#azure-sdk #azure #sdk #azure-rest #iot #cloud #api-bindings


Rust 封装 Microsoft Azure REST API - Azure Cosmos DB

3 个版本 (重大更改)

0.3.0 2022 年 8 月 26 日
0.2.0 2021 年 12 月 29 日
0.1.0 2021 年 9 月 21 日

#31 in #azure-rest

每月 28 次下载
cosmos-utils 中使用

MIT 许可证

11K SLoC

Azure SDK for Rust - Azure Cosmos DB crate

Cosmos DB crate。

azure-cosmos 提供了与 Cosmos DB 交互所需的功能。作为 Cosmos DB Rest API 的抽象,通过该 Rest API 可以实现的功能,也应该可以通过这个 crate 实现。


// Using the prelude module of the Cosmos crate makes easier to use the Rust Azure SDK for Cosmos DB.
use azure_data_cosmos::prelude::*;
use azure_core::Context;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

// This is the stuct we want to use in our sample.
// Make sure to have a collection with partition key "a_number" for this example to
// work (you can create with this SDK too, check the examples folder for that task).
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
struct MySampleStruct {
    id: String,
    a_string: String,
    a_number: u64,
    a_timestamp: i64,

impl<'a> azure_data_cosmos::CosmosEntity<'a> for MySampleStruct {
    type Entity = u64;

    fn partition_key(&'a self) -> Self::Entity {

// This code will perform these tasks:
// 1. Create 10 documents in the collection.
async fn main() -> azure_core::Result<()> {
    // Let's get Cosmos account and access key from env variables.
    let primary_key =
        std::env::var("COSMOS_PRIMARY_KEY").expect("Set env variable COSMOS_PRIMARY_KEY first!");
    let account = std::env::var("COSMOS_ACCOUNT").expect("Set env variable COSMOS_ACCOUNT first!");

    let database_name = std::env::args()
        .expect("please specify the database name as first command line parameter");
    let collection_name = std::env::args()
        .expect("please specify the collection name as first command line parameter");

    // First, we create an authorization token. There are two types of tokens, master and resource
    // constrained. This SDK supports both.
    // Please check the Azure documentation for details or the examples folder
    // on how to create and use token-based permissions.
    let authorization_token = AuthorizationToken::primary_from_base64(&primary_key)?;

    // Next we will create a Cosmos client.
    let client = CosmosClient::new(account.clone(), authorization_token);

    // We know the database so we can obtain a database client.
    let database = client.database_client(database_name);
    // We know the collection so we can obtain a collection client.
    let collection = database.collection_client(collection_name);

    // Insert 10 documents
    println!("Inserting 10 documents...");
    for i in 0..10 {
        // define the document.
        let document_to_insert = MySampleStruct {
            id: format!("unique_id{}", i),
            a_string: "Something here".to_owned(),
            a_number: i * 100, // this is the partition key
            a_timestamp: OffsetDateTime::now_utc().unix_timestamp(),

        // insert it
    // wow that was easy and fast, wasn't it? :)



~347K SLoC