1 个不稳定版本
0.1.0 | 2023年8月21日 |
43 在 #plugin-api
87 每月下载量
创建 Anyrun 插件的主要简单易用的包。
插件 API 设计得非常简单易用。以下是创建插件所需的所有内容
#[package] omitted
crate-type = ["cdylib"] # Required to build a dynamic library that can be loaded by anyrun
anyrun-plugin = { git = "https://github.com/Kirottu/anyrun" }
abi_stable = "0.11.1"
# Any other dependencies you may have
use abi_stable::std_types::{RString, RVec, ROption};
use anyrun_plugin::*;
fn init(config_dir: RString) {
// Your initialization code. This is run in another thread.
// The return type is the data you want to share between functions
fn info() -> PluginInfo {
PluginInfo {
name: "Demo".into(),
icon: "help-about".into(), // Icon from the icon theme
fn get_matches(input: RString) -> RVec<Match> {
// The logic to get matches from the input text in the `input` argument.
// The `data` is a mutable reference to the shared data type later specified.
vec![Match {
title: "Test match".into(),
icon: ROption::RSome("help-about".into()),
use_pango: false,
description: ROption::RSome("Test match for the plugin API demo".into()),
id: ROption::RNone, // The ID can be used for identifying the match later, is not required
fn handler(selection: Match) -> HandleResult {
// Handle the selected match and return how anyrun should proceed
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