18 个版本

0.9.1 2024年1月24日
0.9.0 2023年11月11日
0.8.2 2021年8月20日
0.8.1 2020年6月15日
0.5.0 2019年3月30日

网页编程 中排名第 178

Download history 45/week @ 2024-03-24 131/week @ 2024-03-31 127/week @ 2024-04-07 645/week @ 2024-04-14 324/week @ 2024-04-21 197/week @ 2024-04-28 126/week @ 2024-05-05 214/week @ 2024-05-12 152/week @ 2024-05-19 345/week @ 2024-05-26 216/week @ 2024-06-02 129/week @ 2024-06-09 212/week @ 2024-06-16 218/week @ 2024-06-23 194/week @ 2024-06-30 116/week @ 2024-07-07

每月下载量 758
7 个包中使用

MIT 许可证



acme-lib 是一个用于访问 ACME(自动证书管理环境)服务(如 Let's Encrypt)的库。

使用 ACME v2 版本来发行/更新证书。


use acme_lib::{Error, Directory, DirectoryUrl};
use acme_lib::persist::FilePersist;
use acme_lib::create_p384_key;

fn request_cert() -> Result<(), Error> {

// Use DirectoryUrl::LetsEncrypStaging for dev/testing.
let url = DirectoryUrl::LetsEncrypt;

// Save/load keys and certificates to current dir.
let persist = FilePersist::new(".");

// Create a directory entrypoint.
let dir = Directory::from_url(persist, url)?;

// Reads the private account key from persistence, or
// creates a new one before accessing the API to establish
// that it's there.
let acc = dir.account("[email protected]")?;

// Order a new TLS certificate for a domain.
let mut ord_new = acc.new_order("mydomain.io", &[])?;

// If the ownership of the domain(s) have already been
// authorized in a previous order, you might be able to
// skip validation. The ACME API provider decides.
let ord_csr = loop {
    // are we done?
    if let Some(ord_csr) = ord_new.confirm_validations() {
        break ord_csr;

    // Get the possible authorizations (for a single domain
    // this will only be one element).
    let auths = ord_new.authorizations()?;

    // For HTTP, the challenge is a text file that needs to
    // be placed in your web server's root:
    // /var/www/.well-known/acme-challenge/<token>
    // The important thing is that it's accessible over the
    // web for the domain(s) you are trying to get a
    // certificate for:
    // http://mydomain.io/.well-known/acme-challenge/<token>
    let chall = auths[0].http_challenge();

    // The token is the filename.
    let token = chall.http_token();
    let path = format!(".well-known/acme-challenge/{}", token);

    // The proof is the contents of the file
    let proof = chall.http_proof();

    // Here you must do "something" to place
    // the file/contents in the correct place.
    // update_my_web_server(&path, &proof);

    // After the file is accessible from the web, the calls
    // this to tell the ACME API to start checking the
    // existence of the proof.
    // The order at ACME will change status to either
    // confirm ownership of the domain, or fail due to the
    // not finding the proof. To see the change, we poll
    // the API with 5000 milliseconds wait between.

    // Update the state against the ACME API.

// Ownership is proven. Create a private key for
// the certificate. These are provided for convenience, you
// can provide your own keypair instead if you want.
let pkey_pri = create_p384_key();

// Submit the CSR. This causes the ACME provider to enter a
// state of "processing" that must be polled until the
// certificate is either issued or rejected. Again we poll
// for the status change.
let ord_cert =
    ord_csr.finalize_pkey(pkey_pri, 5000)?;

// Now download the certificate. Also stores the cert in
// the persistence.
let cert = ord_cert.download_and_save_cert()?;



大多数网站 TLS 证书都试图证明对其签发的域的所有权/控制权。对于 ACME,这意味着证明您控制着响应该域 HTTP 请求的 Web 服务器,或者响应该域名称查询的 DNS 服务器。

要使用此库,在流程中存在需要修改 Web 服务器或 DNS 服务器才能获取证书的点。

请参阅 http_challengedns_challenge


创建新的订单时,可以提供多个 alt-names,这些 alt-names 也将成为证书的一部分。ACME API 要求您证明对每个此类域的所有权。请参阅 authorizations


ACME API 提供商 Let's Encrypt 使用 速率限制 来确保 API 不会被滥用。降低此库中某些轮询调用的 delay_millis 可能很有吸引力,但请权衡这种做法可能会切断访问的风险。


特别是请注意在开发中使用 Let`s Encrypt 测试环境,那里的速率限制更加宽松。

请参阅 DirectoryUrl::LetsEncryptStaging


该库尽量减少依赖项的数量。(目前)这意味着使用同步 I/O 和阻塞调用。这并不排除将来基于 futures 的版本。




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