用它,请使用 crontab guru 来创建 cron 字符串。
注意:时间始终在 UTC 时区。
# remotes definitions
region = ""# "eu-west-3"
access_key = ""
secret_key = ""
# Not available yet!
# [gcloud.bucket1]
# service_account_path = ""
host = "" # example.com
port = "" # 22
username = "" # myname
private_key = "" # ~/.ssh/id_rsa
# Like copy-paste in local. The underlying infrastructure manages
# the remote (if any) part. Below 2 examples
path = "" # local path where samba is mounted
path = "" # local path where the second disk of the machine is mounted
host = "" #github.com
port = "" #22
username = "" #git
private_key = "" # ~/.ssh/id_rsa
repository = "" # "galeone/bacup"
branch = "" # master
# what to backup. Service definition
username = ""
db_name = ""
host = ""
port = ""
pattern = ""
container_name = "docker_postgres_1"
command = "pg_dumpall -c -U postgres" # dump to stdout always
# mapping services to remote
# Compress the DB dump and upload it to aws
# everyday at 01:00 UTC
what = "postgres.service1"
where = "aws.bucket_name"
when = "daily 01:00"
remote_path = "/service1/database/"
compress = true
keep_last = 7
# Dump the DB and upload it to aws (no compression)
# every first day of the month
what = "postgres.service1"
where = "aws.bucket_name"
when = "monthly 1 00:00"
remote_path = "/service1/database/"
compress = false
# Archive the files of service 1 and upload them to
# the ssh.remote_host1 in the remote ~/backups/service1 folder.
# Every friday at 5:00
what = "folders.service1"
where = "ssh.remote_host1"
when = "weekly friday 05:00"
remote_path = "~/backups/service1"
compress = true
# Incrementally sync folders.service1 with the remote host
# using rsync (authenticated trough ssh)
# At 00:05 in August
what = "folders.service1"
where = "ssh.remote_host1"
when = "5 0 * 8 *"
remote_path = "~/backups/service1_incremental/"
compress = false # no compression = incremental sync
# Compress the DB dump and copy it to the localhost "remote"
# where, for example, samba is mounted
# everyday at 01:00 UTC
what = "postgres.service1"
where = "localhost.samba"
when = "daily 01:00"
remote_path = "/path/inside/the/samba/location"
compress = false
what = "folders.service1"
where = "git.github"
when = "daily 15:30"
remote_path = "/" # the root of the repo
compress = false
当 compression = true
时,文件/文件夹将使用 Gzip 进行压缩,并将文件存档(在所需的远程位置),格式为
YYYY-MM-DD-hh:mm-filename.gz # or .tar.gz if filename is an archive
安装 & 服务设置
cargo install bacup
然后,将 config.toml
文件放入 $HOME/.bacup/config.toml
有一个现成的 systemd
sudo cp misc/systemd/[email protected] /usr/lib/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl start bacup@$USER.service
sudo systemctl enable bacup@$USER.service
- 访问密钥 & 密钥:[理解并获得您的AWS凭证:程序访问](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-sec-cred-types.html#access-keys-and-secret-access-keys)
- 区域:区域是您的存储桶所在的区域。
- 端点:(可选)客户端要使用的端点,即另一个兼容s3的服务。
- force_path_style:(可选)强制此客户端为存储桶使用路径风格寻址,对于某些兼容s3的网关是必要的。
您需要在远程上有一个有效的ssh账户 - 只支持通过SSH密钥(无密码)进行认证。
对于增量备份,使用 rsync
- 您需要在本地和远程上安装此工具。
虽然不是真正的远程,但您可以使用 bacup
从一个路径备份到另一个(带/不带压缩)。如果本地主机远程挂载在网络文件系统上,那就更好了 :)
~725K SLoC