#arguments-parser #arguments #parser #applications #arg #dot #how


命令行参数解析库,类似于许多 C 应用程序的风格

3 个版本

0.1.2 2021 年 7 月 9 日
0.1.1 2021 年 7 月 8 日
0.1.0 2021 年 7 月 7 日


ISC 许可证



参数解析器,某种程度上遵循了许多 C 应用程序的风格


use std::process;

use arg_dot_h::*;

fn help(argv0: &str) {
    println!("{} [-b] [-s string]", argv0);

fn main() {
    let mut argv0 = String::new();
    let mut testbool = false;
    let mut teststring = String::new();

    // Parses std::env::args(). If an argument starts with '-', it will remove the '-' and iterate
    // over the chars. After everything is parsed, anything that didn't start with '-' or wasn't taken with eargf is returned in a Vec<String>
    let args = argbegin! {
        // First argument is the variable the name of the program will be set to (since it can be renamed)
        &mut argv0,
        // All other arguments are like a match statement for each char in a valid argument.
        // Run when the char is 'b'
        'b' => testbool = true,
        // eargf! returns the next argument. If a function (help(&argv0)) is passed, it will run
        // that if there isn't a next argument. Otherwise it will return an empty string.
        's' => teststring = eargf!(help(&argv0)),
        // If the char doesn't match anything else, run the help function.
        _ => help(&argv0)

    /* If "-bs mystring more args" was passed, it would output:
    true mystring
    println!("{} {}", testbool, teststring);
    args.iter().for_each(|arg| println!("{}", arg));
