4 个发布版本
使用旧的 Rust 2015
0.1.3 | 2018年2月17日 |
0.1.2 | 2018年2月17日 |
0.1.1 | 2018年2月17日 |
0.1.0 | 2018年2月17日 |
#2298 在 算法 中
74 每月下载量
217 行
所有最长公共子串和 Rust 的模糊字符串搜索
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实现了 所有子串公共子序列算法
给定两个字符串 s1 和 s2,可以在 O(|s1|*|s2|) 的时间和 O(|s1|+|s2|) 的空间内构造一个结构,可以查询以找到 s1 和 s2 所有可能的子串之间的所有最长公共子序列的长度,每次查询需要常数时间。
所有 LCS
extern crate alcs;
use alcs::Alcs;
fn main() {
let a = "word";
let b = "hello world";
let va = a.chars().collect::<Vec<char>>();
let vb = b.chars().collect::<Vec<char>>();
let alcs = Alcs::new(&va, &vb);
for i in 0..b.len() {
for (i, j, cij) in alcs.suffix(i) {
println!(r#"LCS between "{}" and "{}" has length {}"#,a,&b[i..j],cij);
LCS between "word" and "h" has length 0
LCS between "word" and "he" has length 0
LCS between "word" and "hel" has length 0
LCS between "word" and " world" has length 4
LCS between "word" and "w" has length 1
LCS between "word" and "wo" has length 2
LCS between "word" and "wor" has length 3
LCS between "word" and "d" has length 1
此外,还定义了一个 trait,允许进行字符串模糊搜索
extern crate alcs;
use alcs::FuzzyStrstr;
fn main() {
let tsh = 0.7;
let tests = [
("he.llo.wor.ld.!", "world"),
("he.llo.word", "world"),
("hello world", "word"),
("hello world", "banana"),
for &(h, n) in &tests {
match h.fuzzy_find_str(n, tsh) {
None => {
println!(r#""{}" does not contain "{}""#, h, n);
Some((score, sub)) => {
println!(r#""{}" contains "{}" ("{}") with score {}"#, h, n, sub, score);
"he.llo.wor.ld.!" contains "world" ("wor.ld") with score 0.8333333
"he.llo.word" contains "world" ("word") with score 0.8
"hello world" contains "word" ("world") with score 0.8
"hello world" does not contain "banana"